Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 10/17/2016: Sneak Peek at the Week; Michelle Obama
Good Morning!
The work week begins with the Moon in Taurus, driven by a need to build and maintain material security. Steady as you go, even when the Moon goes void at 10:46AM ET, not to enter the next sign — Gemini — until 10:30AM ET on TUESDAY. Focus on routine concerns and roll with whatever twists and flakes may detour your efforts to move forward in a straight line.
Highlights this week are as follows: on TUESDAY, Venus breathes a great sigh of relief when it leaves controlling Scorpio for high-flying Sagittarius at 3:01AM ET. Venus refers to how we need to express ourselves socially; people and things we love; women, money, art. Expressed through the filter of fiery Sagittarius, we can expect boundaries to be pushed, big pictures to be envisioned (with enthusiasm) and opinions to be righteously expressed, with less of the Scorpio sting.
On WEDNESDAY at 7:18AM ET, Mars (assertion, aggression, guns, war, the masculine principle) meets up with ruthless Pluto in Powers That Be Capricorn. If you have a planet or angle halfway through Aries, Cancer, Libra and especially Capricorn, you’re likely feeling the intensely focused assertive energy more personally — for better or for worse. If you don’t have a constructive project to push through with executive authority this week, get thee to the nearest gym instead of taking out pent-up aggression on friends, family and whoever happens to be driving on the road. Fun fact: Hillary Clinton has a Mars-Pluto conjunction in her horoscope.
At 3:48AM ET on THURSDAY, Mercury (mind, words, travel) and Uranus (shock, revelation, technology, aviation) face off, suggesting words that are sure to disrupt someone’s status quo. Whether this is “good” or “bad” remains to be seen. The energy symbolized by planetary patterns can be applied for constructive and destructive purposes. Who is doing the applying? With these highlights in mind, you now have a sense of how the third debate between Hillary Clinton and her opponent is likely to go. No holds barred.
Moon voids — other than today: Thursday 7:16AM ET until 11:28AM ET — in Gemini — buzz, buzz, buzz!
What’s going on in your horoscope — or the horoscope of your child or significant other? Astrology is an amazing tool for understanding what you need vs. what they need. This understanding improves relationships of all kinds: your boss, your colleagues, your employees, etc. Here’s the 411 on personal consultations.
And now, the news.
Saturday Night Live airs at 11:30PM ET. At 11:11PM ET on Saturday, Moon met up with Uranus in fearless warrior Aries. Moon-Uranus contacts suggest quick witted response and wacky, disruptive humor. Minutes earlier, Mercury clashed with Pluto, suggesting ruthless perspective. At 12:23AM ET on Sunday, the Moon was exactly full. Here’s the cold open for Saturday’s show — skewering October’s 9th’s “worst presidential debate ever.” Did the show live up to the potential of planetary patterns?
With the Sun (leadership) opposed by Uranus (disruption, eccentric) on Saturday, we could expect headlines involving heads of states and disruptive themes. Last week, King Bhumibol Adulyadej of Thailand passed away at 88. He was one of the longest-reigning monarchs in history. The Crown Prince — and presumed successor — has a reputation for being a jet-setting playboy. Meanwhile, the NYT offers these headlines: “Rise of Saudi Prince Shatters Decades of Royal Tradition” and “Kuwait’s Ruler Dissolves Parliament.”
Coupled with this week’s Mars-Pluto meet-up, as well as the involvement of Eris, Planet of Discord, in Saturday’s Full Moon, it is not surprising to see war initiatives making news, e.g., “Iraq Begins Long-Awaited Battle to Re-take ISIS Stronghold.”
Uranus refers to aviation and that which is unconventional. It’s quite curious that not one, but two African-American female physicians on separate Delta flights were dissed by flight attendants who did not believe they were doctors and thus capable of providing assistance to passengers requiring medical attention. Within days of each other. A far more uplifting flight was launched into orbit around Earth by China this morning.
Uranus also refers to technology and innovation. With Mercury (mind, nervous system) under so much tension last week — especially in a challenging aspect with headstrong Mars — it was wonderful to read this: “In Medical First, Brain Implant Allows Paralyzed Man to Feel Again.”
Uranus also refers to astrology. Here’s the latest on the ongoing debate over Hillary Clinton’s birth time, reported with refreshing respect and intelligence by the Washington Post. Great job, WaPo. Thank you!
Today’s Taurus Moon encourages steadiness and saving. The NYT wants you to know about apps that will easily help you with the latter, while also suggesting you quit multitasking like an insane Gemini and focus on one thing at a time.
Finally, a few thoughts on Michelle Obama, who continues to hit ’em out of the park — higher and higher against every low blow. Last week, it was a speech slamming the deplorable treatment of women by a certain wannabe that won accolades. What does her horoscope suggest in the near-term future? As you can see, we do not have a confirmed birth time for the First Lady, which limits the scope of our forecasting. Still, we immediately see the potential for a declaration of individualism in the late spring and summer of next year, as transiting Uranus challenges her no-nonsense Capricorn Sun. This streak carries into the spring of 2018.
In mid-2019 she’ll have a lovely measurement between Sun and Venus suggesting strong potential for popularity. 2020 looks like a year of streamlining, discipline and focus — potentially advancing an ambition — as transiting Saturn meets up with her Sun. At the same time, transiting Jupiter will conjoin her Sun, suggesting expansion and reward. Relationship issues — not just with a spouse, but potentially with the general public — are subject to innovation and a transformation. By that time her Mars (courage, action) will have developed into a position of prominence. In 2021, it will be Pluto meeting up with her Sun, suggesting potential empowerment — through the end of 2022. Fun fact: Benjamin Franklin had this same transit in 1776, though he did not know it, as Pluto had not been discovered.
Bottom line: Michelle Obama is heading into an extraordinary period of personal development. I can’t wait to see what she does next.
And you?
Thank you for reading this forecast.