Friday 7/7/2023 & the Weekend: Mercury in the Driver’s Seat; News, News, News


Here’s a recap of the Forecast for the weekend:

  • SATURDAY. Inspired communication is favored this morning, as Moon trines Mercury at 5:55 AM ET, followed by a meet-up with Neptune at 11:21 AM ET. Beach day! Depth is added to the mix around 2:21 PM ET, as Moon sextiles Pluto. At 3:19 PM ET, see if you notice the change in pace as the Moon enters me-me-me Aries, ready to get something started before the rest of the competition. Get out your rose-colored glasses and your vision board; the sky is the limit.
  • SUNDAY: Moon in Aries continues to cruise through to cosmos without interference or input from the rest of the kids in the sandbox. It’s still oh-so-rosy, reflecting Mercury’s trine to Neptune (in effect all weekend), exact at 7:57 PM ET. Music, dreams, spirits, poetry, water, healing — these are all upsides of Mercury with Neptune. A reckoning may arise around 9:47 PM ET, as the me-me-me Aries Moon squares the family and emotional security agenda of the Cancer Sun. Meanwhile, this is the last full day of Mars in regal Leo, suggesting an urgent day of expression for those inclined to howl about entitlement. Keep an eye on the former guy, as Mars in the last degrees of Leo impacts him personally, in case we haven’t already heard.

No sleeping in on MONDAY. The Aries Moon will not be void, so get up and get going, now armed with a new action plan that puts a great priority on efficiency in every detail, as opposed to a dazzling, “because I said so” execution. Why? Because at 7:40 AM ET, Mars leaves Leo and enters Virgo. Perfection and correctness; hypochondria and anxiety; these are apt topics for conflict and combat until August 27th, when Mars enters Libra. Mars in Virgo is an excellent time for analysis and adjustment in matters of health, diet, and work routines. I would not be surprised to hear more headlines of labor disputes (especially about work environments and comparisons to slave labor) over the next six weeks.

This weekend may be a banner one for investigative reporters and others who deliver “news from underground.” I say this because at 4:47 PM ET on Monday, Mercury (how we need to think and communicate) and Pluto (power and resources; depth, transformation; corruption revealed) will oppose each other.


I am inspired to offer this Friday news round-up because so many this week’s headlines aptly reflected what I wrote on Monday:

Mercury — how we need to think and communicate — is the star player this week.

…because it was the only planet other than the Moon making exact contact with the other planets. Mercury sextiled technogeek Uranus on Wednesday. It will trine woo-woo Neptune on Sunday, and oppose “news from underground” Pluto on Monday. Plus, in the chart for Monday’s Full Moon, we noted:

“Learning” and “messaging” reinforce Mercury’s “star player” status this week. Astrologer Blain Bovee suggests we apply these Symbols with an openness to knowledge from unexpected sources, even if the knowledge is presented in a rudimentary or alien form. We could also take the Symbol for the Sun literally, and keep an eye on China.


In other news…

Mars at the end of Leo suggests dramatic actions, consistent with being at a crisis point, and/or at the end of a phase of action:


UPDATE: on Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO). On Monday, a review of his new book noted his  weird fixations, which I noted were no doubt a reflection of transiting Neptune making challenging contacts to his rigid Mercury-Saturn square. Neptune dissolves whatever it touches, and if what it touches is a pattern that suggests a severe, disciplined or controlling mindset, we could expect an element of the surreal or flat-out unreal to manifest. An upside potential would be sublime inspiration, and astrologers have to wait and see how the individual brings it to life. Hawley made news again this week when he, as reported by Heather Cox Richardson:

sent a tweet attributing to founder Patrick Henry a false quotation saying that “this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions, but on the Gospel of Jesus Christ.” Historian Seth Cotlar noted that the quotation actually came from the April 1956 issue of a virulently antisemitic white nationalist magazine, The Virginian.

Anyone who has planets at 27 degrees of Gemini, Virgo, Pisces, and Sagittarius may be feeling a bit foggy in matters related to the planet impacted by Neptune. Consult your local astrologer for details.

UPDATE: Avid Readers may recall that at the beginning of June, we would expect U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen to be in a bit of a break-out period, as patterns in her horoscope suggest a need for greater freedom of expression. This week she traveled to China, where she has already made news by speaking out against “controls.”  Astrology is amazing!

Here’s the 411 on personal consultations.

Have a fabulous weekend.

Thank you for reading — and sharing — this Forecast.



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