Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday 4/26/2011:When Neptune Runs Wild
Moon goes void-of-course at 7:28AM EDT in the socially significant, “who loves ya, buddy” sign of Aquarius, where it will wander through the entire day, buoyed by a philosophical, communicative connection to expansive Jupiter. Be open to innovative twists in whatever you have on your plate. Despite the detached, cerebral approach Moon in Aquarius prefers, emotional encounters can run deep. A chance to purge, to clarify, to transform in relationships is suggested by ruthless Pluto challenging loving Venus and grooving with the Sun in security-building, sensually indulgent Taurus. The aspect is exact Wednesday, but has been in effect for the past couple of days.
Yet another layer to the next few days: nebulous Neptune, running wild, suggesting a desire to not look at all the icky hard news stuff (honestly, I just can’t bring myself to read the latest Wikileaks release on the Gitmo detainees), even though it’s all over the news. Or yet another front page story about water, as anticipated in previous forecasts Preference instead is for the spiritual, the aesthetic, the intangible — or an escape, like the fairytale wedding of a real-life prince in a faraway land. Hey, it could happen.