Tuesday 2/21/2023: Sneak Peek at a Short Work Week
Alll-righty then!
I hope you enjoyed the long holiday weekend (if you happen to live in the States). I gave myself a break, and used the time away from the computer to do yoga every day — yay!
Highlights for this week are:
- Mercury square Uranus on Tuesday
- Mercury trine Mars on Wednesday
That’s it. Here how it goes:
- TUESDAY: Moon in Pisces drives the first day of a short work week with a continuing need for empathy and expression of ideals. It may be especially dreamy or foggy around 2:51 PM ET, when Moon meets up with Neptune. The buzz that’s been in the air for the past few days reflects the square between Mercury (how we need to think) and Uranus (innovation, disruption, technology), exact at 5:22 PM ET. Watch for flashes of genius and coup-coup Cocoa Puff communication. At 11:05 PM ET the Pisces Moon receives added depth via a harmony with Pluto, and then goes void until 12:13 AM ET on…
- WEDNESDAY. See if you notice the shift in focus as the Moon charges into Aries, looking to get something started — not now, but RIGHT NOW. This crusading drive is supported by a meet-up with Venus, now also charging through Aries. An easy flow of words translated into action is reflected by the trine between Mercury (words) and Mars (action), exact at 3:13 PM ET. It all gets a big boost of fiery enthusiasm, reflecting the Moon’s conjunction with Jupiter at 5:48 PM ET.
- THURSDAY: More walking your talk is supported by early morning harmonies among the Aries Moon and Mars (at 4:44 AM ET) and the Moon and Mercury (at 6:02 AM ET). Let the momentum propel you forward through the rest of the day. The next stop for the Moon is a cooperative connection to Saturn (structure, authority), exact at 1:05 AM ET on…
- FRIDAY. A catharsis or power play may follow in the wee hours, as the Moon makes its weekly clash with Pluto at 2:21 AM ET. Chill during the 68-minute Moon void..and note that while Saturn and Pluto are at the verrrrry end of the signs Aquarius and Capricorn, respectively, these Moon voids will be short and sweet. Not much time to chill this week and for most of March, but hey — I told you the pace was going to pick up, now that all planets are moving direct. At 3:29 AM ET, Moon enters Taurus, looking to build something lasting and comfortable out of all of that Aries initiative.
- SATURDAY: A surprising disruption to the status quo may greet you in the morning, as Moon meets up with Uranus at 7:24 AM ET. Do what you need to do in order to feel materially comfortable and secure. A weekend with Moon in Taurus is fine time to simple joys and sensual delights. Work out the communication logjam that may occur around 7:15 PM ET, as Moon squares Mercury. Some enchanted evening could carry you away, as Moon sextiles Neptune at 12:15 AM ET on…
- SUNDAY. A reality check could break the spell around 8:45 AM ET, as Moon squares Saturn, with added gravitas from Moon’s trine to Pluto at 9:42 AM ET. Moon goes void for an hour…then shifts gears and buzzes into Gemini at 10:47 AM ET. A day driven by Moon in Gemini can be especially chatty, all in a quest to be the most informed and entertaining person in the room.
Beth Owl’s Daughter’s always-in-sync Tarot Card of the Week offers wise counsel for processing whatever dynamic action and revelations come to pass in the early part of the week, as Mercury connects with Uranus and Mars. The next exact aspect between two planets that do not include the Moon doesn’t happen until next Thursday, March 2. Thus we have a week of no exact aspects among the planets, starting on Thursday. What I’ve noticed in these apparent lulls in the action is not unlike a long exhale, like an ice shelf suddenly collapsing into the ocean. Just like that. The landscape is forever changed. We must go on.
And now, the news.
Reflecting the surprise potential of Mercury square Uranus, and operating under the cover of darkness provided by the New Moon:
- “Cloak and dagger moves allow Biden to sneak into Ukraine’s war zone,” resulting in the prominent display of heroic, fight-fight-for-the-underdog social expression I told you to watch for as Venus entered Aries yesterday, demanding attention at the Aries Point.
