Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday 4/8/2014: Boxing Day w/Moon in Leo
OK, break time is over. After yesterday’s looonnnnnng (15 hour+) Moon void in emotional security-focused Cancer, the Moon finally gets into gear with a royal flourish and a ton of brass and tympani, entering rip-roarin’ Leo at 5:50AM ET. You know what often happens in sports matches played during Moon voids? Surprise upsets, which people who know way more than I do about basketball swore was the case when UConn beat Kentucky in the NCAA something-or-other. Coincidence or conspiracy?
A day with Sun in Aries and Moon is Leo is so wired to strut on center stage and play, and communication is easily facilitated today by a supportive connection to the Moon from mental Mercury at 8:56AM ET. Get up and do your important walking and talking in the early part of the day, because….
…at 5:04PM ET, the me-me-me Aries Sun (life force) is opposed by warrior Mars. Yeah, sure it’s in peace-seeking Libra and yeah, sure it may be retrograde and thus a bit held back. But believe me, if you’re anyone with a planet or angle at around 18 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn…or you were born around the 8th of April, July, October or January, you are likely bouncing off the walls this week and especially yesterday and today. Exhibit A: a friend with her natal Mars at 19 Aries, whose radiator hose (!) sprung a leak, which resulted in tow trucks and other car repair drama at the start of her work week. Running a little hot, was she? Needed to blow off some steam? Exhibit B: your local astrologer, who really really really wanted to go for run today and was thwarted by a full day of rain in paradise…grrrrrr. Point is, if you’re personally affected by today’s provocative, RAMbunctious pattern, do the world a favor and work by yourself today — and then go to the gym. The good news is — you’ll have plenty of energy available to do the work you need to do with an extra dose of gusto.
How was this testosterone-heavy aspect reflected on the homepage of the New York Times, you might ask? Well, the aspect is still in effect, so there’s likely more to come, but here’s a video report called “The Super Predator Scare” — about fears of teen violence that surged in the mid-90s and whether those fears were warranted. And here’s a very interesting obituary that just hit the NYT, for the “fiery columnist”
Chuck Stone, whose columns for The Philadelphia Daily News denouncing racism, political corruption and police brutality inspired such trust that wanted criminals sometimes surrendered to him rather than to the police and the authorities called on him to mediate prison crises…
…and speaking of testosterone, a new report alleges that female White House staffers are making 88 cents for every dollar earned by their male counterparts….ughhh.
In other news, here’s another potentially game-changing power and resources story reflecting the awesome potential of the never-ending Uranus-Pluto square. The U.S. Navy may have discovered a way to convert seawater into fuel…now that could really be cool…
Finally, a reader had a follow-up question to yesterday’s post about George W. Bush: what about brother Jeb’s rumblings about possibly running for president in 2016? Will he do it — and what are the chances? Ooh that is such a good question — and I certainly have thoughts, after just a quick glance at his horoscope. But I’d rather share those thoughts when I have the leisure time to write something thoughtful and analytical, rather than a “first impression…”
An even more intriguing question is this: what’s going on in YOUR horoscope? If you’re feeling a need for clarity and guidance, consider making an appointment for a personal astro-logical consultation. Thank you for reading this forecast!
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