Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 11/19/2012: A Sneak Peek at the Whole Week
Planetary patterns are light on this first day of a short work week (for most of us in America). A friendly, detached Moon in Aquarius is uplifted by an easy connection from jolly Jupiter in the early morning, then coasts along unimpeded for the whole day. Only at 10:22PM ET does it make a challenging connection to mental Mercury in stubborn Scorpio, which we may see reflected by intense communication or snarled traffic.
Activity picks up on Tuesday, including a First Quarter Moon, which brings a challenge to the New Moon agenda you set last week. Sun (life force) and Venus(social expression) change signs on Wednesday, suggesting a day of adjustment and the need for still more patience on the busiest travel day of the year (as if Mercury retrograde wasn’t enough to challenge your patience).
The sublime and the surreal continue to pull our focus and on our emotions, as nebulous Neptune is approaching connections with two planets, exact early Thursday morning (Thanksgiving Day). No reason why you can’t put on your rose-colored glasses, raise a crystal goblet (or two or three), and bliss out through the afternoon.
Thursday night is when the mood turns feisty,as Moon enters me-me-me Aries and spends early Friday colliding with aggressive Mars and unpredictable Uranus. Mars and Uranus are not marshmallows, and they’ll be squaring off against each other early Friday morning, too. On the plus side, we can expect technological breakthroughs in the news and daring acts of independence that may or may not be heroic. On the down side, this transit often accompanies accidents and explosive, impulsive actions. You will feel this challenge more than most if you were born around the 25th of March, June, September and December…or if you have a planet or point around 4 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn.
It is this Mars-Uranus challenge, combined with an impatient Aries Moon that leads me to suggest skipping the mall on Friday, as the mood is bound to be pushy. Should make for some exciting football games, though. Mars is also fast approaching a hook-up with ruthless and potent Pluto, exact on the 27th (next Tuesday). The last time we saw Mars making challenging connections to Uranus and Pluto was July 17th and 18th, just before the shootings in Aurora, Colorado, at the premiere of The Dark Knight Returns. I found it very interesting that an equally violent plot was in the works for last weekend’s premiere of Twilight. Thankfully, the plot was foiled. And thankfully, this month’s challenges among Mars, Uranus and Pluto are not happening within a 24-hour span, suggesting less intensity than what we experienced in July. We’ll talk about positive applications of this dynamic planetary configuration later in the week. No need to be fearful; just be mindful.
Wow! I just outlined most of the week. Here are your Moon voids: Tuesday 9:31AM – 11:55AM ET; Thursday 1:32AM – 8:12PM ET; Friday 8:34PM – 7:18AM on SUNDAY (OK, skip the mall on Saturday, too). And here’s where you can find out more information on Moon voids, if you are new to this forecast (welcome)!