Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 4/15/2011 and the Weekend: Stormy Weather
Happy Tax Day! For today, more of the same discerning, perfecting Virgo energy at your disposal (see yesterday’s forecast for details) — though best put to use in the AM, especially on the West Coast. Moon goes void at 4:49PM EDT/1:49PM PDT, suggesting that things performed during that time will be of no consequence. You could consider closing up shop early and enjoying the good vibe suggested by an indulgent connection between Moon and loving Venus.
Moon enters people-pleasing Libra at 2:59AM EDT and is knocked around by the planetary heavies all day. First Uranus, then Pluto, then Mars…and by 11:17PM wet blanket Saturn may want to call the whole thing off, unless someone gets serious about something. I expect plenty of jolts in the headlines.
In your own personal world, follow the advice of this New Moon cycle and Mercury retrograde: count to ten before snapping someone’s head off. Channel the abundance of energy into something productively creative and/or physical…with the key word being “productive.” You could even go shopping productively, as there’s no Moon void during business hours all weekend.
Sunday the lunar connections are likely to foster exuberance (yay!) or exaggeration or ego-aggrandizement (boo!). We’re warming up for the Full Moon — exact at 10:44PM EDT. Sun in Aries opposed by Moon in Libra suggests a reality check in our relationships, as in getting real about expectations vs. ability to deliver on certain promises That theme is sure to play out in the news this week, and I have a hunch we’ll see more headlines concerning what some, including Senator Barbara Boxer, are calling the “War on Women.”
A dominant pattern over the next few days (exact on Monday AM) is a fierce opposition between aggressive Mars in Aries and controlling Saturn in Libra. At its best, this aspect is determined to blast through obstacles. At its worst, it can manifest as a clash between hot and cold (stormy weather, anyone?), and frustration, especially by those subjected to someone’s militant philosophy or actions. If you need an important favor from someone, you might do better waiting a few days. Oh…and about that “stormy weather”: this Full Moon is the third Super Moon in a row, which also suggests the potential for wacky weather — consider yourself advised.