Wednesday 12/5/2018: Late Sneak Peek at a Wonderland Week; New Moon in Sagittarius; Mercury Direct, Mars, Neptune & More
It’s 3 PM ET on Wednesday as I type — despite my best intentions to post on Monday. At 4:53 PM ET the Moon goes void with a sigh…and I can’t wait for 9:49 PM ET to arrive, as the Moon will enter Sagittarius, lifting spirits to infinity and beyond. Right now — and since Monday at 2:55 PM ET — Moon is wallowing in the depth-seeking, controlling territory of Scorpio. No more airy-fairy theories that defined the weekend’s Libra Moon; the burning question to be answered is “where’s the beef?” Then it gets more interesting than it already is. But I’m getting ahead of myself, as I might be inclined to do, with 57 planets in Aries.
We are in the balsamic phase of the lunar cycle — a.k.a. the end. During these dead Moons we may feel a sense of listlessness or restlessness, sensing something new is around the corner, but we don’t know what. And during this dead Moon there is even more potential for not knowing what, thanks to the key planetary patterns of the week. The star players are: Sun, Mars and Neptune.
- Sun is energy, life force, will power, leaders.
- Mars refers to war, anger, desire, sports, men, steel, cars.
- Mars is in Pisces, a water sign which vaporizes heat.
- Neptune, as you all know, refers to drugs, oil, oceans, sea creatures, toxins, healing, pacifism, vision, intangibles, intuition, deception, fog, music, wipeout, spirits of all kinds.
- Neptune is in Pisces, the sign it rules, keeping those Neptune themes pure.
Here’s the dance:
- SUNDAY (12/2): Venus left Libra for Scorpio, throwing sweetness out the window in social expression. Venus in Scorpio can cut like a knife. Look, Angela Merkel is cursing. So is Michelle Obama. At 7:35 PM ET, the high-flying Sagittarius Sun was squared by action hero/aggressor Mars. That was the tone of last weekend’s Golly G-20 summit in Argentina, FYI.
- WEDNESDAY (12/5): color it rose, as the Sun squares wiggy Neptune. Time to bury the hatchet and hail the vision of a former fearless leader (just in time for today’s memorial service for President George H.W. Bush). Here are headlines from another Sun-Neptune square in 2017, where you can also review Emmanuel Macron’s horoscope. He has transiting Jupiter on his Midheaven right now; quite the elevated status. Here’s another 2017 Sun-Neptune square, where you can review Matt Lauer’s horoscope, which was reflecting the scandalous potential of Sun and Neptune with Mars (libido).
- THURSDAY (12/6): the day starts on an exuberant note, as the Sag Moon meets up with cosmic sugar daddy Jupiter. That’s great, but do note that Mercury, planet of thought and communication, is at a stand-still. It turns direct at 4:22 PM ET at 27 degrees of Scorpio. If you have a planet around 27 degrees of Aquarius, Leo, Taurus and Scorpio, issues involving that planet may feel as if there’s someone outside your house leaning heavily on a car horn. Does it have your attention? Consult your local astrologer for details. As the evening progresses, the potential for pixie dust increases, as Moon squares Mars and Neptune between 11 PM ET and 12 AM ET.
- FRIDAY (12/7): New Moon in Sagittarius officially begins at 2:20 AM ET. Light a candle and make a list of intentions for the next cycle. You are more personally affected if you have a planet around 15 degrees of Sagittarius, Gemini. Virgo and Pisces. Dominating the New Moon chart is a meet-up between Mars and Neptune, exact at 9:12 AM ET. What does that suggest? Idealization, scandal or spiritual rationalization about aggression, action and/or libido, for one. Bill Clinton and recently defeated Kentucky county clerk Kim Davis have a Mars-Neptune conjunction in their horoscopes. Headlines are likely to be even more surreal than they already are.
- The Sabian Symbol for the New Moon is “seagulls watching a ship,” which Sabian Symbol sage Blain Bovee says is “an image of a vigilant attendance to a potential source of food and nourishment.” He advises us to have a mind for “a sense of the right time to have one’s words heard and believed…squeaky wheels getting the grease…an uproar when a scrap of information is dropped…watching for the moment when one is least likely to be duped.” Hmm. Consider the anticipation building in the never-ending Mueller investigation as we breathlessly await further indictments.
- Bovee also writes, “One may be gullible when it comes to matters of social justice, accepting a few scraps of oratorial platitude from authorities who bestow such pronouncements.” Yeah, I can see many ways for that to play out in the headlines over the next few weeks. Here’s something else to watch: Sabian Symbols often work in pairs. The mate to “seagulls watching a ship” is “a woman suffragette orating.”
- After the Mars-Neptune meet-up on Friday, there are no major aspects among the planets, except to the Moon…until December 16th. Which to me suggests that next week will include headlines that feel as if an ice shelf has plunged into the ocean — like a long exhale after so much tension. We’ve seen this happen before.
