Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday 5/21/2014: Dream On…
Moon enters soulful, sensitive Pisces at 8:18AM ET, after a 14-hour meandering void through Aquarius. We have fully-engaged lunar energy to drive things forward, but first — at 8:59AM ET, the intuitive Pisces Moon is challenged by the Sun in mental Gemini. This 3rd Quarter Moon suggests a push, conflict or block involving the agenda you set at the time of the New Moon on April 29th. A revelation or release involving that agenda likely occurred on last week’s Full Moon (5/15/); perhaps the dust hasn’t quite settled yet?
The rest of the work day is free and clear of planetary bumps and grinds, so go with the flow. A dreamy evening is suggested, given the Moon’s hook-up with nebulous Neptune at 9:05PM ET. Note your intuitive hunches; have a glass of wine; say a prayer; make some music or art….
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