Tuesday 3/7/2023: Late Sneak Peek at a Milestone Week: Saturn Enters Pisces; Full Moon in Virgo
Alllll-righty then!
Even though the elm tree outside my window is sprouting buds, and the tulips and daffodils are pushing up through the earth (thanks to the ridiculously balmy weather), March is indeed roaring in like a lion — from an astro-logical perspective. If you enjoy listening to your astrological 411, check out Episode #27 of Off the Charts: A Stellar Newscast, which was released on Friday. There, my co-pilot Whitney McKnight and I dish the dish on the upcoming ingresses of Saturn (into Pisces) and Pluto (in Aquarius) in less than a cosmic minute. Episode 27 is called “‘Choose Your Own Adventure’ Democracy,” and Whitney’s show notes are superb.
Here are the highlights of the week:
- Sun sextiles Uranus on Monday
- Full Moon in Virgo on Monday
- Saturn enters Pisces on Tuesday
- Venus sextiles Mars on Saturday
- Mercury sextiles Uranus on Saturday
Here’s how it goes — with apologies for the delay.
- MONDAY: Moon in Virgo drives the day with a need to make things right. Cooperation and innovation among leaders is favored by the harmony between the Sun and Uranus, exact at 8:41 AM ET. Communication may be jarring around 11:32 AM ET, as the mental analysis of Moon in Virgo is opposed by Mercury (how we need to think and communicate), which prefers to follow a more intuitive flow. Is that why Twitter had yet another major outage today? Work it out — and hopefully, the rest of your day went swimmingly, assisted by another cooperative alignment involving Uranus — this one at 5:50 AM ET on…
- TUESDAY: …Moon trines Uranus at 5:50 AM ET. Emotions are on the rise (and have been for the past 24 hours), as the Full Moon in Virgo opposes the Pisces Sun, exact at 7:40 AM ET. Once again, discerning need of the Virgo Moon is challenged to come to terms with the Pisces Sun’s need to believe…whatever it feels. And as I write (at 12:30 AM on Tuesday) my Twitter feed is filled with clips of the January 6th insurrection as presented by the twisted mind of Tucker Carlson. What’s amazing is that astrology anticipated this split between the real and the unreal years ago, It was hard to imagine how this could come to pass, but here we are. (And since that line was written, historian Heather Cox Richardson has compiled all the details here, just for you).
Here is the Full Moon in Virgo, set in Washington, D.C.:
- The Sabian Symbols for this Full Moon are — for the Sun in Pisces: “A Easter promenade.” For the Moon in Virgo: “A volcano in eruption.” Once again, astrology presents us with contradictory images and challenges us to figure out how they can be integrated. Sabian Symbol guru Blain Bovee observes that here we have an image of raw, uncontrollable creative power, versus an image of a socially acceptable and contained mode of creative expression. What happens when one wild energy comes into contact with that which is controlled? Bovee suggests we be mindful of “social capacities of acceptance and tolerance being tested by new, raw social expressions…flare-ups of all kind…energies that flow with a mind of their own…ideas that take form only after a long period of cooling down, as opposed to the natural pace…of a promenade.” We worked with these two Symbols on the Full Moon in Pisces of …September 8, 2014.
- Midpoints in this chart echo the potential noted above. A midpoint picture involving Mercury, Sun and Saturn suggests a sobering mindset, whereas another involving the Sun, Mercury and Neptune suggests potentially magical thinking. Yet another involving Uranus, Saturn and Pluto echoes the potential for a violent breakthrough, and possible new world order.
- Mars is still in Gemini, and is now in contact with the wiggy Mars – Neptune square in the U.S. birth chart. It’s making its third pass since Mars entered Gemini back in August, triggering action based on idealism — for better or for worse. The second pass was right after the November elections, as noted in the preceding link.
