Thursday 5/30/2024: Catching Up On the News; the Verdict Is In
Alllrighty then!
Welcome to all new subscribers who discovered this forecast on Substack. Thanks to everyone who shared it and/or clicked on the “like” button at the bottom of the page. You made my day!!
I’m back in New York and there’s a buzz building (I started writing this on Thursday afternoon), courtesy of Mercury’s meet-up with chaos agent Uranus at 1:54 AM ET on…
- FRIDAY: …providing information that challenges the status quo. This challenge may be more macho/provocative than a typical Mercury-Uranus conjunction because both planets are conjunct Capulus, a fixed star associated with aggressive energy — usually masculine and sexual.
Given how this Mercury-Uranus conjunction activates the horoscope of defendant Donald John Trump, it was astro-logical for the jury to reach a verdict today, rather than tomorrow. Verdict: guilty on all 34 counts. Astrology students will appreciate that in the chart for the approximate time of the reading of the verdict, the Midheaven was conjunct the now-convicted felon’s natal Pluto, which sits in his natal 12th house — of imprisonment and self-undoing. The next aspect involving the Moon in this chart is a conjunction with Saturn. That’s heavy.
Astrology is amazing. Years ago we could look ahead to this span of days (May 30 – June 3) and appreciate how disruptive it was likely to be for the convicted felon’s professional status and reputation. We didn’t know what events (e.g., criminal trials) he would have on his calendar, as they had not yet been scheduled. But here we are, watching these patterns translate into very real events in his life:
- transiting Mercury conjunct MC on May 31
- transiting Mars square Saturn — frustration; running into a brick wall — also on May 31
- transiting Mercury square ASC on June 3
- transiting Uranus conjunct MC on June 3 — first of three passes between now and next year
- transiting Mars square Venus, ruler of his MC — on June 3
A pause, whilst I marvel that 12 ordinary Americans had the courage to do what the US Senate did not.
This guilty verdict — on charges of falsifying business records in order to influence (a.k.a. cheat in) a federal election — isn’t the only disruptive piece of information and communication affecting the newly-convicted felon’s status. As noted in an earlier post, with Jupiter (expansion & reward) now in Gemini (talk talk talk), we anticipate a possible break-up of the holding pattern preferred by Jupiter in Taurus (stubborn as a rock). Jupiter will trine Pluto over the weekend, and Pluto refers to power, resources, corruption exposed, and confronting the shadow within.
- The convicted felon’s sentencing date is July 11 at 10 AM in Manhattan. In that chart, the planet representing the felon is sitting squarely in the 10th house, the domain of the judge. In the felon’s horoscope, transiting Mars will be almost exactly on his Midheaven. This is an apt pattern for a provocative day.
- For the record, during the first day of jury deliberations (yesterday), the Aquarius Moon went void on a disruptive square to Uranus at 10:19 AM ET. The void lasted ten hours. During voids, Avid Readers know that there is a higher probability of twists and flakes, as well as crises which turn out to be much ado about nothing. At 10:52 AM ET, Fox “News” reporter John Roberts posted false information about Judge Merchan’s instructions to the jury and became a textbook illustration of Things That Can Happen During a Moon Void.
- “The Donald Trump I Saw on The Apprentice: For 20 years, I couldn’t say what I watched the former president do on the set of the show that changed everything. Now I can.” This is a great piece by Bill Pruitt — one of the show’s producers — and a must-read for understanding how the deceptive magic of video editing made a conman look like a sharp, skilled businessman — and fooled millions of people. Pruitt couldn’t talk before now because he signed an NDA, which has now expired. Trump’s penchant for racist epithets made news several years ago, but only as rumored behavior. Pruitt can freely provide a first-hand account.
- Yesterday on “The View,” First Lady Jill Biden noted that her husband was “calm” and “steady,” compared to the convicted felon, who was summed up in one word: “chaos.” For the record, “calm and steady” is an apt reflection of President Biden’s Taurus Moon.
Speaking of disruptive information (Mercury conjunct Uranus) that involves the Powers That Be (Jupiter trines Pluto this weekend):
- OpenAI Inks Licensing Deals to Bring Vox Media, The Atlantic Content to ChatGPT
- “Off Leash: inside the secret, global, far-right group chat,” posted today by The New Republic. Historian Heather Cox Richardson calls it a must-read — all the way to the end. Here’s the sub-head of the article:
“Military contractor Erik Prince started a private WhatsApp group for his close associates that includes a menagerie of right-wing government officials, intelligence operatives, arms traffickers, and journalists. We got their messages.”
