Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday 11/17/2010
Scanning the headlines looking for an interesting item to discuss astro-logical-ly…let’s see…”Robo-Signer’ Foreclosure Scandal May Threaten Fundamental Financial Stability” (yeah, probably, given current challenges to the US financial infrastructure by transiting Pluto (transformation, breakdown, exposure of dead wood) in Capricorn (hallowed structures of society, e.g. corporations); hmmm…. lots of articles about outraged passengers reacting to increasingly invasive security checks by robo-screening TSA personnel (a sneak peek of the likely intensifying clash between individual freedom (Uranus in Aries) and government control — more Pluto in Capricorn– we can expect in 2012)…and oh looky — Prince William announces engagement — and it knocks that tedious airport security kerfuffle story right off the NY Times’ home page — way to go!
Prince William’s engagement seems to be right on schedule in his horoscope. He’s just beginning his first Saturn return, which will conclude in about a year. If you were born in November of 1981 or June/July 1982 (like the Prince), you’re about to have a Saturn return, too. This happens to everyone around the ages of 28-30; it’s a pretty big deal — and it is defined as a “reach for ambition” according to master astrologer Noel Tyl. Suddenly 20-somethings start getting serious — about relationships, about career, about establishing themselves in the material world, and so that is exactly what they strive to do: marry, buy houses, pursue a career (as opposed to just holding down a job), etc.
But William has other marriage-minded measurements currently active in his horoscope, including powerful arcs to the ruler of his 7th house (issues of marriage and other partnerships) and the ruler of his 1st house (inclining him to take on a more serious, crystalline projection of his persona). There’s also a lovely connection to his Gemini Sun (in the 7th) from Venus, ruler of his 5th (romance, creative self expression). There’s more, too — but enough already. Point is, planetary patterns have an uncanny way of reflecting life events…wonder what’s going on in YOUR horoscope?
Moon is now forging ahead with impatience in me-me-me Aries — and aren’t you glad this will be the LAST day of Venus being retrograde? Miss Manners will be released from her prison Thursday afternoon, and “please” and “thank you” may yet be back in vogue. Meanwhile, giving practical consideration to those opinionated thoughts zipping around in your head is favored today, even if you have to muffle their exuberance for the sake of someone’s convention or authority. Write, revise, revise, revise, revise….maybe publish.