Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday 11/23/2016: Let’s Talk Turkey; Bookmarks Are Back!
Alll-righty then!
Writing this during a Moon void in Virgo, seeking to fulfill its mission to be exacting, perfecting and right. Its been drifting since 12:41PM ET and it won’t be fully in gear (in Libra) until 2:42PM ET on WEDNESDAY. During voids we are advised to stick to routine matters and roll with whatever twists and flakes that crop up in efforts to move forward in a straight line. Chill!
Once the Moon enters Libra on Wednesday, the focus shifts to partnership and relationship concerns: fairness, diplomacy, people-pleasing, social graces. This is the need that carries through Thanksgiving — more on than in a minute.
Get your Black FRIDAY deals done before 8:52AM ET — Moon goes void at that time until 3:01AM ET on SATURDAY. Not a time for impulsive shopping, as such purchases often fail to prove as useful as you hoped. Don’t believe me? Test the theory yourself.
SUNDAY and MONDAY are dead Moon days. We’ll be in the last phase of the lunar cycle, presumably wrapping up projects launched on last month’s New Moon on the 30th. Without the light of the Moon to reflect the energy of the Sun, we may feel restless or listless during this time. We sense something new is about to begin, but we don’t know what. Moon will be void on Sunday between 4:48PM ET until 3:46PM ET on MONDAY. So if you’re taking an extra day for the Thanksgiving holiday, you’re not likely to miss much. The New Moon in Sagittarius begins on TUESDAY at 7:18AM ET.
Planetary patterns of note this week include the following:
- On Monday at 4:23PM ET, Sun left Scorpio for Sagittarius. Whereas Scorpio seeks to control and master; Sagittarius pushes boundaries. Even if it trips over its feet. Whereas Scorpio expresses suspicion — and keeps its hand close to its chest. Sagittarius expresses optimism — and its opinions. Even if its foot lands in its mouth. If you are a Sagittarius born in the back half of the sign, you may be feeling squeezed, depressed, anxious and/or pressured to advance. If you are a Sagittarius born ten days into the sign, you may be feeling lost or dreamy. Would you like to talk about it? Here’s the 411 on personal consultations.
- Mercury has been hot during the first half of the week. It’s also in Sagittarius, suggesting that collective mindset and communication are also pushing boundaries and tripping over the furniture. Mercury in Sagittarius is not known for its attention to detail, though today it was in a cooperative connection with Jupiter (expansion and publishing are two Jupiter keywords). On WEDNESDAY it meets up with authoritative Saturn, suggesting some heavy limiting opinion landing on a front page near you — possibly from the same source that pushed boundaries the day before. Be kind to your inner bipolar child. By Friday, Mercury will be in harmony with tech-savvy Uranus, which bodes well for tech topics and unconventional thinking hitting the news.
- The big aspect this week is the first of three potent squares between “resistance is futile” Pluto in Capricorn and expansive Jupiter in Libra, suggesting a burst of action/expansion/destruction involving matters of power and resources, including news from underground. This is exact on THURSDAY at 5:42PM ET, just as many Americans will be sitting down to a Thanksgiving feast with relatives who Voted For the Other Candidate. Yikes! In Libra, Jupiter may expand a need for rational debate, fairness and balance — while avoiding unpleasant emotional conflict at all costs. Good luck with that, given Jupiter’s challenge from Pluto — and see #4 below. The second square between Jupiter and Pluto happens on March 30th. The third Jupiter-Pluto square happens in early August.
- Venus — which refers to social expression, money, arts and women — is heavily engaged with Jupiter and Pluto — and we are feeling this expansive charge now. On the one hand, Venus with Jupiter suggests generosity to the point of indulgence — wretched excess. The two make an exact connection on Friday at 8:45AM ET. Venus in a challenging focus with Pluto suggests a ruthless perspective that may be cathartic and empowering. It is exact on Friday at 6:48AM ET. One possible scenario: stuffing your feelings with a third helping of pumpkin pie, so as to avoid an unpleasant — albeit cathartic — debate with Uncle Joe or Cousin Sue. Also reflecting Venus (money), expanded and empowered by Jupiter and Pluto: the stock market set another record this week — the Dow is up over 19,000; other markets also hits record highs. Coincidence or conspiracy?
I have a ton of other news to report — so much that I am going to break this forecast into two parts, and finish the news segment — hopefully tomorrow.
Meanwhile, I am pleased to report that the 2017 Really Useful Mercury Retrograde Survival Guide bookmarks are in! Get one and you’ll always know when Mercury is retrograde, along with Important Mercury Retrograde Safety Tips. I will happily send you one for $3.88 or three for $5.99, along with a personalized note of thanks for your support of this forecast. Just click on that link to the Cosmic Tip Jar to make payment. Then reply to this forecast with your postal address and I will send them to you with good cheer and gratitude!
Avid Reader Bonnie says:
That bookmark was awesome. I kept it in my datebook and referred to it many, many times during the retrogrades :)
Avid Reader Patricia raves:
Your book markers have been a major success, everyone I gave them to loves them. So the big question is are you going to be doing it again? because if you are I want 10.
Thank you.
You’re welcome! And yes I am ! These make great stocking stuffers — and they’re super-timely, as the next Mercury Rx begins on December 19th!
Thank you for reading this forecast.