- Jupiter –– the energy of expansion and abundance — is in Aries, right on the me-me-me crusading Aries Ascendant of this chart. That sounds big, fiery and possibly inspiring or pioneering…but could also suck all the oxygen out of the room. Jupiter is about to meet up with Chiron — a.k.a., the Wounded Healer. So whatever is slated to erupt into the headlines over the next few days is likely to be rooted in a long-standing wound to the psyche.
- And there is Saturn…at the verrrrrrrrry end of Aquarius. It is happily placed in the 12th house, where it can confine itself to behind-the-scenes activities. This Saturn — is about to change in condition from being exceptionally high-functioning — to a position of anxious focus. In this chart, Saturn refers to leaders of the nation, along with its government agencies and large institutions.
- You are more personally affected by the illumination and release potential of this Full Moon if you have planets or angles around 17 degrees of Virgo, Pisces, Gemini and Sagittarius. Consult your local astrologer for details.
Less than a hour later, at 8:34 AM ET, Saturn leaves Aquarius, not to return until January 2050. Wow. How time flies. Here’s what we thought would happen during the past few years, as Saturn trekked through Aquarius (originally posted on March 6, 2020 — though you can see that it was updated later in that year):
Avid Readers will recall that in the language of astrology, Saturn refers to necessary controls, structure, ambition, streamlining, patriarchy and authority. It functions well in Capricorn, the sign it rules. Saturn in Capricorn is good for business and good for authority, especially patriarchy (“patriarch” just happens to be the Spelling Bee seven-letter word in this weekend’s NYT Sunday magazine!).
Saturn is even stronger in Aquarius, where its ambition may more easily serve humanitarian purposes (anyone born with Saturn in Aquarius needs to help others in their vocation, if they are to be fulfilled). How are we likely to see the energy of structure, control, authority and ambition applied while Saturn is in Aquarius? We’ll see it in areas associated with Aquarius: e.g. networks, technology, astrology, aviation, circulation, groups, freedom, unconventional expression, friendship, the masses — to name a few. Here is a lengthy list of keywords for Aquarius. If Capricorn is the old guard, Aquarius is the avant garde. Same comparison applies to Saturn vs. Uranus.
Saturn [turned] retrograde on May 11th. It
willbacktracked through Aquarius until July 2nd, when it re-entered Capricorn. Saturn turned direct on September 29th, but won’t re-enter Aquarius until December 17th. While Saturn is at the verrrry end of Capricorn, the needs of the Capricorn “old guard” Establishment are intensified and facilitated — in a “last gasp” effort to maintain authority and control! We can expect the needs of the “avant garde” Aquarian keywords to demand attention and support when Saturn enters Aquarius. [UPDATE: Pluto is now at this “last gasp” 29th degree of Capricorn, pushing those “old guard controls” that were hot in 2020 to the extreme in 2023 and 2024)]With respect to politics in the United States, note that Super Tuesday happened with Saturn at the very end of Capricorn. So whatever traction the “avant garde” got between March 21st and July 1st (2020) may be challenged or stifled during Saturn in Capricorn’s last stand between July 2nd and December 17th, during which we’ll have the Democratic Convention and — presumably — an election. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss? [UPDATE: and isn’t that just what happened when Joe Biden surged ahead of all of his avant garde competitors, and won the nomination?Amazing!]
With respect to Saturn, now in Pisces:
Matters of authority, structure and control are expressed in the language Pisces speaks. Which is to say it doesn’t speak much at all. When have you ever heard a fish talk? How are we supposed to set structures and controls with Pisces feelings, impressions, beliefs, ideals and empathy? What boundaries can be set if what Pisces intuits is that there are no boundaries? Y’know, we are all connected. All. Is. One.
The answers can be found in this lengthy list of keywords for Pisces. We’ll see streamlining and structuring in matters related to oceans, healing, networks, mental health care, emotional trauma, drugs and all other forms of escapism; virtual reality, film, television and all other artistic mediums; oil, chemicals, toxins; victims and refugees — to name just a few. Looking at this morning’s headlines, WaPo has a story on President Biden’s plan to avert a Medicare funding crisis by providing it with a structure.
