Astro-logical Forecast for Saturday & Sunday 4/27-28/2013: What’s Eating You?

Oh, the relief of today’s Moon in fiery Sagittarius — as of 7:32AM ET — after two days of intensity in Scorpio. Randy and rowdy, Moon in Sag is up for a gamble or a gambol — whatever broadens horizons and expands minds. A need for respect for its righteous opinions is key to keeping a Sagittarius Moon content. Ramble in the park, explore a new neighborhood, read a provocative book — and tell the world what you think — sounds like a good day to me. The only exact aspect today is a square to the Moon from nebulous Neptune at 3:32PM ET, suggesting a need for a rose-colored vision to stimulate conversation. Or maybe today’s debates and headlines will have a special emphasis on idealism, sacrifice, spirituality, arts, drugs and other escapes.

The Sag Moon carries us through Sunday and it is mostly exuberant, with one caveat: a potentially heavy opposition between the comfort-seeking Taurus Sun and Saturn, the stern karma cop, in demanding Scorpio, exact at 8 degrees. You’ll feel the pressure to streamline and focus more than most if you were born around the 28th of April, July, October or January — and this is actually the second hit of a serious cycle of restructuring and/or ambition challenged that started in December of 2012. The third hit happens in September.

You are also feeling the pinch if you have a planet or angle around 6-10 degrees of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius, and perhaps you would like to talk about it. Yea verily, nearly all of my clients in the past few months have had these degrees prominent in their horoscopes. With all Saturn transits, there is an urgency about a need to be more firmly established, which often requires letting go of many people and pursuits that no longer serve. There is also no escape.

In the news, I’ve been seeing plenty of stories about Taurus and Scorpio concerns. For Taurus, have you noticed how much has been written about food, lack of food, breakthroughs on how we process food and necessary changes in our diet? Part of these revelations I’d say are a reflection of the Uranus-Pluto square, as it approaches its third (of seven) exact hits on May 20th. You may recall that a revolution in diet and farming began in the mid-60s (think: organic farming, etc.) when Uranus and Pluto were conjunct; the square suggests a serious next step forward. Here’s a sampling of intriguing headlines: earlier this week I posted a piece about foods that cause inflammation & the relationship between bacteria and a healthy gut; now we see eggs being called out as a possible cause, too. Here’s an interesting bit about farmers, resources, discrimination (and possible fraud). Here’s a follow-up on that massive fatal explosion at a Texas fertilizer plant that occurred within minutes of the volatile Sun-Mars conjunction in Aries on April 17th in which a probable cause of the explosion should surprise no one.

Plenty more to talk about, but I have horoscopes to prepare. Have a wonderful weekend and be advised that there is no Moon void to detour your efforts on Monday (at least not in the US) — so be prepared to hit the ground running.



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