Astro-logical Forecast for Saturday 11/19/2016 & Then Some: Neptune Direct; the Bubble Bursts
Happy day driven by Moon in rip-roarin’ drama king Leo! Life is a cabaret, old chum. Let the razzle-dazzle, royal edicts begin! Nebulous Neptune colors it all rose, engaged as it is with the personal planets: Mercury and Venus — as noted in Monday’s forecast. Themes of idealism, illusion and lies — for starters — certainly they are all over the news, which we will get to in a minute. Neptune — as you may recall — turns direct tonight at 11:39PM ET. You’re more personally affected by the uptick in idealism, dreaminess, bewilderment and/or potential ego wipeout if you have a planet or other significant point in your horoscope around 8-11 degrees of Pisces, Virgo, Sagittarius and Gemini.
Generally speaking, planetary patterns facilitate a need for a beautiful escape. Pay attention to your dreams now and over the next day or so. Neptune pulling focus suggests a flow of information on the “dogwhistle channel,” which finally breaks through to the conscious mind. Note the symbols and signs. Note also the potential for a ruthless effort at consolidating power and control, suggested by the Sun’s passage through the last few degrees of Scorpio.
No Moon void this weekend is apt for shopping impulses. It’s not too early to be thinking of holiday gifts — someone you love would be thrilled to have a gift certificate for a personal consultation about their horoscope — and with the Moon void at 8:52AM ET on Black Friday, I’m not convinced those deals you scoop up during that Moon void will please. Shop now!
The Sun enters Sagittarius at 4:23PM ET on Monday. No sleeping in.
And now, the news — most all of it related to Neptune: oceans, oil, ships, fraud, water, fantasy…
Dutch warships at the bottom of the Java Sea are missing — believed to have been sold as scrap metal. An untapped oil field three times larger than North Dakota’s Bakken has been discovered in Texas. The Arctic Ocean is now off-limits for oil drilling — for now — says the Obama Administration. J.K. Rowling’s Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them premiered in London. In Slovenia, water was declared a constitutional right, not a market commodity. In Miami, Monday’s Supermoon was followed by record-breaking “king tides.”
Meanwhile, JP Morgan settled a bribery case — in which it was accused of hiring the children of Chinese leaders “to win business in the fast-growing nation.” Late Friday, another case was settled — this one a class action suit alleging fraud on the part of Trump University. You may recall Donald Trump tweeting earlier this year that he would never settle — on principle. You may also recall a post here last week noting that the November 28th start date for the trial was on a Moon void that was also dead, suggesting a high flake factor, twist and/or a back-room negotiation. JP Morgan settled its bribery case for $264 million. The president-elect settled his for $25 million. Such a deal.
If you missed the Trump U fraud settlement, perhaps it’s because social media is now all abuzz with news that Mike Pence went to see “Hamilton” on Broadway last night, and he was mostly booed by the audience (some did applaud). At the end of the show, the cast addressed Pence, thanking him for attending the performance and adding — with the idealistic social expression we might expect with Neptune pulling such strong focus this week:
“We, sir — we — are the diverse America who are alarmed and anxious that your new administration will not protect us, our planet, our children, our parents, or defend us and uphold our inalienable rights,” he said. “We truly hope that this show has inspired you to uphold our American values and to work on behalf of all of us.”
The president-elect took to Twitter to demand the cast apologize.
Which brings me to the bubble that is showing signs of bursting. And this is one of the bubbles suggested by Saturn (reality, control, authority) in Sagittarius (opinion, publishing, collective belief) square Neptune (surreal, lies, faith) in Pisces (victims, feelings, faith). This was the major planetary pattern of late 2015 until just about now.
The bubble that is bursting is fake news, now that Saturn and Neptune are moving away from each other. Alas, too little, too late. This story cites seven fake stories — most of which I saw posted on various FB pages — that were circulating before the election. This Washington Post interview with fake-news writer Paul Horner is a must must must-read — here’s an excerpt:
You mentioned Trump, and you’ve probably heard the argument, or the concern, that fake news somehow helped him get elected. What do you make of that?
My sites were picked up by Trump supporters all the time. I think Trump is in the White House because of me. His followers don’t fact-check anything — they’ll post everything, believe anything. His campaign manager posted my story about a protester getting paid $3,500 as fact. Like, I made that up. I posted a fake ad on Craigslist.
Today’s forecast was subtitled “The Bubble Bursts.” One of the SNL sketches generating buzz on Sunday was this one about liberals living in a bubble. Dear liberals, you must visit the Washington Times — Justice Antonin Scalia’s favorite paper. There you will find headlines proclaiming that Donald Trump is looking “very presidential;” and that unarmed protestors at Standing Rock who were blasted with water cannons (in 25 degree temperatures), teargassed and shot at with rubber bullets were “rioting.” No mention at all of the 21-year-old woman who may well lose her arm after being hit with a concussion grenade thrown by a law enforcement officer — and paid for with your tax dollars. It’s a different world in Washington Times land — and here are a few other conservative websites to peruse, courtesy of this helpful article from The Guardian. Get out of the bubble — whichever one you’re living in. With the Sun in Sagittarius, you can afford to explore foreign territory.
Meanwhile, the NYT published a case study of how a fake news story went viral. Also fake: a story about a DC-based pizza joint, Hillary Clinton and pedophiles. But that hasn’t stopped the owner and employees of Comet Pizza from receiving death threats. Not fake — but no less surreal: a video and tweets of clean-cut members of a white nationalist group raising their right arms in a Nazi salute at a dinner gathering in a DC restaurant on November 18th.
Today, the president-elect disavowed white nationalist groups in a meeting with staffers at the New York Times. That meeting — which was canceled via Twitter and then happened anyway — is described by NYT columnist Frank Bruni here. It’s an apt profile of a person with heavy love, love-me-do Leo and dualistic Gemini and Sagittarius ingredients.
Totally serious — thank you, Mercury (thinking) meeting up with Saturn (control): AppNexus is blocking, alleging evidence of hate speech. This will cut into Breitbart’s revenue stream.
True item about a fake product: there is no evidence of actual aloe vera in the aloe vera gels sold at CVS and Wal-Mart.