Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday & Thursday 9/2-3/2015: Steady Freddie with Moooooon in Taurus
Today the Moon is in Taurus — as of 5:02AM ET, no doubt ready to methodically organize and consolidate the impassioned idealism or bewilderment that may have captured your attention during yesterday’s long Moon void. Whatever it takes to maintain a sense of comfort and security, have at it, as this sensual Taurus energy is well-supported by expansive Jupiter at 1:01PM ET (a luxurious lunch?), visionary Neptune at 6:54PM ET (catch a concert or a show?) and by the Sun at 10:06PM ET (a snuggle with your sweetie?). Works for me.
The markets were bewildered on Tuesday. Efforts to maintain material security would no doubt be appreciated today.
Overnight, a depth of senses is intensified by an alignment between the Moon and Pluto at 2:50AM ET. If you’re working out some power play or catharsis in your dreams, you may notice a bit of crankiness on Thursday morning, as the immovable Taurus Moon is challenged by the double drama queen potential of Venus and Mars in Leo, at 5:19AM and 8:24AM ET. Those born with planets around 14 degrees of Leo, Taurus, Scorpio and Aquarius are more likely to be subjected to that display. For the rest of Thursday, the Moon cruises without impediment in a sign especially designed for practical application of constructive energy. Use it well between now and Friday!
And now, the news.
From the sublime to the ridiculous — as expected, under the influence of Monday’s face-off between Neptune and the Virgo Sun. Neptune suggests bewilderment, rose-colored glasses, vision, healing, spaciness, delusion, refuge and refugees. Throw in yesterday’s hook-up between in-your-face Venus retrograde and Mars in regal Leo, and we could have some surreal drama. Or a major heart-centered (Leo) act of forgiveness (Neptune).
In the case of the latter, Pope Francis instructed priests to forgive women who expressed regret over having an abortion. With this story, we need to consider the added energy of karma cop Saturn, now at the last degree of Scorpio (sex, death, money) until September 17th.
In the case of the former, consider the impassioned woman of faith (Neptune) who has absolutely, positively refused to issue marriage licenses (Venus conjunct Mars) to same-sex couples in Kentucky, despite being expressly ordered by the U.S. Supreme Court to do so. This woman has been married four times — twice to the same man. It’s bewildering, isn’t it? She has been ordered to appear in court on Thursday, with her entire staff. All I know about her is that she is 49 — and thus was born with the revolutionary Uranus-Pluto conjunction in her horoscope. Well, she certainly is a rebel. This case may well be the first of many more challenges we’ll see over the next 12 months of getting real and/or surreal about faith and its role in the law, brought to you by Saturn in (opinionated dogma) Sagittarius (square Neptune and Jupiter).
Neptune refers to fish — including gefilte fish. An email about said stinky fish was one of the biggest highlights in a truckload of emails released this week from Hillary Clinton’s secret stash. Mrs. Clinton is such a Secret Squirrel that we do not even have a confirmed birth time so as to calculate her complete horoscope, but still we can see that the Venus-Mars conjunction at 14 Leo is sitting right on top of her Leo Mars-Pluto conjunction and square her Venus in Scorpio. So we could expect some action in areas related to social expression, provocation and perhaps the exposure of things previously kept under wraps.
Meanwhile, with transiting Saturn still at the top of his horoscope, President Obama is still at the top of his game, as anticipated years ago. Renaming a mountain, declaring climate change an urgent priority and moving in on the Arctic are just a few of the items on his To-Do List this week, as he builds his legacy. How fascinating that “Denali” means “The Great One”.
Elsewhere, Dick Cheney — who is currently experiencing transiting Saturn at the bottom of his chart — is getting press for his new book. Saturn at the bottom of the horoscope suggests a need to shore up one’s foundation. “Exceptional: Why the World Needs a Powerful America,” is the title of Mr. Cheney’s opus, in which he “makes the case for a strong national defense”. Or so the book is presented in The Washington Times, one of Justice Antonin Scalia’s two favorite newspapers (the other is the Wall Street Journal). But if you read The Guardian, you’ll be informed that the foundation being shored up is the justification for the use of torture. Which reality do you live in? Where do you get your news?
Let’s see…oh this headline is also in synch with Jupiter in Virgo (workers, union) opposing Neptune (betrayal) mixed with party-hearty Venus-Mars in Leo: Union Accused of Betraying Migrant Carnival Workers. Finally, a carnival of the musical and surreal kind will hit Broadway next year in Spongebob Squarepants: The Musical. With songs by David Bowie, Steven Tyler and Cyndi Lauper — just for starters. I like to end on stories that might make you smile.
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