UPDATE: on Kamala Harris, whose horoscope is functioning exactly as anticipated. On Saturday, she had a pattern suggesting an application of force, possibly in the extreme. This Tuesday, she will have the only exact hit of her second Saturn return, a marker for the official launch of a third act in life development. “U.S. accuses Russia of ‘crimes against humanity,'” was the headline on Saturday in Forbes. Guess who was doing the accusing, on behalf of the U.S., and guess whose photo accompanied that headline? Yup. VP Harris, right on schedule. This is quite a week for the VP, as after her exact Saturn return, she will have the third and final square to her Ascendant by transiting Neptune. This is the pattern that coincided with her seeming to vanish from the public eye last year, and this pattern is drawing to a close.
UPDATE: on Jimmy Carter, who made news again, right after I posted the weekend forecast. The Carter Center announced on Saturday that our 39th president has opted to enter hospice care at home, and tributes are pouring in from around the world. It was interesting to read in this (gifted) NYT op-ed that after he lost the White House in 1980 to Ronald Reagan, he was depressed (understandably) the following year. But in January 1982…
…Mrs. Carter was startled to see him sitting up in bed, wide-awake. She asked him if he was feeling ill. “I know what we can do,” he replied. “We can develop a place to help people who want to resolve disputes.” This was the beginning of the Carter Center, an institution devoted to conflict resolution, public health initiatives and election monitoring around the world.
And what was happening in Carter’s horoscope at that time was transiting Pluto crossing his Libra Ascendant, transforming and empowering his need to be seen as fair and — diplomatic. Pluto transits can be phoenix-like, facilitating a rise from the ashes. Carter is a double Libra, as you may know. His Moon is in Scorpio, adding a need for emotional depth and substance to Libra’s intellectual, talk-it-out approach. Over the past two years, Pluto has squared Carter’s Ascendant. Now — as I mentioned on Friday — Pluto is right at the bottom of his horoscope. Another transformation in process.
In other news…
- “Supreme Court to hear case that could transform the internet,“ which we can also file under “I told you so.” What’s the astro-logic? It would be Pluto about to enter Aquarius next month, where it will activate the 2020 Great Mutation — a.k.a. Jupiter-Saturn at 0 Aquarius. Whitney McKnight and I talked about other probable developments that will happen in the aftermath of this super duper significant new 200-year cycle of development. You can hear the conversation on Episode 25 of Off the Charts: A Stellar Newscast.
- Heather Cox Richardson’s Sunday night Letter from an American focused on higher education and constitutional law. Both were apt topics for last week’s sextile between Mercury and Jupiter. Specifically, HCR wrote about that “controversial” (for Florida’s governor, DeSantis, anyway), Advanced Placement course on African American studies had changed, with attention paid to one word that was deleted: systemic. With Mars in Gemini, words MATTER. So check out this Letter, if you haven’t already. I learned a lot from it, and I bet you will, too.
On a lighter note…
- “Art Fair visitor breaks a Jeff Koons balloon dog sculpture” was a perfect reflection of last Tuesday’s dreamy/balloony/whimsical Venus-Neptune conjunction, followed by the harsh reality check of Wednesday’s Sun-Saturn conjunction. Right? This item popped up on Twitter as “breaking news.” Which it was, actually.
What’s going on in your horoscope? Here’s the 411 on personal consultations. Yes, yes, yes — for those who have asked — I’d be happy to consult with you about the horoscopes of your children, and I applaud your initiative. And yes, I am a horary astrologer, too — thanks for asking. And yes, I have gift certificates, if you’d like to gift someone with a consultation. What a wonderful idea.
Thank you for reading this forecast — and sharing it with friends.

A close-up of the Phoenix sculpture which is located on the southern facade of St. Paul’s Cathedral in London. The phoenix can be seen rising from the flames with the inscription RESVRGAM.
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