Monday 8/28/2023: Sneak Peek at an Unpredictable Week; Uranus & Jupiter Retrograde; Venus Direct
Alllllrighty then!
Writing in haste — which may not be the wisest approach, with Mercury currently retrograde. But it’s a bright sunny day where I’m currently on a working vacation, and my host has suddenly announced that it’s a beach day, which aptly reflects the surprise potential of currently planetary patterns.
This is another interesting week of no exact aspects among the planets, except to the Moon. In my experience, a relatively long stretch of time (at least seven days) of apparent quiet often coincides with events that are like an ice shelf collapsing into the ocean. Now you see it. Now you don’t. The landscape is suddenly, irrevocably changed. A recent example — off the top of my head — is the passing of Queen Elizabeth II.
As we begin the week, we are processing the opportunities of the weekend’s annual Sun-Saturn opposition. Sun refers to ego and leaders; Saturn refers to discipline and structure. Saturn gets a bad rap, and frankly, it’s not fair. Where would we be without the reality-generating, structured, material forms of Saturn? Out in a field, with no roof over our heads! We need to make friends with Saturn — not fear its controls and limitations — so that we can create solid, supportive structures for ourselves in the 3D material world we live in. Clear?
Highlights this week:
- Uranus stationary retrograde on Monday
- Full Moon in Pisces on Wednesday
- Venus turns direct on Sunday
- Mercury trines Jupiter for a second pass NEXT Monday (humming in the background all weekend)
- Jupiter goes retrograde NEXT Monday (demanding focus all this week)
It goes like this:
- MONDAY: An intense wake-up call, perhaps, as the proactive Capricorn Moon met up with Pluto at 7:48 AM ET, seeking a catharsis or a power play. If you’re at home today, consider attacking those cluttered closets and shelves. Mercury retrograde’s REorganizing potential has your back! After a brief void, the Moon’s focus is renewed in Aquarius at 10:31 AM ET. Moon in Aquarius seeks unique social significance within a collective, in the way each of the 50 states in America proclaims their unique identity as the group known as the United States (which has an Aquarius Moon). Your efforts are facilitated by a harmony with Mars, now prominently placed in conflict-avoidant Libra. The Moon-Mars trine happens at 11:39 AM ET, and that’s it for the Moon for the rest of the day. Meanwhile…
- MONDAY: …Uranus, planet of rebels, eccentrics, and shocks to the system is slowing to a virtual standstill as it prepares to turn retrograde. A planet about to change direction is like the sound of a blaring car horn, pulling focus in all that it rules. When a planet is retrograde, the energy it represents is best expressed by turning inward, instead of outward. When direct, Uranus tends to rebel against the status quo set by others. When retrograde, Uranus needs to set itself free from limits that are self-imposed. So if you have a planet between 19 and 23 degrees of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, or Aquarius, you can expect an intense second hit of issues you’ve recently experienced involving a need for innovation, being yourself without compromise, and sudden upsets of the status quo. You’ll get the third hit in early 2024, after Uranus turns direct. Keywords for Uranus include lightning, aviation, seismic activity, revolutions, astrology, uranium, gender-benders, genetic mutations, eccentrics, technology, accidents, wake-up calls — and FREEDOM. When Uranus turns retrograde tonight at 10:38 PM ET, it gives us until January 28, 2024 to review our thinking about what it means to live in a “free” society.
- TUESDAY: Illumination and release in matters of opposing values, perhaps, as the Moon opposes Venus at 6:56 AM ET. Expansion, optimism and possible excess marks the morning, as Moon square Jupiter at 11:11 AM ET. A surprise is in store around 11:04 PM ET, as Moon squares Uranus and goes void for the next 11 hours. Roll with the twists and flakes, and don’t make a mountain out of a molehill of crisis. Remember that MERCURY IS RETROGRADE, so don’t believe everything you hear! Avoid impulse purchases and CHILL.
- WEDNESDAY: Take your time getting started in the morning. Moon enters Pisces at 9:56 AM ET. Moon is waxing to its fullness, exact at 9:35 PM ET; ergo, emotions are on the rise. What kind of emotions? With Pisces, it is everything everywhere all at once — intuitively understanding that we are all connected. A Full Moon suggests illumination and release, and what is released likely has gravitas, given that the Moon meets up with Saturn at 3:32 PM ET. Watch the headlines, and note that the Pisces Moon travels without interference for the next 12 hours; thus it may be wet and wild. And no, it is of no importance to this astrologer that this is the last “super blue moon” we’ll have for the next 14 years, but it’s given the Washington Post and other media types something to write about. Credit astrologer Richard Nolle for coining the term “super moon,” especially since the mainstream media has embraced it. Look up at the Full Moon, and you’ll see Saturn next to it. That’s important.
- THURSDAY: Stabilizing, supportive communication and cooperation grace the morning, as Moon sextiles Jupiter at 10:24 PM ET. A different of opinion — or a miscommunication — may arise around 3:28 PM ET, as Moon opposes Mercury. Unconventional alliances and technology saves the day around 10:19 PM ET, as Moon sextiles Uranus.
- FRIDAY: OMG, it’s the first day of September! Note your dreams upon waking; Moon meets up with Neptune at 4:13 AM ET, possibly opening channels. Depth is added to the dream around 6:35 AM ET, as Moon sextiles Pluto. Chill during the three-hour Moon void. At 9:24 AM ET, Moon charges into Aries, looking to get something started, and possibly falling down stairs because it’s faster than walking. Keep your cool and your wits about you — especially on the road, noting the explosive potential of Moon’s opposition to Mars at 2:49 PM ET.
- SATURDAY: Now it is Venus slowing to a virtual standstill as it prepares to turn direct. Matters of money, social expression, aesthetics, and women may be in focus in the news. Moon trines Venus at 5:19 AM ET, getting the day off to a conciliatory start. Who knows where the action will go as the fiery Aries Moon races through the rest of the day, without interference. That’s the thing about planets in Fire signs. Improvisation is their preferred action strategy. They are predictably unpredictable. And hot.
- SUNDAY: Wherever the Aries Moon took us yesterday, this morning may bring a power play or catharsis, as Moon squares Pluto at 7:56 AM ET. Chill during the three-hour Moon void. Once the Moon enters Taurus at 10:59 AM ET, temperatures may cool for the sake of building and maintaining material comfort and security. Adding to the stabilizing vibe is a sextile between Moon and Saturn at 4:35 PM ET. At 9:20 PM ET, Venus absolutely, positively, turns direct — and you are more personally affected by this focus on worth if you have planets or angles at 12 degrees of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, or Aquarius.
- MONDAY: It’s a holiday in the United States — Labor Day. I expect big news over the weekend in matters of publishing, broadcasting, sports, courts, horses — all things related to Jupiter. Why? Mercury trines Jupiter at 6:28 AM ET. Plus, Jupiter turns retrograde at 10:10 AM ET — more on that in the next forecast.
Lots of news to cover — stay tuned to this channel for continuing updates…after the break…
…and if you’d like to know how all these patterns are likely to be reflected in your life, now is the time to book a personal consultation. Astrologers are like dentists, doncha’ know. It’s good to check in with yours every six months to a year. Here’s the 411 on how to do just that.
Thank you for reading, supporting, and sharing this forecast.