Monday 3/1/2021: Sneak Peek at the Week; Marching on March

Rabbit, rabbit!!

And how was your Full Moon in Virgo weekend? Did you get everything organized? That’s what I found myself doing around the house, no doubt supported by last Wednesday’s trine between Mars (action!) and Pluto (extreme). Midnight or not, that was the time to deep-clean the kitchen and finally put away the Christmas ornaments hanging on the potted palm tree. You?

The start of this work week is driven by the Moon in Libra, seeking fairness and balance in relationships. Also of influence:  ONLY TWO patterns among the planets this week that do not include the Moon. On Wednesday, Venus forms a cooperative alignment (a sextile) with rebel Uranus, facilitating the greatest good for the greatest number, based on soulful understanding. On Thursday, we’ll have the third and final in a series of meet-ups (conjunctions) between Mercury (ideas/communication) and Jupiter (BIG) in Aquarius, facilitating expansive news in law, travel, education, religion, technology and publishing/broadcasting — with an innovative and/or humanitarian spin.

Here’s how the week goes:

  • MONDAY: Moon in Libra is well-supported by Saturn (structure; ambition), Mercury and Jupiter at 4:16 AM ET, 2:27 PM ET and 5:57 PM ET, respectively. Arise, go forth and communicate!
  • TUESDAY: A potentially intense morning, as Moon makes its weekly clash with Pluto at 9:09 AM ET. Moon-Pluto suggests a potential power struggle, purge or depth of awareness. Whatever it is for you, don’t make a mountain out of a molehill, as the Moon then goes VOID until 3:36 PM ET. Stick to routine; avoid impulse online purchases. Take time to wander if you can. Chill! Moon then enters Scorpio, seeking to be of depth, substance and control. Power plays for the next two days are likely over who knew what and when.
  • WEDNESDAY: The Scorpio Moon makes contact with six planets in the cosmic sandbox; it’s gonna be a busy day. Moon trines Venus at 3:38 AM ET, offering a backdrop for a sweet Tuesday evening. A jolt or other surprise revelation presents itself at 4:21 AM ET, as Moon opposes rebel Uranus. Shock gives way to sobriety around 6:04 AM ET, as Moon squares heavy Saturn. Unconventional alliances and innovative coping strategies emerge by 12:09 PM ET, as Venus (who, what and how we need to love) sextiles Uranus, supported by a trine between the Scorpio Moon and the Pisces Sun. Finally, Moon squares Mercury and Jupiter at 7:01 PM ET and 8:21 PM ET, suggesting a battle for control, as the local nay-sayer objects to the “Yes…AND” contingent’s Great Idea.
  • WEDNESDAY: Humming in the background today is Mars, planet of action and aggression, at the verrrry end of Taurus, sign of slow, steady and resistant (which is NOT what Mars prefers to be). A planet at the end of a sign may be intensely aggressive — and with Mars in Taurus, may be intensely and aggressively obstinate. Horoscopes to watch for potential case studies are anyone with planets or angles around 29 Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius, This includes President Biden, Mitt Romney and the Former Guy.  Mars finally exits Taurus for Gemini at 10:29 PM ET.  Mars in Gemini is great for multitasking and getting the word out. Game plans may become more flexible. And they darn well better be cleverer and entertaining.
  • THURSDAY: Scorpio Moon trines Neptune at 1:30 AM ET — how dreamy. Moon sextiles Pluto at 11:09 AM ET, facilitating a consolidation of power and knowledge. Moon then goes void until 5:42 PM ET. Roll with the twists and flakes that may disrupt efforts to move in a straight line. Once Moon enters Sagittarius, everyone will have something to say about the day’s Big News — and around 6:31 PM ET, what is said and done may be quite combative, as the Moon opposes Mars. At 10:27 PM ET, Mercury and Jupiter meet up in Aquarius, repeating their Valentine’s Day hook-up. What have we learned since then? Well for one thing, the legendary Marty Baron is no longer the editor of the Washington Post. 
  • FRIDAY: Moon in Sagittarius  pushes boundaries with enthusiasm throughout the day, so if you can get out in nature or find a productive way to expand your horizons, do it. At 8:30 PM ET, Moon squares the Pisces Sun, challenging whatever illumination was received on last week’s Full Moon in Virgo.
  • SATURDAYMoon in Sagittarius goes void at 4:42 AM ETnot to enter Capricorn until 9:20 PM ET. It’s a day for a gamble or a gambol. Chill, chill, chill!
  • SUNDAY: Moon in Capricorn needs to make things happen, supported today by Venus and Uranus. What can you accomplish that reflects or engages your values, friends and/or technology? This is a better day for practical projects than Saturday.

