Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday 12/2/2010

East Coasters, the Moon will be void-of-course if you’re waking up before 9:43AM NY time, suggesting the increased possibility of a slow start or surprise twist to your morning commute. Take note of your dreams. After 9:43AM, emotional intensity is likely to increase when Moon enters Scorpio, the sign which demands depth and substance to back up magical thinking (which just might have been in your mind yesterday). But even this stubborn Scorpio vibe may be swayed by a bit of dazzle that shows up today and tomorrow: Mars, planet of action, can become as charming as Bill Clinton in top form, when it makes a charismatic connection to Neptune, planet of illusion. If you have a show or a pitch to make today, that stuff you throw at the proverbial wall might actually stick. On the other hand, if you’re on the receiving end of a pitch, read the fine print before signing on the dotted line.

Tomorrow, the only exact aspect is a square to Mars from eccentric, erratic, often disruptive Uranus. Breakthroughs, especially of a technological or cosmic kind are possibilities. Watch the headlines. So is anything else that shakes up the status quo — and that includes the weather.

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