Thursday 9/7/2017 & the Weekend: The Calm Before the Storm
Allll- righty then!
As of 8:01 AM ET the Moon is in me-me-me Aries, driving the day with a need to inspire, and — if it’s on its best behavior — fiercely champion the underdog. Humming in the background is a power-consolidating harmony between the Sun and Pluto, exact on Sunday. Forge ahead — though do be advised that Mercury, planet of communication and travel, is just getting back up to speed after turning direct on Tuesday. Easy does it in all matters of thinking, speaking and getting from Point A to Point B.
Power plays and potential disruption of the status quo may rear their heads around midday ET on FRIDAY; early morning ET on SATURDAY, as the Aries Moon is rattled by its weekly clash with Pluto and Uranus.
Moon enters Taurus on SATURDAY at 12:23 PM ET — and if we are really lucky, Mother Nature will respect the Taurus need for material comfort, security and stability. Mercury re-enters Virgo at 10:52 PM ET — may cooler analytical heads prevail through September 29th.
Moon goes void on SUNDAY at 8:54 PM ET…not to enter Gemini until 3:29PM ET on MONDAY. A slow start to the next work week — yes, you can sleep in.
And now, the news.
UPDATE: Michelle Obama, whose horoscope is performing exactly as anticipated on October 17, 2016.
What does her horoscope suggest in the near-term future? We immediately see the potential for a declaration of individualism in the late spring and summer of next year, as transiting Uranus challenges her no-nonsense Capricorn Sun. This streak carries into the spring of 2018.
“Michelle Obama just ripped up the playbook for former First Ladies,” says WaPo. What’s causing such a stir?
After more than a decade in public life, can she freely shed the sheath dress and pearls for a wide brim black hat and dookie braids?
She just did.
By allowing herself to be photographed alongside 15 other members of Beyoncé’s inner circle, Obama reclaimed her image from the annals of stodgy first lady portraits…
I would not be surprised to see another statement of independence from Mrs. Obama around mid-October.
Meanwhile, I am so glad I wrote about the Sabian Symbols for yesterday’s Full Moon in Pisces, even though I wasn’t quite sure how they might be relevant in the headlines. “A lady in a fox fur” represents 14 Pisces, suggesting “cunning” and “camouflage for family protection,” according to Sabian Symbol guru Blain Bovee.
Guess who WaPo is calling “crazy like a fox” in today’s news? Not Michelle Obama. Nay, ’tis P45 — because of his jaw-dropping decision to go along with the Democrats — a.k.a. “Chuck and Nancy” in a deal to kick the can down the road another three months and fund the federal government and hurricane relief at least through December. It is totally worth it to subscribe to WaPo, just read in full a prescient interview with Michael Steele from last fall:
So, let me just say straight up that, in answer to your question, the Republican Party still has this fight to go through, and they still have this reckoning. Because what they’ve done is they’ve elected someone who was not of their caste. … He’s not a Republican in the sense that Paul Ryan is a Republican or Reince Priebus is a Republican. He is a guy who is a populist, and he was able to — as we saw with Bernie Sanders — shake up the system.
“Not of their caste,” i.e., “a lady in fox fur.?” Well. I did say we could expect bipartisan efforts this week in the aftermath of the Aug 27th Jupiter-Saturn sextile, right? But if it’s coming from P45, the Sabian Symbol suggests the motive has more to do with self-preservation than authentic cooperation. P45 Jr was summoned to the Senate today to explain why he took a meeting with that Russian lady lawyer who claimed to have dirt on Hillary Clinton. And son-in-law Jared Kushner may have helped Russian operatives buy targeted political ads on Facebook, etc., etc., etc.
In other news, House Speaker Paul Ryan, interviewed in today’s NYT, says P45 “wanted a bipartisan moment;” i.e. no “partisan fight over hurricane aid.” P45 is reportedly thrilled thrilled thrilled with the positive media coverage…and to further confound Republican members of Congress, he tweeted “reassurances” to those 800,000 young DACA immigrants that they do not need to worry about being deported. He did this at the behest of Nancy Pelosi, the leader of the Democrats in the House.
Enough with the politics. This one is fun. There’s another element to the “lady in a fox fur.” Blain Bovee notes that a “fox” is archaically a name for a sword, and also “a name for the sheath of a sword, echoing the covering theme.” Then he goes into a discussion of how King Arthur concealed his true identity as boy, up until the moment he pulled the sword Excalibur out of a stone. And as I was reading that passage a couple of nights ago, this story broke: Girl Pulls Sword from Lake of King Arthur’s Excalibur. Coincidence or conspiracy?
Under this week’s Sun-Neptune opposition, it makes sense to see a magical story making headlines. Empathy, faith, dreams, betrayal, plastics and water water everywhere would also be apt. Back to politics, because it seems it is the only thing making news apart from hurricanes. Thus in the US, P45 had giddy hatchet elf Jeff Sessions announce the end of DACA — potentially deporting 800,000 U.S. taxpayers — a.k.a. “Dreamers” — unless Congress passes a law that allows them to stay within six months. Who took credit for the six-month delay? P45’s Evangelical Advisory Board. There’s your Sun-Neptune theme of faith. Meanwhile, I’ll just leave this one here: Russians Flock to Trump Properties to Give Birth to U.S. Citizens.
ECLIPSE UPDATE: Keith Schiller, one of P45’s closest associates, has left the White House. P45 is “crushed,” says People magazine. With the eclipse falling on P45’s Ascendant, we can see the potential for relationships to suddenly end. In other news, Steve Bannon will be interviewed on 60 Minutes this Sunday. His Moon was likely eclipsed on August 21st and activated this week by transiting Mars (action) and Mercury (communication). Action action blah blah blah, driven by a need to be perfectly right….pushed into the spotlight. Eclipsed.
Not eclipsed — and in honor of this week’s trine between the exacting Virgo Sun and Pluto, craters, plains and mountains on Pluto have officially been named.
Last but not least, author, artist, educator and radical feminist Kate Millett passed away. “She is best known for her book Sexual Politics (1970), which became the cornerstone of the modern feminist movement, followed by another novel in 1974 and her autobiography in 1977″, says her Wikipedia biography. Why did she need to be so radical?
A quick glance at her horoscope reveals rebel Uranus right on a feisty, pioneering Aries Ascendant — supercharging a willful Mars in Leo and Jupiter in Libra. “Pioneering” — that’s how she’s remembered in this obit published in the Guardian. Oh — and that Mars is in the 5th House of love, love, love — reflected in this quote from her obit, “Let’s always be having an affair. Wherever we meet, however many times a year – let it always be an affair.”
Ms. Millett was a Virgo with Moon in righteously opinionated Sagittarius. Her Sun at 21 Virgo was under a streamlining squeeze all year, thanks to transiting Saturn. The second of three challenging squares was August 4th; the third is September 15th, one day after her 83rd birthday. She passed away in Paris, where she was celebrating her upcoming solar return with her wife. A romantic to the end…
To Avid Readers in Irma’s path (and those digging out from Harvey) — may you find yourselves out of harm’s way. Please stay safe.
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