Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday 5/5/2011: The Merry Month of May

Moon in chatty Gemini makes a harmonious connection to constructive Saturn this AM, and that’s the only exact aspect of the day, which makes it an excellent day for giving concrete form to mental concepts. Like a Mothers’ Day card that right now is just a concept in your brain. Get it in the mail today, before the Moon goes void tomorrow (yes, again).

In other areas of your life, think big and act accordingly. Aspects this month are just oh-so delicious — in an easy-going, focused, expansive sort of way. Oh maybe a few bumps between now and the end of the month, but nothing on the scale of the past four months. If there’s a caveat, it may be one of over-the-top idealism where a hard dose of reality may serve better. Rose-colored glasses are not always practical and can be downright delusional. That debt ceiling they’re thinking of raising? Up it will likely go. But if you can envision a solid support structure for your pie-in-the-sky concept, this is a good time for a launch.

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