Thursday & Friday 6/8-9/2017: Full Moon in Sagittarius; Jupiter Direct

Allll-righty then!

The Moon has been in high-flying Sagittarius since 7PM ET last night, infusing the energy of the day with a need for in-your-face frankness of opinion, even as it pushes boundaries. How fitting that I would be traveling to DC on the Acela Express, glued to my iPhone as James B. Comey testifies before Congress. Are you watching? Mr. Comey — himself a Sagittarius with Mercury (how he needs to communicate) also in Sagittarius —  just told Congress that he needed to document all interactions with P45 because he was concerned P45 would lie about them. Well, that’s frank. Mr. Comey submitted a seven-page written statement detailing his interactions with P45; it was released last night and you can read it here. It is riveting.

Take advantage of today’s easy flow to push your own expansive agenda. Get outside your normal box. Tonight note the potential for delusion/illusion/idealism, as the Moon is squared by nebulous Neptune at 11:48 PM ET. It’s a fine night for indulging in intangibles: music, film, healing — spirits of all kinds.

On FRIDAY we’ll have a Full Moon, with the Gemini Sun opposing the Sagittarius Moon at 9:10 AM ET. The Sabian Symbols for this lunation are 19 Gemini and Sagittarius: “a large archaic volume” vs. “pelicans moving their habitat.” As always, Sabian Symbol guru Blain Bovee has useful insights on what these symbols suggest. One strong takeaway is that Sabian Symbols at 19 degrees suggest measures of extremes.  In June of 2013 we had a New Moon at 19 Gemini (“a large archaic volume”), and days later Edward Snowden and his trove of information took the world by storm. With respect to the potential of 19 Sagittarius (“pelicans moving”), Bovee suggests an extreme pressure necessitating the move, i.e, “The house is on fire, What one item do you save?”  I expect we’ll see more stories reflecting these symbols in the coming days.

See Monday’s forecast for other planetary patterns happening on Friday.

And now, the news.

Countries have horoscopes, as you know. Qatar is no exception. What might be going on the horoscope of an entity whose friends and neighbors suddenly decide to snub it?  There are two dates in use for the birth of Qatar; one in 1971 (when it declared its independence from Britain) and December 18, 1878 — when Qatar established itself as a state. December 18 is the date used to celebrate Qatar’s National Day, so this is one I’m using, with a midnight birth time.

Qatar has its Sun at 25 degrees of Sagittarius, exactly squaring a 26 Virgo Ascendant and opposing a 26 Gemini Midheaven. The Sun is also squaring Saturn at 26 Pisces. In May all four were hit by transiting Saturn and Mars, suggesting cuts and attacks, respectively. If Qatar is feeling somewhat wiped out by the sudden split, this would be reflected in another measurement (a solar arc) to its Sun from nebulous Neptune.

Here’s another Sagittarius making headlines: Reality Winner. I am  struck by her name. I don’t find it a coincidence. Names are so telling. Ms. Winner was arrested over the weekend — accused of leaking to the press a classified document detailing the alleged Russian interference in the Nov 8th election. We don’t have a birth time; we know she was born on December 4, 1991. So — Sag Sun conjunct Mars; Moon in either Scorpio or Sagittarius. If it’s Scorpio, how interesting to note that Chelsea Manning in also a Sag with Moon in Scorpio, and James B. Comey may also have a Scorpio Moon. We have a running theme today!

Not surprisingly, there’s a lot going on in Ms. Winner’s horoscope. Transiting Neptune is squaring her Sag Sun and opposing her natal Jupiter in Virgo. This suggests a potential for a period of heavy idealism, fog and — isn’t this interesting — “tricky legalisms,” says astrologer Noel Tyl. Also hot in her horoscope: transiting Uranus squaring her Venus in Capricorn, suggesting sudden and/or upsetting social expression. These patterns continue well into 2018.

And speaking of Chelsea Manning, she was released from prison last month just after the third hit of a heavy Uranus-Venus transit. Of course we’d expect a new look  — quite fitting.  Isn’t astrology amazing? She’s now in the middle of three hits to her Sag Sun from transiting Saturn. Time to get serious and streamlined about establishing herself on the material plane.

Thank you for reading this forecast. I am delighted by the numerous requests I’ve had for personal consultations this week. I’m on the road and will return to the office on Monday. Thank you for your patience and kind understanding.


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