Major patterns for the rest of March are:

  • March 10th: Get out your rose-colored glasses for the annual conjunction of Sun and Neptune. Vision, fog, deception, drugs, healing, victims, oil, spirits of all kinds — in matters of leaders and ego-gratification.
  • March 13th: Venus meets up with Neptune in Pisces, facilitating dreamy escapes and artistry
  • March 15th: Mercury leaves Aquarius for Pisces, turning rational thinking into mush.
  • March 16th: Sun sextile Pluto facilitates cooperative power plays; news from underground
  • March 18th: Venus sextiles Pluto; empowering women, money, art & social expression
  • March 20th: Happy Vernal Equinox, as the Sun enters Aries — huzzah!
  • March 21st: Mars trines Saturn & gets stuff done; Mercury sextiles Uranus, adding tech innovation
  • March 21st: Venus enters Aries — not now, but RIGHT NOW (setting the tone for the next few weeks).
  • March 23rd: Mercury squares Mars, as we now fight over what seemed so easy on March 21st
  • March 26th: Venus conjunct the Sun suggests good fiery cheer — and also idealism re: getting things started
  • March 29th: Mercury conjunct Neptune suggests dreamy inspiration, for better or worse
  • March 30th: Venus sextile Saturn seeks a practical application of yesterday’s inspiration;
  • March 31st: Sun sextiles Saturn; authority figures sign off on yesterday’s practical plan

How do the patterns of March compare to the patterns of January and February? First, the majority of them are “soft,” as opposed to “hard.” There’s an easier flow of energy. Second, there are no exact contacts among the outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto). Of those outer planets, Neptune (vision, ideals) is the most active, engaging with Sun, Mercury and Venus — and it’s moving at maximum speed. We don’t see too much tension involving the heavier planets (Uranus and Pluto) until the last two weeks of April.

Meanwhile, for the record, Saturday’s Full Moon in Virgo was exact at 3:17 AM ET. If you have a planet around 8 degrees of Virgo, Pisces, Sagittarius or Gemini, you’re more personally affected. Note that 8 Virgo makes a square to the lunar eclipse we had on November 30th.


  • As with the November 30th lunar eclipse, the focus for the U.S. on this Full Moon involves values, money and debts — what’s mine vs. what’s ours.
  • Other than a pile-up of planets in the 2nd house (chart not pictured), the most notable alignment is the aforementioned Mercury-Jupiter conjunction
  • The Sabian Symbols for the Full Moon are: “a man making a futuristic drawing” (for the Virgo Moon) and “a jockey” (for the Pisces Sun). Lead, follow — or get out of the way. Did I mention we are moving fast this month?
  • In your own personal world, this Full Moon may spark a reflection on how you can better balance the needs of the body, diet, work, service (Moon in Virgo) vs. the needs of the soul for at-one-ment and other ideals (Sun in Pisces).

And now, the news.

Thursday’s cooperative connection (sextile) between the Sun and Uranus suggested innovative leadership and unconventional alliances, with the upside potential being a humanitarian/inclusive spin.

Wednesday’s trine between Mars and Pluto suggested extremes in matters involving cars, aggression and men (especially men behaving badly). It also suggests “news from underground” and/or corruption exposed in Mars-related matters. Mars was conjunct the fixed star Algol, which adds a “losing one’s head” element to an already debilitated Mars. Avid Readers will recall that Algol is considered to be a most unfortunate — and potentially violent — celestial influence, especially when conjunct Mars. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has this in her horoscope, and as her daughter Christine famously stated, Speaker Pelosi can “cut off your head before you even know it.”

In other– much lighter — news, the NYT style section paid tribute to the Mars-Pluto trine with “How We Worked Out”. Those were the days!

What’s going on in your horoscope? Why not find out in a personal consultation? Here’s the 411.  Or — if you’re a savvy student or professional astrologer with no need for insight on your own horoscope, perhaps you might consider supporting this Forecast with Faithful Monthly or Joyful Random Expressions of Appreciation. 

Thank you for reading this forecast.

Ceci n’est-ce pas un lapin.


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