Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 5/16/2011
A quick follow-up on the horoscope of Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin. Back in March, I noted a heavy transit to controlling Saturn from ruthless Pluto, exact in mid-February 2011, suggesting “the threat of loss in any area of life; hard, hard work; the threat of self-destruction”, with the observation that this heavy connection would repeat in June and December. Also still in effect is an equally tough connection with ruthless Pluto and aggressive Mars, suggesting, “extreme force, persuasion, brutality, control, excessive effort”. As of last week, nine state senators — six Republicans & three Democrats will be on the ballot in a recall election on July 12th; Governor Walker and his legislative majority are apparently working overtime to pass its agenda before then,-Wisconsin-GOP-attempts-to-ram-through-conservative-wish-list
Another follow-up: Donald Trump. When we looked at his horoscope a few weeks ago, we noted nebulous Neptune currently opposing his royal Leo ascendant. This suggests he may be having trouble seeing himself clearly, and he may be having issues related to deception and betrayal of trust in relationship. Was it a coincidence, then, to see this headline last week: “Trump Sued by Deceived Buyers” (with gratitude to Mr. Trump for recently providing astrologers with his birth certificate, so we could confirm an accurate birth time).
Meanwhile, the Space Shuttle — after several Mercury retrograde schedule changes thanks to technical issues (not surprising) — is scheduled to lift-off at the attention-grabbing time of 8:56AM EST. The general rules in astrology favor launching a mission while the Moon is waxing, which it is. So far, so good. It’s also currently running wild in the intense, controlling sign of Scorpio. It could be quite a show; the day is ripe for high hopes and inspiration, either grounded — or sharply contrasted with conservative, stubborn thinking. Hmm. That sounds like a scenario for the continued debates in Congress on raising the debt ceiling and what will be extracted as a “compromise,” I believe are also going on today.
Getting back to things “spacey.” This week features a challenge between nebulous Neptune and the Sun, suggesting bewilderment, refinement, confusion, transcendence, fantasy and other means of escape. This challenge is exact in the early AM hours on Sunday, shortly after the world is allegedly coming to an end on May 21st the Scorpio Full Moon on Tuesday, followed by a connection between Venus-Mars and Pluto on the 20th does suggest the potential for “news from the underground” (including seismic activity), my sense is that it is far more likely that those who firmly believe the world is ending on the 21st will wake up feeling very confused on the 22nd when they wake up and the world is still here. Should be an interesting week of revelations and very creative spin.
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