Monday 3/2/2020: Late Sneak Peek at a Wiggy Week; Venus in the Hot Seat
The work week begins with the Moon in Gemini, striving to be the smartest kid in the room. It squared the Pisces Sun at 2:57 PM ET, suggesting a conflict between what we believe and feel vs. what we think we know. I say “think” because Mercury is still retrograde, facilitating misteaks and misunderstandings. It may be even more bewildering this evening, as Moon prepares to square dreamy Neptune, exact at 1:25 AM ET on…
- TUESDAY. Moon is still in Gemini, but its clever buzz may be stifled somewhat around 11:44 AM ET, when Venus — at the verrrrry end of warrior Aries — squares (challenges) streamlining, authoritative Saturn. Venus refers to money, women, art and social expression. We may see steely women in the news and serious cuts in the budget. Or serious cuts against women. Moon goes void on a lighter note at 9:20 PM ET, settling into Cancer at 11:25 PM ET. What comes to mind is that this is a dumb date for the Big Fat Super Tuesday primaries, with patterns reflecting strategy borne out of anxiety and fog — but please tell me you’re voting anyway. VOTE!!!
- UPDATE: I started writing this forecast on Sunday — had to put it away and resume writing on Monday (today). As if on cue, this morning I received an email from Avid Reader M announcing the premiere of Epic Warrior Women: Vikings on 3/2 at 8 PM on the Smithsonian Channel. Coincidence or conspiracy?
- WEDNESDAY — The Cancer Moon drives the day with a need to fulfill home, family and emotional security needs — aptly reflecting such efforts related to the coronavirus we’ll see in the headlines. Moon is waxing (it will be full next Monday) and the Pisces Sun is getting close to its annual meet-up with Neptune, which happens on Sunday. Neptune in Pisces — as Avid Readers know — refers to viruses, as well as vision, music, oil, dreams, escapes and spirits of all kinds. But I’m getting ahead of myself, Aries that I am.
- WEDNESDAY — this day is notable because Mercury moves back into Aquarius, sign of the rocket scientist. Mercury turns direct on Monday, and from now until March 16th we have a window of opportunity to sort out the facts from our beliefs we may have been laboring under with the long Mercury in Pisces. Got that? Meanwhile, while it backs into Aquarius, Mercury will also make a rare sextile — a cooperative connection — with Venus. If you have to imagine a way out of an impossible situation, this alignment may pave your way. Venus in Aries thrives on impossibility. Tell an Aries it can’t be done, and watch them prove you wrong. Around 9:25 PM ET, the need for security is provoked by Mars, demanding to make something happen — and as with baseball, crying will not be tolerated. Hmmm. At 10:07 PM ET, Venus leaves Aries for Taurus, begging to differ. Venus functions well in Taurus, where it facilitates sensual pleasures and material comforts, huzzah, huzzah. Venus lingers in Taurus until April 3rd. Once Mercury turns direct on the 9th, you can browse paint and fabric swatches for desired cosmetic improvements.
- THURSDAY — More Moon in Cancer, mostly free of speed bumps. Note your dreams in the morning, as Moon harmonizes with Neptune at 8:15 AM ET. Getting things done may happen with extra enthusiasm or bombast around lunchtime ET, as Moon opposes Jupiter. At 6:50 PM ET, Moon makes its weekly clash with Pluto, suggesting a power play or a catharsis — followed by a possible cut or block, as Moon opposes Saturn at 2:11 AM ET on…
- FRIDAY — and then goes void. Moon enters Leo at 4:29 AM ET, looking for a way to shine. Moon squares rebel Uranus at 11:06 AM ET, suggesting a shock or other upset to the status quo — and after that there are no exact aspects to the Moon for the rest of the day.
- SATURDAY — nothing. Not a Moon void — just no aspects to the Leo Moon — so keep on partying, inspired by two meet-ups (conjunctions) that will occur on Sunday, but are in effect all week.
- SUNDAY — Moon goes void at 4:13 AM ET and enters Virgo at 6:47 AM ET. A Virgo Moon needs to sort and put things right. With Mercury at a standstill, preparing to turn direct on Monday, that need may be intensified, but challenged. The Sun (leaders; vitality; willpower) meets up with Neptune at 8:24 AM ET — and here are some stories from past meet-ups. The rest of the day favors unconventional attractions, gender benders and surprises in matters of women, art, money and social expression, courtesy of another meet-up: Venus conjunct Uranus at 3:37 PM ET. High energy indeed; market volatility; keep your grounding cord down through Monday, when the Moon will be Full and Mercury turns direct. The roller coaster continues.
And now, the news.
It seems like a hundred years ago, but it was actually only last week that P45 went to India. Thus it was only last week that I wrote that planetary patterns — and especially the Sabian Symbols for the New Moon — were apt for matters of religion and idealism making news (google “religious liberty news”). Thus I was struck by John Oliver’s Feb 23rd segment, which was about Narendra Modi’s efforts to turn India into a “Hindus-only” nation, despite having (according to Oliver), the second-largest Muslim population in the world. These efforts include stripping away citizenship — and perhaps this effort inspired the P45 Justice Dept. to announce its own dedicated effort to rescind the U.S. citizenship of naturalized immigrants, deemed to be “terrorists, war criminals, sex offenders and other fraudsters who illegally obtained naturalization.”
