Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 4/22/2011 and the Weekend

Plenty to celebrate this Friday, including Earth Day, the last day of Mercury retrograde and the birthdays of jazz composer genius Charles Mingus and — according to my astrological calendar — actress Marilyn Chambers. Where to start? How about with a recording of Moanin’ — that should cover both birthdays, yes? And it should also get you up and ready to make things happen, suggested by the proactive energy of today’s Moon in Capricorn.

As productive as Capricorn energy is, I suggest you keep your knees bent (Capricorn rules the knees), so that you can keep your balance in whatever excitement may also come your way. Mercury is slowing down, about to move forward again tomorrow at 6:03AM EDT raising the potential for tech or travel snafus. And Venus is fast approaching its hook-up with electric Uranus at 10:29PM EDT, suggesting the potential for electric or unconventional hook-ups,  or at least an intriguing happy hour featuring “far out” or electrifying conversations. Uranus is the patron planet of astrologers, too btw…and my phone has been ringing off the hook with calls from clients over the past few days. Coincidence or conspiracy?

Saturday Moon continues in practical Capricorn, suggesting another good day for getting things done — maybe your last chance to clean out your closets before the next Mercury retrograde. Be careful on the roads as we adjust to Mercury’s move forward, especially during the Moon void, which begins at 8:13PM EDT. Another nice long break….until 1:59PM EDT Sunday, when Moon enters the sign of humanitarian Aquarius. Family gatherings should be friendly and drama-free. Enjoy your Easter brunch or dinner in peace.

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