Just in time for the holidaze! The 2019 Really Useful Mercury Retrograde Bookmarks! Everybody loves these super-handy bookmarks, which clearly tell you when Mercury will be retrograde in 2019 (three times next year!) A list of helpful coping strategies is also provided. Makes a great stocking-stuffer for friends and family — 3 for $11.88! Toss that silver into my Cosmic Tip Jar— a.k.a. the big gold DONATE button in the left column on this page. Then, send me your name and snail mail address. Ooh — and here’s another fab gift idea: clarity, direction and confidence. Otherwise known as gift certificates for reports and consultations. Guaranteed to empower!
And now, the news.
Mars, Sun and Neptune suggest scandals involving men behaving badly. I really hoped this one would have legs, but a settlement was reached before the jury trial began — on December 4th. A dead Moon facilitates back-room deals, doncha’ know. Kudos to the Miami Herald’s Julie Brown for this expose “How a (P45) Cabinet Member gave a serial sex offender the deal of a lifetime” — must-read!
- USA Gymnastics files for bankruptcy after hefty lawsuits over (convicted sex offender) Larry Nassar
- Saudi-funded lobbyist paid for 500 rooms at (P45)’s hotel after 2016 election
- Saudi Crown Prince “ordered, monitored” murder of Khashoggi, (Senator Bob) Corker says
- Les Moonves destroyed evidence in sexual misconduct investigation
- Anti-fascists were stabbed at a neo-Nazi rally. Then police tried to charge them. In California. I’m so confused…
- Facebook used people’s data to favor certain partners; punish rivals — this story isn’t going away anytime soon
- Why the case for election fraud in North Carolina is strong
- Police arrest 90 in raids on Italian Mafia
- Israeli Police Urge Bribery Charges Against Netanyahu. Again.
- Russia Seizes Ukrainian Naval Ships in Major Escalation of Tension
Fun Mercury retrograde story involving a man with Neptune (things are not as they seem) sitting right on his Ascendant: Rudy Giuliani Twitter typo sparks anti-P45 protest . Focus, Rudy. Focus.
Not fun, but necessary: Fishermen sue Big Oil for its role in climate change , as Global Carbon Emissions Hit All-Time High in 2018.
Countries have horoscopes. Exhibit A: France, which has experienced three weeks of violent protest over a fuel tax that is supposed to combat climate change (the tax has apparently been withdrawn). We can appreciate why the French are on emotional overkill. In France’s horoscope, transiting Pluto is squaring its me-me-me Aries Ascendant and opposing its emotional-security seeking Cancer Moon. Next month it will need to face a sobering reality check when transiting Saturn squares its Libra Sun and Mercury. Right now, Saturn is atop France’s Capricorn Midheaven, suggesting it may be seen as being at the top of its game. It does seem that France’s authoritative stature has increased on the world stage. At the G-20 summit in Argentina, it was Emmanuel Macron who was overheard allegedly “warning” the Saudi Crown Prince M.B.S.
UPDATE: on P45, who seems to get crankier and crabbier with every passing day, and not just because that P45 baby blimp followed him to Buenos Aires. Or that Vladimir Putin and MBS high-fived like total besties at the cool kids table, leaving the Donald scowling all alone. Same scenario today at National Cathedral. George W. Bush did not offer P45 a piece of candy. Well, he does have Mercury (how he needs to think) in Cancer (the Crab). And karma cop Saturn is just days away from the third opposition to that Mercury. How many days? Five. Depression much? Keep an eye on Dec 9-10, followed by 11 days of angry outbursts and action.
UPDATE: on P45 Jr., whose Capricorn Sun will be hit by transiting Saturn on December 19th. Upside potential: focused ambition; taking on authority. Downside potential; serious matter involving an authority figure, often a parent. Eric has the same pattern in February; Ivanka has a different pattern involving Saturn, also in February. We do not have birth times, so we do not have the complete picture. Still, these next few months should be interesting. In other news, Maryland and D.C. Seek P45’s Trust; Business Tax Returns
UPDATE: Jeff Flake, last discussed here at the end of September. He caved on Justice Kavanaugh, but this month he’s seems to be following up on the potential of being a disruptive communicator, with transiting Uranus activating his Mercury. He is blocking a whole slew of judicial nominees, insisting that the Senate vote on a bill to protect Robert Mueller. Transiting Saturn conjoins Flake’s Capricorn Sun later this month. Sobering.
Let’s end on a high note. Sun, Mars and Neptune together have strong potential for healing and charity: How 2 New Yorkers Erased $1.5 Million of Medical Debt for Hundreds of Strangers. Just call them angels here on Earth. I bet you’re an angel, too.
Thank you for reading this forecast.
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