Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday 9/18/2012: Pluto Goes Direct

A serious, sober or otherwise ambitious tone gets the day started on the East Coast, as the relationship-oriented Libra Moon meets up with stern Saturn at 7:30AM ET, then promptly goes void-of-course. What twist might you experience in your morning routine?

Depth and focus intensify when the Moon enters Scorpio. In Scorpio, this suggests a need to use knowledge for the sake of gaining power and control. And what is the planet most closely associated with Scorpio? Ruthless Pluto. And what’s up with Pluto today? It is turning direct and getting ready for its second square (challenge) to rebel Uranus. All you have to do is glance at the headlines for examples of the disruption of the status quo and shift in perspective this big square can bring, with power being a big theme:  Occupy Wall Street is back, as we knew it would be — and what perfect timing. Violent protests against the US (allegedly in response to an inflammatory video) continue to spread in the Middle East. Protests against Japan continue in China. A story about NASA’s efforts to develop warp drive (a la Star Trek) just crossed the wires — that would be some breakthrough! In Myanmar, over 500 alleged political prisoners are being freed.

You get the idea. In your own personal world, unless you are actually caught up in a volatile protest, this may feel like just another day. In the grand scheme of things, big consequences and shifts are likely to come from the events happening now. And just think — you are here to see it all happen….












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