Add Neptune (toxins, oil, plastic, deception, gaslighting) at the verrrry end of Pisces, and we have this investigative report from Pro Publica:
- “How 3M executives convinced a scientist the forever chemicals she found in human blood were safe”
- “Lawyers to plastics makers: prepare for ‘astronomical’ PFAS (“forever chemicals” lawsuits”
In other news…
Avid Readers know that obituaries reflect planetary patterns. Last week, as Venus (sugar, food) met up with Jupiter (big!) at the verrry end of Taurus (food), writer/director Morgan Spurlock passed away at 53. Spurlock was best known for “Super Size Me,” a documentary about his daring experiment (his nutritionist girlfriend called it reckless) to eat three meals a day for 30 days at McDonald’s. Born on November 17, 1970, Spurlock’s horoscope has an exact Mars-Uranus conjunction (potential for reckless action), as well as Sun-Venus-Jupiter conjunct in Scorpio.
The Venus-Jupiter conjunction activated the horoscope of Tucker Carlson last week as it met up with his 25 Taurus Sun and 28 Taurus Moon. We expected reward and expansion, and Carlson got it, as Heather Cox Richardson reported:
…news broke that Russian TV has been dubbing Carlson’s show into Russian and rebroadcasting it on state TV.
As Uranus moves on to conjoin his Sun and graze his Moon this summer, we can expect a push for independence and/or disruption, and this continues into 2025. Transiting Pluto just squared Carlson’s Saturn for the second of several passes, and it’s interesting that — as with the first pass — there is news involving his relationship with Russia. On the first pass, he was interviewing Vladimir Putin.
Perhaps you have heard of the “planetary parade” that some in the mainstream media are gushing over? If you wake up early on MONDAY and look east, you may see Mars and Saturn. Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Uranus will be tough to spot. Kudos to AP for not being one of the gushers as it reports that:
“The spectacle won’t be as eye-catching as expected: Only two planets will be visible to the naked eye. Here’s what to know about this fairly common celestial event.”
Here is the forecast for Monday. Please refer to the last forecast for a look at what’s happening over the weekend.
- MONDAY: Keep calm and carry on is an appropriate mantra for a day driven by Moon in Taurus, though the need to build material comfort may be supercharged around 5:04 AM ET as Moon squares Pluto. Moon travels through the rest of the day without interference; work on building your empire. At 3:36 AM ET, Mercury (how we need to think and communicate) enters Gemini, one of the signs it rules. Gemini is a speedy sign, usually engaged in several conversations at once. Mercury in Gemini has a better knack for juggling information, compared to Mercury in other signs, and the information that comes out early this week may be larger than life. Over the next 24 hours, Mercury will trine Pluto (a.k.a. the Powers That Be) and meet up with Jupiter (larger than life). Keep an eye on news involving the media, courts and sports — likely seasoned with dirt. Mercury leaves Gemini on June 17th — make the most of this opportunity to get the facts straight and agree to terms.
I leave you with these tidbits:
ICYMI, here is Beth Owlsdaughter’s always-in-sync Tarot Card of the Week, posted on Monday.
Randy Rainbow is baaaaack — with more song parodies! He’s released TWO over the past several days — how apt for all of these planets in Gemini, sign of the Twins. His latest takes on Marjorie Taylor Greene, whose horoscope is discussed here. Greene’s disruptive t-square among Venus in Aries, Mars in Libra and Uranus in Capricorn is being provoked by transiting Mars over the next several days, mirroring patterns in life of her favorite convicted felon. By the end of the month, Jupiter will meet up with her Gemini Sun, expanding her presence in the world.
Randy Rainbow’s MTG skewering has a sponsor — and it’s an apt one for Jupiter’s recent ingress into Gemini. The sponsor is Ground News, which purports to:
…make it easy for readers to think freely about the issues of our times.
First developed in 2018 as the solution to the increasingly partisan media landscape, Ground News is dedicated to bringing reliable, balanced coverage to our readers – now including you.
It does this by presenting headlines from publications that skew left, right and center, so you can appreciate how different biases cover the same story — or if they cover it at all. Jupiter (expansion; media) in Gemini (two sides — or multiple sides, all at the same time). Do you think the founders of Ground News worked with an astrologer when electing their launch date?
Here’s the 411 on personal consultations, in the event you are wondering what these planetary patterns suggest for YOU. Astrologers are like dentists, doncha know. It’s good to check in with us every six months to a year.
Thank you for the likes and comments posted in this new Substack forum — and thank you for sharing this forecast with your friends. I am still working on setting things up in Substack (and completing the transition from Mailchimp, etc.), which includes turning on the switch to accept funds from Avid Readers who find my insights worthwhile. But I will be doing that in the not-too-distant future. Meanwhile, I deeply appreciate Avid Readers who have already pledged support — without my even asking. Thank you so much for your appreciation.