Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday 1/29/2013: Grounded; More on Jupiter Turning Direct
Start this day with your feet firmly planted on the ground — and put this down-to-earth energy to good use over the next couple of days. Moon entered perfectionist Virgo Monday night at 6:27PM ET, suggesting a need for discrimination and organization. Granted, Monday night might have been a little spacey or dreamy…but that pattern is behind us now. Today’s patterns suggest the potential for investigative depth and practical structure. Consider that a positive, even if you’re dealing with an obstacle presented by an authority figure who just doesn’t get it. Perhaps there is a way to create a structure that renders the authority figure obsolete?
A further note on Jupiter, planet of expansion, turning direct on Wednesday at 6:37AM ET. If you were born around the 27th of May, August, November or February….or if you have a planet or point at 6 degrees of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius or Pisces, you may have been feeling pressure to expand issues involving that planet or point since January 11th. If expansion has been held back or “bottlenecked”, you may see a release or opportunity to move forward after January 30th and through February 18th. That’s how long Jupiter will be sitting at 6 degrees of Gemini — and I think that’s pretty exciting. This growth may be directly related to an issue that came up around the Full Moon/Eclipse on November 28th, which was also at 6 degrees of Gemini/Sagittarius — and here’s what was said about that back then. Just note that you’ll see the Sabian Symbol given for that eclipse was 7 Gemini…because we always round up to the next degree when interpreting these symbols. In other words, if your Sun is at 6 degrees Gemini and 12 minutes, we round it up to 7. If it is 6 degrees and 0 minutes, we read for 6. Everyone clear on that?