Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 6/20/2014 & the Weekend: Summer Solstice

Fire away. The Moon in (fiery) Aries charges ahead without conflict this morning, perhaps inspiring you to take the lead or at least take action. This inspiration may become supercharged in the afternoon and evening hours (ET), as the Moon makes its weekly challenge with the status quo-disrupting Uranus-Pluto square. Power plays or an emotional catharsis may crop up around 3:40PM ET, when Moon squares Pluto; a testy opposition from Mars at 7:25PM ET suggests extra care on the roads or in any situation involving conflict; a hook-up with innovative Uranus suggests a revelation or encounter with the unconventional or at least something new — even if its as seemingly mundane as going to a Ukrainian restaurant, if you’ve never been to one before.

Saturday we have the Sun’s ingress into Cancer at 6:51AM ET, marking the Summer Solstice — the longest day of the year in  the Northern Hemisphere. The first two days around a Solstice or Equinox are especially charged, as these degrees of the zodiac: 0 Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn mark the beginning of a new season — a turning point — a new phase of development. Collectively these degrees are known as the Aries Point, and whenever a planet in your horoscope falls on one of these points, you can be sure it will push for prominence in your life. Things that come into being — including people — when the Sun is at the Aries Point often have a knack for becoming famous in whatever pond they swim in. Off the top of my head, Meryl Streep, William Shatner, Elizabeth Warren and Edward Snowden were all born with the Sun close to the Aries Point.

Contacts to the Moon from Jupiter and Mercury on Saturday suggest expansion, optimism and and a dynamic flow of communication until 6:24PM ET, when the Moon goes void until 11:03PM ET. Do your shopping and yard sale hopping when the Moon is not void. You may notice a slower pace when the Moon enters Taurus (after the void), and encourages us to indulge in what makes us feel materially secure: good food, drink, maybe a song or a snuggle with your sweetie. Planetary patterns Sunday — with the exception of the buzz of Wednesday’s upcoming “wild card” challenge between Mars and Uranus — are potentially soulful, resourceful and healing. No sleeping in on Monday.

Thanks to the reader who was inspired by this week’s post about Eben Alexander’s book, Proof of Heaven. She forwarded this story about Dolores Cannon, a hypnotherapist who’s also written a book, The Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth, which is “an ensemble of regressive hypnotherapy client sessions which narrates a ‘behind the scenes’ look at Earth’s current paradigm shift.” The theory she presents is fascinating, and perhaps explains why, when asked where I’m from, I often reply, “I’m here on a tourist visa.”

; )

I’ll post a news round-up later…have a fabulous weekend!

What’s going on in your horoscope? Mercury retrogrades are excellent times for reviewing your life with an astrologer. Here’s the 411 on personal consultations.





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