Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday 8/9/2011: Rick Perry
Moon in Sagittarius continues to push boundaries* today, as the challenge to Mars (action) from disruptive Uranus becomes exact at 12:34PM. From yesterday. More of the same from yesterday: “watch the headlines for breakthroughs, jolts and upheavals”. Would a 600 point drop in the Dow be considered an upheaval? We are likely to see more volatility and shocks to the system today, along with news from underground (mines, radiation, corruption, seismic activity) and power plays, some of which could be classified as brutal. The latter is suggested by ruthless Pluto’s challenge to aggressive Mars, exact at 1:12AM ET on Thursday.
In your own personal world, inspiration and communication are likely to flow freely. Perhaps too freely. Remember the Mercury retrograde of avoiding gossip.
In other news, Governor Rick Perry of Texas is allegedly mulling a run for higher office. Born March 4, 1950 in Paint Creek TX (birth time unknown), Perry is a soulful, sensitive Pisces with Moon in perfectionist Virgo. A strong need for independence, to defy convention, to disrupt the status quo is suggested by Uranus running wild in the horoscope. Interesting to note that Barack Obama and John Boehner also have this pattern. Apparently American voters like renegades. Currently, an interesting pattern between nebulous Neptune and transformational Pluto suggests a strong potential for “intensification of the sensory; possible loss of frame of reality; subterfuge and/or possible drug or alcohol dysfunctionality,” (as defined by astrologer Noel Tyl). This pattern was exact in Perry’s horoscope in mid-July. In June, as you may have heard, he declared August 6, 2011 a day of prayer and fasting Unconventional? Perhaps, but the event does dovetail with the patterns suggested by Neptune’s recent ingress into Pisces: spiritualism on the rise. More anon.
*this just in: man breaks barrier/pushes boundary
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