Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday 2/6/2013: Passing Strange

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Gee, it’s fun to type in color, especially on a void-of-course Moon in Sagittarius. Adds a twist to the usual routine, and that’s what folks in the U.S. may experience until 12:55PM ET, especially with other planetary patterns that continue to favor the weird, wacky and wonderful. Go with the flow this morning and note your dreams, as Mercury (mindset) and nebulous Neptune are hooking up in intuitive Pisces. Paying attention to your intuition is not a bad strategy today — and over the next few weeks, as the logical mind is more easily confused. You’ll have plenty of time to practice tuning in, especially when Mercury goes retrograde in Pisces on February 23rd.

This concentration of sensitive, emotional Pisces energy softens the usually hard, driving edge of the Moon’s when it enters Capricorn at 12:55PM. On the one hand, perhaps Capricorn’s usual need to make things happen won’t seem so urgent. On the other hand, everyone may be feeling so groovy that they just decide to cooperate for the sake of an agenda that is a win-win-win.

Innovative and unconventional tastes in the arts, finances and social interactions are also highlighted, as Venus and rebel Uranus are in an especially easy connection, too. Pitch your wildest ideas, and you may find them received with great enthusiasm. As the day draws to a close, some disruption of the status quo may hit the headlines — as the structures required by the Capricorn Moon are challenged by Uranus in recalcitrant Aries at 10:37PM ET. If you must ship, get it off your desk today. Moon will be void-of-course from 7:44AM ET Thursday until 2:17PM ET on Friday.

And now, the news. “Twisted logic” is what the editors of the New York Times called a white paper crafted by the Department of Justice explaining why it was OK to kill an American citizen without due process. Does that make this picture of President Obama allegedly skeet shooting at Camp David (released Friday, with nebulous Neptune still strong) seem even weirder? Meanwhile, Donald Trump’s horoscope is affected by the Mercury-Mars-Neptune pile-up in Pisces, as all three planets are on the cusp of his 7th house, which refers to partnerships and open enemies. Really, it is no surprise that yesterday Mr. Trump declared war — on Bill Maher, whom he is suing for $5 million (something about an orangutan). Other Neptunian themes of note in the news: more fraud (too many stories to mention); sky-high prices paid for art and water, water everywhere — especially ocean water, as a tsunami hits the Solomon Islands

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