Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday 5/22/2014: Ain’t It (mini) Grand?
Just do it.
Moon in watery Pisces makes a supportive connection to depth-seeking, regenerative Pluto this at 6:56AM ET. By the end of the work day (4-5pm ET), Moon will — ever so briefly — make one of those magical Grand Trine patterns that people who know just enough about astrology to make them dangerous love to rave about. Why? Conventional wisdom holds that they suggest luck, abundance & harmony. If you look back at what was going on around July 17 of last year, you may remember the buzz about a longer-lasting Water Grand Trine involving Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Mars. “So much depth of feeling; so much intuitive potential; so many possibilities to turn a dream into reality.” Today it’s just the Moon, Jupiter and Saturn and, as I said, it’s ever-so-brief. But you could still buy a lottery ticket or two, especially if you have a planet or angle around 18 degrees of just about any sigh. Hey, you never know…
Jupiter and Saturn (expansion and structure) will be exactly trine on Saturday at 1:48PM ET, completing a cycle of three exact contacts that began last July. This is another reason not to dawdle today — go with the easy Moon in Pisces. Moon will be void tomorrow between 2:26AM ET and 12:01PM ET, offering a brief rest before the pace quickens tomorrow afternoon and all weekend.