Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 2/4/2013: From the Sublime to the Ridiculous
East Coasters, your work week may begin with a slow start or some other twist in your morning routine, given the brief void-of-course Moon between 7:31AM and 10:45AM ET. If ever there was a day to pour cold water on your coffee grounds or forget to even grind the beans before putting them in the French press, this is it. As you know from reading yesterday’s forecast, thanks to a beguiling Mars-Neptune hook-up, there is a ton of wigged-out energy to either thoroughly confuse you or take you to the highest of bedazzling heights. How about that wigged-out 35-minute power outage during last night’s Super Bowl? And frankly, the whole month of February suggests more of same, even with Mercury turning retrograde on the 23rd and Saturn turning retrograde on the 18th. It will be interesting to see if the optimism/idealism/soaring spiritualism is reflected in the markets over the next few weeks.
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At 10:45AM ET, Moon enters Sagittarius, another high-flying placement with opinions to shout from the rooftops. Just make sure you’ve got yourself tethered by a safety harness, especially from lunchtime to teatime. There’s the potential to engage in a heated discussion that is based on the surreal, not the real. Could be a scenario for “open mouth, insert foot” — and we want to make sure it’s someone else doing that, not you. Still more boisterous indulgence carries us into the evening hours — courtesy of expansive Jupiter hitting that big-thinking Sagittarius Moon. Broaden your horizons and go for a gambol.
Pop quiz for regular readers of this forecast, especially those who live in New York. Does anything in the above paragraph remind you of Ed Koch, the former New York mayor who passed away a few days ago? Like “opinionated” or “expansive”…as in “Sagittarius” and “Jupiter”, respectively? If you said yes, good for you. Ed Koch has Sun in Sagittarius conjunct Jupiter! In other words, that opinionated energy needs to be expressed expansively. And this conjunction is challenged by aggressive Mars and rebel Uranus — quite explosive and/or provocative. But wait, there’s more: his Moon is in Cancer, suggesting a need to provide emotional/homeland security — and this, too, is in contact with expansive Jupiter. A caring father figure who was larger than life ? We also see Mercury (mindset) in super-practical Capricorn, and it is challenged by ruthless Pluto. Here was a man who would not suffer fools gladly — or you’d hear about it in a New York minute. Also of interest: a Libra Ascendant suggesting a need to be seen as a people-pleaser (“how am I doin’?”) and yet most of the time he was seen…alone. Why could that be? Well, Mayor Koch’s horoscope has a Grand Trine, which some astrologers see as a lucky configuration. But I have learned in recent years that Grand Trines operate as defense mechanisms — against relationship. Sure, they may allow people to act as if they are “a law unto themselves” — but why is that lucky? Mr. Koch never married…but readers of his obituary in the New York Times have posted numerous anecdotes as a tribute. RIP, Mayor Koch.
Other Moon voids this week: Tuesday 2/5 3:42PM ET until 12:55PM ET on Wednesday; Thursday 7:44AM ET until 2:17PM ET on Friday. Plan accordingly.
Please correct the title to show “Monday, 2/4/2013”, not 2/5/2013. Thanks.