Saturn’s last passage through Pisces began with a two-month toe-dipping in May of 1993. It fully committed to Pisces in January of 1994, and stayed there until April 1996. Interesting highlights from that period include, courtesy of Wikipedia — here and here:
- Edvard Munch‘s painting The Scream is stolen in Oslo
- Steven Spielberg‘s Holocaust drama Schindler’s List wins seven Oscars
- Forrest Gump wins Best Picture at the Oscars. At the time, the special effects — which spliced the fictional character into video footage of real-life events was mind-blowing.
- Kurt Cobain, the lead singer of Nirvana, commits suicide at age 27 at his home in Seattle.
- Sega launches the Saturn game console in North America four months before its initial scheduled date.
- Jeff Bezos founds Amazon. It will be experiencing it first Saturn return.
- Online service America Online offers gateway to World Wide Web for the first time. This marked the beginning of easy accessibility of the Web to the average person in the U.S.
- Fox “News” was developed when Saturn was in Pisces. It launched in April, just days after Saturn entered Aries.
My favorite piece of advice for those born with Saturn in Pisces comes from astrologer Michael Lutin. “Turn your suffering into an art form.” An art form can make a powerful emotional impression.
This year, Saturn will turn retrograde at 7 degrees Pisces on June 17th. It turns direct at 0 Pisces on November 4th. Whatever is happening RIGHT NOW, with Saturn at 0 Pisces, will be blaring like a car horn in late October and November…which “coincides” with another blaring car horn as Pluto re-connects with the U.S. Pluto (a.k.a. the U.S. Pluto return).
You are more personally affected by Saturn’s trek through Pisces in 2023 if you have planets or angles in the first eight degrees of Pisces, Virgo, Gemini or Sagittarius. Consult your local astrologer for details.
Back to the forecast:
- TUESDAY: the fallout from the morning’s Full Moon may build to an assertive and/or surreal evening. Moon squares/ Mars at 6:06 PM ET and opposes Neptune at 11:38 PM ET. It may be a sneak peek at the assertive and surreal potential of next week’s contacts among warrior Mars in Gemini, and Sun-Mercury-Neptune in Pisces. Flexibility may be your best coping strategy.
- WEDNESDAY: Moon trines Pluto at 9:07 AM ET, infusing the morning with an easy flow of emotional depth. At 9:43 AM ET, Moon shifts gears into Libra, now seeking fairness, diplomacy and balance in relationship. It travels throughout the rest of the day with no interference from the other kids in the cosmic sandbox, and thanks to patterns building to a crest this weekend, the harmony it seeks is within the realm of possibility. Perhaps this is why Beth Owl’s Daughter’s Tarot Card of the Week is such a joyful one. Count your blessings!
- THURSDAY: Moon opposes Jupiter at 12:27 PM ET, suggesting a release of tension involving one side’s need for diplomacy, vs. another side’s need for ego recognition. How will they work it out? Will there be a slight howl — as one might hear from an infant — calling attention to wounded feelings around 1:19 PM ET, as the Moon next opposes “wounded healer” Chiron?
- FRIDAY: Moon opposes Venus at 4:06 AM ET, and since you are presumably fast asleep, just carry on. Bouncing out of bed may be facilitated by a trine between Moon and Mars, exact at 6 AM ET. A power play or emotional catharsis may cap off the work week, as Moon makes its weekly clash with Pluto at 6:36 PM ET. Minutes later, at 7:05 PM ET, Moon enters Scorpio. Please note that since Saturn is now at the very beginning of Pisces, and there’s a good chance that the first contact the Moon makes when it enters a new sign will be to the so-called “taskmaster” of our solar system. You can think of this as Saturn issuing the marching orders for the Moon as it enters a new sign…but Saturn doesn’t get the last word. In this particular instance, the Moon will trine Saturn at 7:51 PM ET, suggesting an easy flow between the need to consolidate information for the sake of depth/control, and the nearest available executive authority.
