Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday 5/26/2014: Dark Side of the Moooooon in Taurus (void, of course)
Back to work after a long holiday weekend, are you? With the Moon void-of-course in comfort-seeking Taurus all day long (5:10AM ET until 12:48AM ET on Wednesday), you may be getting a slow start to the week. A sound strategy would be to stick to routine organizational tasks during the day — and indulge your senses this evening. Roll with whatever twists and detours crop up in your efforts to move forward in a straight line. Remember that crises that crop up during voids are often much ado about nothing, so instead of getting yourself all worked up, just go with the flow. Chill!
We are also in the dark side of the Moon, amplifying the wandering, listless potential of the void. We can feel that something new is just around the corner, but we don’t know what it is. Wrap up tasks from the to-do list you made for the last lunar cycle and get ready to re-set your intentions for the next New Moon, which happens tomorrow at 2:40PM ET. You’ll need your best pair of rose-colored glasses to do it, and whatever thoughts come to mind between now and tomorrow may have a greater need for attention than usual. Pay attention to your dreams; note your inspiration and intuition. I say this because one of the more significant patterns of the week — and the chart for the New Moon — is a dynamic connection between the Sun in airy Gemini and visionary Neptune in soulful Pisces. Not only that, but mental Mercury will be at the very famous — to regular readers of this forecast — Aries Point, suggesting that ideas and communication generated now are more likely to attract attention.
Meanwhile, note these other Moon void periods this week: Thursday from 5:59AM ET until Friday 10:13AM ET; Sunday 2:32AM ET – 9:43AM ET. If you’re new to this forecast (welcome!), and you’d like to know more about Moon voids and how to handle them, it’s all here.
There’s a ton of news to discuss, all reflecting planetary patterns in the usual astonishing, but perfectly astro-logical ways. Check back later today for a round-up of recent newsmakers and all the relevant planetary patterns that reflect so clearly why they need to do the things they do.
If you’ve ever wanted an answer to the question, “Why am I like this?” or “Why is this happening?”, a personal astro-logical consultation will be helpful and enlightening. Here’s how to contact me.