Tuesday 4/30/2019: Late Sneak Peek at the Week; Mercury in Focus

…and we’re back in NYC. Happy Tuesday!

The start of the work week is driven by the Moon in Pisces, seeking to work with impressions, ideals and empathy. Note your dreams this AM, as the Moon meets up with inspirational Neptune at 6:33 AM ET. Feelings may be in flux, as the Moon then makes contact with four more planets — Mars (action/assertion), Saturn (structure/control), Pluto (power/resources) and Jupiter (expansion/exuberance). Moon goes void at 5:57 PM ET; stick to routine concerns and roll with the twists and flakes which may disrupt your efforts to move forward in a straight line.

Mercury is the star player this week. The planet symbolizing how we need to think/communicate is zooming through Aries, suggesting a speedy flow of information that may be ahead of its time. It goes like this:

  • WEDNESDAY — At 2:38 AM ET, Mercury makes a cooperative alignment with Mars, good for walking and talking. At 4:50 AM ET, Mercury squares Saturn, suggesting heavy mindsets and communication. These patterns are in effect a few days before they are exact. Meanwhile, Moon enters Aries at 6:24 AM ET, rarin’ to get things started. Aries, go forth and conquer.
  • THURSDAY — more Moon in me-me-me Aries, boldly meeting up with an equally bold Venus at 10:39 AM ET. Watch the headlines for pioneering warrior women. Also keep an eye out for investigative dirt and mental power plays, as Mercury squares Pluto at 5:49 PM ET.  At 10:16 PM ET Moon squares Saturn, adding gravitas to the evening. A trine between Mercury and Jupiter at 11:59 PM ET lightens the mood. If that all seems a bit bi-polar, I understand. And we haven’t even gotten to the overnight catharsis, suggested by…
  • FRIDAY — Moon makes its weekly clash with Pluto at 3:17 AM ET, followed by an easy aspect between the Moon and Jupiter at 4:06 AM ET. The final word happens at 4:47 AM ET, when the daring Aries Moon meets up with Mercury — and then goes void for the next twelve hours. By then we will be in the last days of the lunar cycle, perhaps feeling listless or restless. sensing that something new is around the corner. If you are working on Friday, you may need a push to get started. It may feel as if time is moving more slowly. Moon enters Taurus at 4:18 PM ET — West Coasters are more likely to notice the energetic shift, as the Taurus Moon seeks to build and maintain material comfort and security. Said security may be somewhat jolted around 10:15 PM ET by the Moon’s weekly charge from rebel Uranus.
  • SATURDAY — the only exact aspect is the New Moon in Taurus, which happens at 6:46 PM ET. I’ll write more about that for the weekend.
  • SUNDAY —  Moon goes void at 11:10 AM ET and enters Gemini at 11:40 PM ET. In between we’ll have a rush of energy reflected by an opposition between Mars (in fast-talking, multi-tasking Gemini) and Jupiter (in opinionated, boundary-pushing Sagittarius). A constructive physical outlet is advised.  If you were born around the 14th of June, September, December or March, you are more personally affected by this provocative and expansive pattern. That includes P45, or as George Conway has dubbed him, “Deranged Donald.” I’m expecting big news involving courts, sports, horses, foreign affairs and publishing — to name a few.

And now, the news.

The weekend’s sensational square between macho Mars and not-so-fast Neptune suggested a scandal, and NYT’s Sunday magazine delivered. Add a big dose of patriarchal focus reflected by Saturn turning retrograde in corporate Capricorn, and you might find:

Other wiggy Mars-Neptune headlines:

Also happening in Japan — patriarchal, pixie-dusted and perhaps somewhat surreal:  Crown Prince Naruhito will become Emperor. According to WaPo:

Historians say that the first leader of Japan’s imperial family took power more than 1,400 years ago, when Empress Suiko ascended to the Chrysanthemum Throne in 592 AD. Suiko would hold her position for 35 years, during which time she spread Buddhism and instituted Japan’s first constitution…

…It was a desire to be more Westernized that prompted Japan to formally block female heirs in the late 19th century.

The NYT reports:

The ascension ceremony in a state room at the imperial palace will make history in another way: For the first time in the modern era, a woman will be present. Satsuki Katayama, the sole woman in the cabinet of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, will be on hand to witness this first step in Naruhito’s enthronement.

[Read “Survival of the Throne,” a five-episode series on Japan’s royal family.]

But the new empress, Masako, Naruhito’s wife of 26 years, will not be allowed to attend — another illustration of the diminished status of women in the imperial family, and of the challenges women face more broadly in Japanese society.

It makes sense for the Crown Prince to become Emperor at this time, as he’s having his second Saturn return. He’s due for a new lease on life. His father has just completed his Uranus return — a time of liberation. This concludes the history portion of today’s forecast.

In other news…

…let’s look at the horoscope of Ron Reagan, Jr. Sun in Taurus, driven by a Gemini Moon: he needs to be the smartest kid in the room. In 1976, planetary patterns in his horoscope suggested a need for an identity-transforming break/separation, likely involving creative self-expression, ultimately leading to empowerment (transiting Pluto and Saturn on the angles of his chart). That’s when he dropped out of Yale to pursue his dream of becoming a ballet dancer. His horoscope experienced similar patterns in 2014 (add Uranus), when his wife passed away after a long illness. In 2019, Reagan’s horoscope suggests a need for innovative/righteous thinking, possibly involving publishing. On Sunday, WaPo published Spring Cleaning 2019: Eight Things to Toss. Ron Reagan nominated astrology, calling it “pseudoscientific piffle.” OK, whatever. Did I mention that when Ron Reagan was 12, he declared himself an atheist? (Pluto and Uranus on the angles).  I would not be surprised to hear more from Ron Reagan on matters of vision, belief and faith (and lack thereof) as the year progresses — with more to come in 2020.

What’s going on in your horoscope? When are you scheduled to make an empowering break? Here’s the 411 on personal consultations.

Thank you for reading this forecast — and sharing it with your friends.