- SATURDAY: There’s no Moon void, so if shopping for bargains is on your weekend agenda, you’re free and clear. The Scorpio Moon travels without interference or speed bumps. A rare sextile (an alignment that facilitates communication and cooperation) has been humming in the background all week, and it’s exact at 10:04 AM ET. This sextile is between Venus (money, yin, women, aesthetics) and Mars (yang, men, action, desire), and in this moment, maybe we can all agree on something. Another sextile between Mercury and Uranus, exact at 4:04 PM ET, supports innovation and technology being productively applied in matters of thought and communication. Get the word out!
- SUNDAY: Moon opposes Uranus at 12:42 AM ET — possibly rebelling against whatever seemingly-easy control a Designated Authority Figure implemented on Friday night. At 1:53 AM ET, Jupiter meets up with Chiron, possibly presenting an expansive or expensive healing opportunity. Planetary patterns for the rest of the day are easy ones: trines between Moon and Mercury, Sun and Neptune at 3:07 AM ET, 12:31 PM ET and 6:18 PM ET — just in time for the Academy Awards. And the Oscar goes to…all things Neptune and Pisces (water, the surreal, music, victims, healing, etc.). It’s fascinating that Jimmy Kimmel will serve as host, as he has been known to make headlines when there are active patterns between Mars and Neptune, as he did in 2017. In what we know of his horoscope, we see the potential for provocative zingers amplified — now, and building in intensity as summer approaches, continuing into 2024.
And now, the news.
Astrologers have obtained a copy of Hillary Clinton’s birth certificate, and it has a birth time. At long last, a mystery has been solved! Here is her horoscope. The sudden revelation, which most definitely changes her public status (at least to astrologers), was announced right after a disruptive contact from Uranus (change! disruption! astrology!) to her Midheaven (public status). Had we had this confirmed birth time in 2015, we would have seen the planetary patterns which clearly reflected the potential for scapegoating, betrayal, and wipeout. Those patterns — notably, a square from Neptune to her Gemini Ascendant — were in effect all through 2016 and early 2017. We can also see that her Moon is 28 degrees of Pisces — which is close enough to the Aries Point to guarantee that a tremendous feel for concepts, people and ideals would become prominent. Her Moon’s conjunction with the fixed star Scheat suggests considerable depth of thought, but Scheat is also associated with shipwrecks. Oh, well. Another screamingly astro-logical pattern in the horoscope is a Mars-Pluto conjunction opposing her Midheaven, squared by Venus in Scorpio. Translation: themes involving dramatic power plays in the extreme are at the root of her experience in this lifetime.
Finally — because I’d like to get this out today by 1 PM…
…here’s a fascinating headline that hit the wires right on last week’s Venus-Jupiter conjunction in Aries. I was inspired to look up its Sabian Symbol (click on this link if you don’t know the story of the Sabian Symbols, and why they are significant) . It is “an unsuccessful bomb explosion.” On that day, a passenger at an airport in Allentown, Pennsylvania checked in a suitcase with an explosive device hidden inside the lining. He was arrested. Astrology. Is. Amazing.
…and we are living in extremely interesting times! There’s more to come in March that will set the tone for the longer journey ahead. An old order is passing away. A new order is birthing. And you are here to see it and engage with it all, if you choose.
What do all these planetary patterns suggest for your brilliant future? Here is the 411 on personal consultations. I am also a horary astrologer, in case you happen to have a burning question. Details are on the SERVICES page of the website. Meanwhile, I did give myself a raise, as announced last month. Having just completed a Saturn return, I’ve proven my worth. Woot!
Thank you for reading this forecast…and sharing it with friends.
All hail Saturn in Pisces!
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