Tuesday 8/13/2024: Late Sneak Peek at the Week; Postcard from the Void; Mind the Hot Air
Allrighty then!
First, welcome to new Avid Readers of Why Now News, especially those who attended my OPA talk on Sunday, “The Astonishing Synchronicity of Planetary Patterns and the News”. I hope you will find these musings informative and entertaining.
Second, how was everyone’s 24-hour Moon void in Libra, which started on Friday at 5:44 PM ET? You know the Moon void protocols: Stick to routine concerns. Roll with the twists and flakes that disrupt efforts to move forward in a straight line. Don’t make a mountain out of a molehill, as crises which crop up are usually much ado about nothing. Take time to wander if you can…and CHILL, as President Biden demonstrated by declaring Saturday a beach and biking day. Good job, Mr. President!
I, however, broke all the rules, and I share this so you can learn from my experience. I scheduled a consultation with a new client, even though my plan was to use that whole day to write a news recap for Why Now News. I find Moon voids are great days for writing, FYI. Rarely will I schedule a new client during a Moon void…and you’ll see why! I started prepping the horoscope the night before and sent an invoice (in the void — d’oh!). I finished the prep in the morning…and….22 minutes before her 9 AM appointment, the client texted to say that her babysitter flaked on her, so she was flaking on me. Mercury retrograde, I received that text at 9:10 AM ET.
But wait, there’s more! Pepper the Cat experienced a never-seen-before fit of symptoms that was so bizarre, I wondered if she needed medical attention. Even though a horary question (yes, I am a certified horary astrologer), and the Moon void argued against a crisis, I took her to the vet. Fortunately, astrology was proven correct, and the vet didn’t see anything concerning from the video of Pepper’s weird fit. Silver lining: I’d never been to this vet before, and they were so darn kind and thorough, that I’ll be going to them from now on. They even didn’t charge me for the $150 office visit, even though we’d discussed it beforehand, and I was prepared to pay it. Lucky me.
So…anyone else have Moon void twists and flakes to share? Put them in the comments!
Here are the highlights for this week:
- First Quarter Moon on Monday
- Mars meets up with Jupiter in Gemini on Wednesday
- Mercury Rx backs into Leo on Wednesday,
- Mars square Saturn on Friday or late Thursday
- Mercury Rx squares Uranus – Algol for the 2nd time on Sunday
- Sun meets up with Mercury Rx and squares Algol on Sunday
It goes like this:
- MONDAY: Moon in Scorpio seeks depth and substance for the sake of power and control. Structure and authority support the mission in the morning, as Moon trines Saturn at 6:29 AM ET. At 11:18 AM ET Moon challenges the Leo Sun for the monthly First Quarter Moon. If you’re accused of being way too emotional whilst embroiled in a power struggle today, you’re feeling it more than most. Moody tension may be dissipated around 12:23 AM ET on…
- TUESDAY…as Moon opposes Uranus and delivers its customary upset to the status quo. Note your dreams upon waking, as Moon’s trine to Neptune may open channels around 5 AM ET. Moon goes void for one hour and then soars into Sagittarius. Now is the time to wander about the country, take a gamble or a gambol; get outside of whatever box you’re in. A day with Moon in Sagittarius favors optimism to the nth degree; the sky’s the limit, with added depth courtesy of a sextile to Pluto at 6:44 AM ET. A demand for details on the Big Picture may arise around 8:08 AM ET, as Mercury – still in Virgo — squares the Moon. There are no other aspects to the Moon for the rest of this day. Righteous opinions and debate may be on steroids, perhaps with a clash of values and social graces around 3:33 AM ET on…
- WEDNESDAY…as Venus in refined, precise Virgo is challenged by the less-than-delicate expression of the Sagittarius Moon. Humming in the background all week is the meet-up of Mars and Jupiter in Gemini, suggesting big blow-ups and hot, wet air. Remember that Gemini refers to words and information, so verbal attacks and data hacking would not be unexpected, especially since Mars will square Saturn on Friday. Upside: late-night comics and those who have a way with words are likely in prime form, as the incomparable Randy Rainbow demonstrates with his latest song parody. Stop reading, listen and watch. It’s as clever and entertaining as the rapid patter of any Gilbert & Sullivan production, only this tune is from Oklahoma! Rainbow is blessed with a wickedly sharp Mercury – Mars conjunction in Gemini, and you can read more about what we know about his horoscope here. Bumps and blow-ups, along with potential exuberance or overconfidence continue through the afternoon, as Moon opposes Jupiter and Mars at 1:35 PM ET and 1:40 PM ET, respectively. A reality check may hit soon thereafter, as Moon squares Saturn.
