Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday 6/6/2012

Another day of forging ahead, climbing that mountain, executing that strategy. Moon continues through enterprising Capricorn, supported by an easy connection from action-oriented Mars at 12:33PM ET. Yes, there is a challenge to the Moon from stern Saturn at 10:29PM ET, which may end your day with a serious focus.  Be aware that willful Mars clashes with the Sun (ego drives) tomorrow at 10:30PM ET, suggesting a build up of tension that ends in a sudden burst of energy. A trip to the gym or other physical work out could be a very good thing indeed…

Meanwhile…surprise! Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin gets to keep his job, as many predicted he would.   So what’s the surprise? First, that it wasn’t such a close call at all. With 93% of precincts reporting as of 12:08AM, Walker got 53.9% of the vote; Barrett got 45.5%. Not surprising: more women voted for Barrett than Walker. Super-duper surprising: a majority of voters — presumably those who also voted for Walker — said if the election were held today, they would vote for Obama over Romney.  Conclusion: as much as we may say we want change, it is hard to actually make a change. Perhaps that is why so much change seems to come from external sources, rather than from within. Hmmmm…

1 reply
  1. LGM
    LGM says:

    Change or the unknown is “scary.” It can also have a negative direct effect on others. Sometimes it is easier,
    although not always wiser to sit on your hands!


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