Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 1/26/2015: It’s Greek to Me
So who noticed the decided shift in energy as of 8:31AM ET on Saturday, when the Moon charged into proactive Aries, after almost 24 hours of wandering Moon-voidness in dreamy Pisces all day Friday? I hope you accomplished much over the weekend in a Mercury retrograde vein: reorganizing, reconnection, reviewing, etc. — but with Aries gusto!
Speaking of Mercury retrograde, which continues until February 12th, there was an article about Mercury retrograde in the NYT Sunday Magazine a couple of weeks ago. I have been so preoccupied with workshops and seminars this month that I missed it. So thanks to reader Karen for sending it along.
It’s not the first article the NYT has published on this subject, and I dare say it won’t be the last. What’s especially fascinating are the reader comments. There are only 23. That’s it. As if Times readers simply do not know how to process talk of astrology. So they do not respond at all. Fascinating.
I’ve been having my share of Mercury retrograde snafus, especially with the contact form on my website. Apparently I have a hyperactive spam filter which has been blocking some of the real emails sent by real clients. I am so grateful to those of you who figured out that I also have a telephone number (clearly posted on my website here), or who asked the friends who referred me to you for my email address. That address is eg at graceastrology dot com, and please write me or call me if you’d like to schedule a consultation and are wondering why I haven’t written you back. We will have a fine discussion together.
We’re starting the work week with a Moon void in Aries from 9:23AM – 11:37AM ET, suggesting a slow start or twist to your morning routine. Moon enters Taurus thereafter, intent on building material comfort and security. There are no exact aspects during business hours, but you may be starting to become aware of a challenge or a surge of energy regarding the New Moon agenda you set last week.
This challenge would be the First Quarter Moon at 11:48PM ET. Push through blocks with steady calm and patience, as the Taurus Moon continues fairly unimpeded through Tuesday, until it goes void at 9:18Pm ET…not to enter Gemini until 5:36PM ET on WEDNESDAY. Yes, if that monster blizzard really does materialize on the East Coast, planetary patterns will truly support chilling out, going with the flow and rolling with unexpected twists that may come up in your efforts to move forward in a straight line.
Pick up the pace again on Thursday. Note that the Moon will be void again all day on Friday: 4:24AM ET until 2:08AM ET. Plan accordingly. No major purchases. No launching important initiatives. No freaking out over crises that more often than not, are much ado about nothing.
And now, the news.
I am fascinated by recent headlines reflecting the potential of last week’s New Moon, and especially its Sabian Symbol:
The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon is “an old adobe mission,” or, as Sabian Symbol guru Blain Bovee describes it, “a sun-baked building erected for a specific cause in a foreign territory…imagine the burning fervor of someone whose deep beliefs motivate a journey to a foreign, even hostile place”. Bovee suggests we apply this degree with a watchful eye toward “a willingness to go into hot spots; a willingness to take on hard cases.” In light of current events, I am particularly struck by this: “the quest to carry beliefs far afield exposes all concerned to the inadvertent spread of foreign disease; in this case, even a kindly message can have striking repercussions”. Watch for these themes in the headlines.
“Sun-baked” adobe, eh? As in this Tweet by Melissa Jamrock calling out the Pantone colors of Speaker John Boehner’s tan at the State of the Union? Why would such a thing go viral now? Speaker Boehner also made headlines when he invited Benjamin Netanyahu (Israel’s Prime Minister), to address Congress, sparking a controversy. Will the PM’s kindly message also have striking repercussions? We’ll find out later than originally planned, as the February address has been rescheduled for March. Sudden cancellations and a need to reschedule is typical of Mercury retrogrades.
Meanwhile, President Obama is in a foreign place — India — also with a kindly message with striking repercussions. On a heavier note, the image of two orange-clad Japanese hostages held captive in the desert also seems in sync with a symbol suggesting fervent beliefs, hot spots, foreign places and repercussions. Meanwhile in Greece, there’s been a overturning of the status quo, as the people decided they’d had enough of an anguishing transit of Pluto to Saturn. After Pluto moved on to make its third and final contact with the Ascendant of Greece’s horoscope, suggesting a radical change of perspective about its identity, the anti-austerity Syriza party swept to a “stunning victory” in last week’s elections. Greece has been under intense pressure for a few years, as Uranus and Pluto have made contact with five planets before hitting the Ascendant, usually a highly responsive point in the horoscope.
Read that last linked article and you may understand the potential for further disruptions of the status quo extending to the rest of Europe. Fun fact: Patti Smith’s anthem, “People Have the Power” has become “the unofficial anthem of the Greek populist movement“. How very New Moon in Aquarius….
…against the backdrop of the ever-intensifying seventh and last hit of the Uranus-Pluto square on March 15th. So many other disruptions of the status quo recently: a new king in Saudi Arabia; Yemen’s government collapses. Pay much attention to the Swiss franc lately? We live in such interesting times.
Here’s the video of Patti Smith’s People Have the Power, for those of you who do not have paid subscriptions to the New York Times. Of course one of Smith’s songs would become the anthem for a revolution right about now, with Uranus and Pluto making contact with her Capricorn Sun and Mars, and her Libra Midheaven (public status) and Neptune (music, vision).
Astrology is amazing, isn’t it? Thank you for reading this forecast and for sharing it with friends.
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