Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 11/30/2015: Sneak Peek at the Week; Adele is Big
Good Morning!
I hope you enjoyed a festive and restful holiday weekend. No sleeping in today if you’re heading back to the office, as the Moon is fully engaged in Leo, sign of drama kings and queens, as well as creative self-expression. How can you shine — and encourage others to shine — today?
There are no serious bumps in the planetary highway today or tomorrow, as the Leo Moon’s regal drive is supported by a number of planets (Saturn, Sun, Mars, Mercury and Uranus). Good for rocket scientists, humanitarian rebels and crusading warrior types. It’s an interesting backdrop as world leaders gather in Paris for the beginning of the United Nations Conference on Climate Change.
Notable planetary patterns this week include the Third Quarter Moon at 2:40AM ET on Thursday, suggesting a bump or further revelation on whatever light you may have seen in the aftermath of last week’s wiggy Full Moon. On Friday we’ll have a charged connection between Mercury (communication) and Jupiter (expansion, collective beliefs), suggesting big ideas making headlines, for better or for worse, even if the details haven’t been sorted out.
Also on Friday: Venus enters Scorpio at 11:15PM ET. Frankly, the planet of art, women, money and social expression is much happier in Libra than in Scorpio, but enter the murky depths it must. Venus in Scorpio suggests a need for social expression with depth and substance — never mind if it isn’t pleasing to those on the receiving end. On the plus side, the expression can be juicy, all encompassing and/or cathartic. On the down side, it can intense, jealous and/or ruthless. “If I be waspish, best beware my sting”. That makes me think of Venus in Scorpio.
As we get closer to the weekend, Mars — planet of action — moves closer to a supercharged connection with Pluto (exact on Sunday), followed by a face-off with rebel Uranus on December 10th. Thus we can expect an uptick in technological breakthroughs, accidents, hero/warrior action and continued awareness of the breakdown of the structures of the world as we know it. Here’s a sampling of headlines we saw at another time when Mars clashed with Uranus and Pluto. We’ll see how it is reflected in whatever is resolved at the Climate Change Conference at the end of next week.
Your Moon voids for the week — natural rest periods when we might best focus our efforts on routine concerns — are as follows:
Tuesday 10:09PM ET until 5:09AM ET on WEDNESDAY; Thursday 11:59PM ET until 5:34PM ET on FRIDAY. So make the most of your business hours between now and Thursday evening. There may be all sorts of big ideas flying around on that Friday, but with the Moon void for most of it, chances are it will be much ado about nothing. Chill, chill, chill — and do not turn a molehill of crisis into a mountain.
And now, the news.
The “F” word was tossed about a lot last week — “F” as in “fascism” — as in maybe Donald Trump. How could this be happening in America? And this is when I tip my hat to astrologer Bill Herbst, whose writings on the Uranus-Pluto cycle I discovered twelve years ago. I have credited him here many times for sparking my interest in seeing historical events and cycles through the lens of astrology. Years ago, Mr. Herbst opined that we could likely see, in the aftermath of the seven Uranus-Pluto squares in effect from 2011-2016, an expression of fascism not unlike what was experienced in the aftermath of the last series of Uranus-Pluto squares in the early 30s and after the Uranus-Pluto conjunction in the mid-60s. I read his essays years ago and thought — really? I’ve studied the patterns myself and now understand the logic of his expectations…and here we are. Who could imagine that a presidential candidate in the United States would even be spoken about in such terms? Astrology is amazing.
FYI, defines “fascism” as follows”
a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism…
…just so we are clear about defining our terms. This one would seem to fit the definition, too.
In other news, Adele is big. How big is she? Her new album, “25”, smashed sales records over the weekend. We do not have a confirmed birth time for her horoscope (I’m not sold by this proposed time), but even without a known Ascendant, we can see the potential for her to be HUGE. Her stability-building Taurus Sun is amplified by expansive Jupiter, and those two planets are supercharged by Pluto and further supported by Neptune. This is statement of a potentially potent power and resources, with an easy flow of vision (Neptune) and other intangibles, of which music is one.
Adele has Saturn (ambition; authority) and rebel Uranus together at the Aries Point, so we see the potential for her ability to re-invent the wheel gaining prominence. Adele does things her way in business and in her personal life. The opening line of this NYT article states, “There is no one in music quite like Adele”. Certainly her album sales were helped by last week’s SNL sketch in which she saved Thanksgiving. Did that happen in your house?
As noted, last week’s planetary patterns suggested high emotion (Wednesday’s Full Moon) and transporting and/or bewildering expression (Thursday’s Saturn-Neptune square, also in touch with mental Mercury). Not only that, but early last week, Jupiter was at 20 degrees of Virgo and Mars was at 5 degrees of Libra. Why is that important? Because those degrees refer to the degrees of the two powerful eclipses we had in September. So anyone with a planet or angle at 20 Virgo — and to a lesser extent 20 Pisces, Gemini and Sagittarius — or 5 degrees of Aries — and to a lesser extent 5 Libra, Cancer and Capricorn — may have experienced a sudden release of bottlenecked energy, for better or for worse. Mars and Jupiter served as triggers for those September eclipses.
Here’s an example. My Mercury (communication) was affected by one of those eclipses, as was my Ascendant (health center). A week ago Saturday, I lost my voice! After four days of not being able to utter a word, I made a pilgrimage to the local allopath to discuss options, with the help of a pen and a notebook. He was so excited to tell me that he could jumpstart my vocal cords with a dose of some steroid-spiked drug. Voice would be back in a day or two. Steroid?! No thanks, I said. I went to see my acupuncturist/OMD.
“You will be able to speak after this,” my acupuncturist said. He stuck my left hand with two needles and it nearly took my breath away. I am no stranger to acupuncture, but this was intense! I was on the table for over an hour — drifted off to a deep sleep for most of it. And when the needles were taken out, my voice had returned. I’ll take this over drugs any time.
He sent me home with a bunch of Chinese herbs and dietary instructions. If you are in New York and need a kick-ass acupuncturist/OMD, I will be happy to give you my health practitioner’s name. That’s your PSA for the day.
Meanwhile, no matter where you live, now that I have my voice back, I invite you to schedule a personal consultation to discuss how patterns in your horoscope are reflecting opportunities in your life. Or consider gifting a really lucky Someone Else with a consultation, now that the holidaze are here. My artsy side loves to decorate gift certificates. My Really Useful 2016 Mercury Retrograde Survival Guide Bookmarks make great stocking stuffers — and such a deal at $4.99 for three of ’em.
Thank you for reading this forecast.
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