Here is a post about Modi’s horoscope from 2014, noting a probable Scorpio Ascendant, though the exact time is not confirmed. If he was born at 9:35 AM (as one source claims), we should see a ton of action in his life this April and May, as Uranus activates the angles (ASC and MC) of the chart. If 9:35 AM is correct, Modi’s life would also reflect a solar arc (another way astrologers have of measuring time) between the Midheaven and Neptune. We would expect “disruptions in the home life; creativity on the job; and/or feelings of ‘losing it,'” writes Noel Tyl.
Meanwhile, Pope Francis is also reflecting current planetary patterns. The spiritual leader has a cold and has had to cancel audiences for the first time in his seven-year papacy. Back in December, his Jupiter (the planet ruling the area of his horoscope related to health) was eclipsed. On February 22, Jupiter was activated by Mars — and this seems to be when he caught this cold. Other patterns in the horoscope suggest arguments for March feeling like a squeeze for His Holiness.
Back to politics. When Governor Steve Bullock (D-MT) tossed his hat into the presidential race last May, his horoscope — what we know of it — caught my attention. Last week, with transiting Venus sitting on his Aries Sun (translation: his dance card was full), it was reported that Democrats — including President Obama and Senator Minority Leader Chuck Schumer — are trying to get him to run for the Senate. As for Pete Buttigieg, first impressions of his horoscope (birth time unknown) in January 2019 suggested we should keep an eye on him for 2024. As for now, the fact that he ended his run the Oval Office over the weekend will not preclude a windfall opportunity for him in 2020.
…and now that I’m back from a Pilates class, Amy Klobuchar is also out, as is Tom Steyer (he withdrew yesterday). This is an apparent huge boost for Joe Biden (Klobuchar endorsed him), who won South Carolina’s open primary on Saturday. It’s “open” because you don’t have to be affiliated with a political party in order to vote. New York has closed primaries, so only Democrats will get to choose their preferred candidate on April 28th. How are things run in your state, hmm?
The Moon was in Taurus on Saturday, a placement that is not inclined to disrupt the status quo. Joe Biden’s Moon is in Taurus, as is Elizabeth Warren’s. Biden may be feeling the love of transiting Venus square to his Jupiter, exact on the 29th. There are a few other patterns suggesting significant communication of an innovative/disruptive nature — also exact on that day. It’s interesting to note that the Moon will be in Taurus for most of the Democratic National Convention in July, and Saturn will be at the end of Establishment Capricorn. Not a good fit for rebel Bernie, however supercharged his horoscope may be. Hmmm.
Bloomberg will be tested, as he’ll be on the ballot for the first time.
I wish we had a birth time for Warren. Stephen Colbert interviewed her in Charleston last week. Her quirky, caring Sun-Uranus conjunction in Cancer is shining bright, as is her sharp-witted Mercury-Mars in Gemini. Minutes ago, as I strive to get this forecast posted in the ever-shifting winds of this Moon in Gemini day that is driving me to distraction and blowing the news wires into tangled knots, EMILY’s List endorsed Warren.
One thing is certain:
And then you’ll be sorry.
In other news, with Venus (women, money, values) is in a tough pattern with Pluto and Saturn (life & death; power, patriarchy, control), you can bet issues of reproductive health will be all over the news:
- W.VA governor signs “born alive” abortion bill
- P45’s SCOTUS hears its first abortion case
- “Abortion case in Colombia could be landmark for Latin America”
Elsewhere, SCOTUS will hear a case about the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, which was created by Elizabeth Warren — and is being slowly hacked to death by the PTB. Will it survive? Oh, and SCOTUS will hear a case about the survival of the Affordable Care Act, too.
Speaking of life and death, the coronavirus is now officially here in the United States and has made its debut in other countries, too. P45 had an actual press conference about it over the weekend, in which he announced the sad news of the first U.S. fatality: a woman who lived in Washington State. He and his comrades at the podium expressed condolences to the woman’s family more than once during the press conference, which began with an eight-minute ramble about killing terrorists in Afghanistan, and why it was good that his administration signed a deal with the Taliban.
The first fatality was not a woman. It was a man. You can read historian Heather Cox Richardson’s affirmation of this fact in her 2/29/2020 post. You will also find an excellent take on the idealism (thinking with blinders on) that she believes caused the P45 Administration’s lame and lamentable response to the coronavirus crisis — that was posted on 3/1/2020.
For more historical context and important safety tips re: coping with the coronavirus, I recommend John Oliver‘s latest offering — link to the video and a summary of the content can be found here.
Finally, a few random obituaries — all of which feel like an end of an era…
- Jack Welch, 84 — “corporate America’s ‘manager of the century'”
- Joe Coulombe, 89– founder of Trader Joe’s (Venus refers to food)
- James Lipton, 93 — host of “Inside the Actors’ Studio”
…plus this cool article Avid Reader Katya wanted to make sure I didn’t miss:
- “Earth has had a secret ‘second Moon’ for months…”
OK. That’s it for now. What’s going on in YOUR horoscope? Here’s the 411 on personal consultations.
Thank you for reading this forecast.
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