Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday 3/30/2016: Mercury in Action; Make it Happen

Alllll-righty then!

As I type, the high-flying and righteous Sagittarius Moon is still void. Any twists or upsets in your morning so far? You rolled with them, I trust. No sense making a mountain out of a molehill — this, too, shall pass.

By the time you read this, the energy of the day will have shifted, courtesy of the Moon’s ingress into Capricorn. This is an earthy, practical energy that would be happy to move any mountains of crisis you might have created, because you neglected to remember the Moon’s voidy-ness this morning. Get off your duff and make it happen, assisted by an especially persuasive, innovative and dirt-revealing alignment between Mercury (mindset, communication) and Pluto — exact at 10:52AM ET. If the FBI is able to announce that it managed to crack open an iPhone without Apple’s assistance, just imagine what intense revelations could crop up in your own personal world, especially if your horoscope is directly affected.

Last week, under the influence of Mercury’s meet-up with Sun in Aries (pioneering — yet perhaps idealistic and or reckless — communication), Microsoft launched an AI experiment that was quickly sabotaged by certain subversive Twitter users. “Tay” is a “chatbot” that was designed to engage with actual humans, but within hours of its launch, said subversives turned Tay into “a racist jackass”. Launching the chatbot on last weekend’s potentially bitchy-in-a-big way patterns between Venus (women, social expression) and Saturn (bitchy) and Jupiter (big) also seems to have been reflected. Tay made a brief re-appearance this morning, but after several brutally blunt communications (Mercury square Pluto!), it’s been pulled offline again.

That’s it for the news. As for how best to apply the energy of the Capricorn Moon that will be driving the next couple of days, Beth Owldaughter’s Tarot Card of the Week offers wise words, always in synch with planetary patterns.

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