- WEDNESDAY: Honor and reputation involving communication may be in focus, as Mercury — traveling backwards through Virgo — backs into Leo at 8:15 PM ET. Thus, it crosses the OMG’s 29 Leo Ascendant, opposes Kamala Harris’ Saturn, and connects with President Biden’s North Node. Watch the headlines. The evening ends on a balanced note, perhaps, reflecting the easy flow between the Leo Sun and the Sagittarius Moon, exact at 12:57 AM ET on…
- THURSDAY. Double check the facts around 12:50 PM ET, as Moon squares Neptune and trines Mercury at 12:52 PM ET. Facts should be triple checked, frankly, with Mercury retrograde! After a 59 minute Moon void, Moon shifts gears into Capricorn at 1:51 PM ET, ready to Make Things Happen. This proactive, get-to-the-top drive may run wild through the next 24 hours, as Moon makes no contact with other planets until 3:08 PM ET on…
- FRIDAY. However the proactive drive manifests, the effort is likely to be noted for its militant discipline. Mars squares Saturn at 1:30 AM ET. Headlines from past Mars-Saturn headlines may be found here and here. You are more personally affected by the Mars-Jupiter square Saturn thingy if you have planets around 16-17 degrees of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. Note that the OMG has Uranus at 17 Gemini, ruler of his 6th and 7th houses. The latter refers to partnerships and adversaries; the former refers to health and working conditions. Transiting Saturn (necessary controls) squares OMG’s Uranus on Tuesday; transiting Mars meets up with it on Friday. In the OMG’s horoscope, Mars rules broadcasting, court opinions and international affairs. As of 10:26 PM ET on Monday (as I’m still typing this), the OMG has just wrapped an infomercial on Twitter with Elon Musk, and people are wondering if there’s something wrong with OMG’s dentures. Well…Saturn does rule teeth in the language of astrology. Oh, and the interview started late because of technical difficulties, womp, womp, says Mercury Rx.
- FRIDAY: Finally, the achievement-oriented Capricorn Moon connects with a planet in the cosmic sandbox. At 3:08 PM ET, Moon trines Venus, seeking a perfect execution of an action plan, with support from your local authority represented by Moon’s sextile to Saturn at 8:48 PM ET.
- SATURDAY: Rally your friends for your noble, idealistic cause. Moon trines Uranus at 12:58 PM ET, favoring alliances. Moon sextiles Neptune at 4:43 PM ET, and then goes void for an hour. If yard sales are on your agenda this weekend, the lack of a long Moon void ups your chances of making purchases that do not disappoint. Moon enters Aquarius at 5:44 PM ET, seeking to be of unique social significance in a group of like-minded souls, intensified by a meet-up with Pluto. Power plays and catharses are potentials. And speaking of that Aquarian quest, all of the “identity groups” that have gathered together on Zoom in recent days to support Kamala Harris’ campaign are a perfect expression of Pluto (power) in Aquarius (the people). I’m talking about White Dudes for Harris, Christians for Harris, Black Women for Harris, etc., etc. Now the Swifties (Taylor Swift fans) are organizing, fulfilling the observation made months ago that Taylor Swift’s horoscope is hot, and we could reasonably expect her to be of influence in this election! (Note that the action in Swift’s horoscope could also be expressed as an attack associated with her name, as we saw a couple of weeks ago in Britain, and last week in Austria. Swift’s concerts in Vienna were canceled when a planned terrorist attack was discovered and foiled, thank goodness. Meanwhile, there’s a buzz in the air, likely accompanied by a shocking revelation around 5:46 AM ET on…
- SUNDAY: as Mercury Rx square Uranus and Algol for the second of three passes. The first hit was on the Full Moon of July 21st, when President Biden passed the torch to Kamala Harris. Whatever surprises hit the wires today may be related — or have a similar flair. The third Mercury-Uranus/Algol square happens on September 7th, and remember that Algol is a Fixed Star associated with feminine power (as in the Medusa’s ability to turn men into stone), and losing one’s head, either literally (as evidenced by this recently decapitated statue of a woman) or figuratively. Big news today may involve an idealization involving leaders. I say this because the Sun and Mercury will be conjunct, which means that Mercury will be combust — i.e., deep-fried by its placement in the heart of the Sun and blinded by the Sun’s light. Yeah…so…an idealized mindset (combust Mercury), involving heads of business and state (Sun in Leo). The evening ends on a jovial note, as Moon trines Jupiter at 10:21 AM ET.
I have consultations to prepare this morning, but will get back into the news in the afternoon. There’s so much to cover, including the remarkable confluence of patterns that are exact next Monday:
- August 19th: Full Moon in Aquarius on the Moon in the US horoscope
- August 19th: Venus squares Jupiter — echoing things that happened on the Mars-Jupiter meet-up
- August 19th: Venus opposes Saturn
- August 19th: Sun squares Uranus-Algol
- August 19th: Jupiter square Saturn first of three we’ll have between now and next year. Big adjustments likely as tension over the seeds planted on the December 21, 2020 Jupiter-Saturn Great Conjunction comes out. Exuberance and growth (Jupiter) is challenged by the streamlining needs of Saturn. Because this square falls close to the Mars-Neptune square in the US horoscope, we may anticipate an uptick in seductive, visionary and/or fanatical assertions and actions.
What a night the Democrats have picked for the opening night of their convention in Chicago!
Speaking of personal consultations, Mercury retrogrades are perfect for reconnecting and reviewing — but not during Moon voids. Here’s the 411 on consultations and other services I offer.
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…sponsored in part by Mars-Jupiter in Gemini…
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