Friday 5/4/2018 & the Weekend: Catching Up on the News (with Rudy, Monica, Mike and Mark)
Moon has been in Capricorn since 10:06 PM ET on Thursday. Arise, go forth and take care of business. There are no exact aspects to the Moon today, save around 4 PM ET, when it meets up with taskmaster Saturn. A heavy advance or a heavy cut, depending on your side of the bargain. SATURDAY has an easy flow, perfect for practical chores and purchases. The Moon’s weekly clash with Pluto and Uranus happens at 5 PM ET and 9:48 AM ET on SUNDAY, respectively. Watch for power plays and upsets in the news and in the world around you.
After a brief Moon void at 9:48 AM ET on Sunday, Moon enters Aquarius, looking for a social cause or a group of buddies. Coloring the day — and a few days beforehand– are five exact planetary patterns happening between Sunday and Tuesday:
- Sun sextile Neptune at 9:57 AM ET
- Mercury square Pluto on Monday at 4:49 AM ET
- Venus square Neptune at 5:59 PM ET
- First Quarter Moon at 10:09 PM ET
- Sun opposite Jupiter on TUESDAY 8:39 PM ET
In sum, we’re looking at themes of artsy/feminine/romantic ideals and illusions combined with a ruthless and deep perspective, pushed to excess or simple indulgence. Humming in the background is the disruptive buzz of the building tension between Mars and Uranus, to be released on the 16th. Add in themes of seismic activity, technological advances, revolts and innovation in yang arena. Also humming: an approaching harmony (trine) between Jupiter and Neptune, exact on May 25th. Jupiter-Neptune contacts suggest healing, physicians, faith, spiritual leaders…as well as scandal, drugs, oil and scandal.
Before we get to the news, I have two speaking engagements to tell you about. First — if you are in New York on Tuesday, May 8th, come on down to the Quest Bookshop for an astrological meet-up. I will be giving a talk called “So What If You’re Dead? The Horoscope Lives Forever.” Here’s the blurb: When someone makes news, the horoscope’s hot – whether that someone is alive or not. What’s happening when departed souls return to haunt the headlines?
Second, if you’re going to be in Chicago later this month, I will be giving the same talk on Friday, May 25th at 1 PM. This lecture is open to the public and is hosted by UAC, the biggest and fattest astrology conference in the known universe. Email me if you’re interested. I will be available for consultations in Chicago between May 22nd and May 29th.
And now, the news.
- “World’s Most Dangerous Glacier That Could Collapse Within DECADES…” begins this 4/30 headline from the Daily Mail. Did we not anticipate news of a collapsing glacier in the forecast for this week? Yes. Yes, we did. Coincidence or conspiracy? The glacier hasn’t gone anywhere just yet, but a team of US and UK scientists are embarking on a ginormous mission to study it. Fun fact: this will be the inaugural mission of Boaty McBoatface, one of the few constant bright spots in the world today.
- Meanwhile — just like that — Hawaii’s Kilauea volcano erupted, sending hundreds of Big Island residents packing.
- In the same category, minus the artsy, plus the authoritarian squeeze of today’s Moon-Saturn meet-up, VP Mike Pence is addressing a convention of NRA members in Dallas. No guns are allowed into the auditorium, which seems rather curious. The VP is speaking in complete sentences about all the ways the country is slowly being transformed into Gilead, under his eye — erm, watch. As it were. The VP’s horoscope is heating up. We don’t have a birth time — so the Moon could be late Gemini or early Cancer. The latter feels apt, if only because he calls his wife “Mother.” Right now and into 2019, his Gemini Sun is squared by nebulous Neptune. This suggests a visionary appeal — or feeling lost, victimized or wiped out. His Venus-Mars conjunction in early Leo is soon to be supercharged when Uranus enters Taurus later this month — and into 2019. We see potential electrifying social expression/values shaking up the status quo. Next year, when Mars is hit — we see potential daring action…probably related to events happening around July 27th, when we’ll have an eclipse at 4 degrees of LeoAquarius. Not only that, but the VP is having a Saturn return and a Jupiter return this year. The former suggests a new lease on life; the latter suggests expansion and reward. It will be interesting to see where’s he at by the end of this year.
- Adding to the afternoon’s potential for an authoritarian squeeze: 57,000 Hondurans whose protected status in the U.S. will expire in 2020. Add them to the tens of thousands of Nepali, Salvadorans, Haitians whose residency and work permits are in the process of being revoked by the Department of Homeland Security.
- I promised you a few physicians. Ronny Jackson, is out as P45’s doctor and as the nominee to lead the Veterans Administration. He may not have actually crashed a car, but he was accused of “intimidating” Mike Pence’s physician, who also treated Pence’s wife, Karen. I was puzzled by the word “intimidating” until the story broke today that the VP’s physician has just resigned — and the physician is female. Third doc in the hot seat: Harold Bornstein, P45’s former physician, now says P45’s medical records were seized from his office a year ago and that P45 dictated the glowing letter about P45’s health. No surprise there. NY state law requires physicians to keep original records, btw. Did you know that the actual standard operating procedure for transferring medical records is for patients to request copies in writing and in compliance with privacy laws? Ya learn somethin’ every day.
UPDATE: Rudy Giuliani, whose horoscope has been written about previously here, here and here. With Neptune on his Ascendant (just like Paul Ryan and Bill Clinton), his personal presentation is likely not what it seems, cloaked as it is in a rose-colored fog. He can’t help but shake things up, with Sun and Uranus conjunct. And his ego needs to be the size of Brazil, with Moon in Leo conjunct Jupiter. Whatever he does, he needs to do it with big league style. A few weeks ago, when transiting Venus hit P45’s Midheaven, I thought he’d get a little bit of love. And sure enough, that’s when Giuliani joined P45’s legal team.
This week, with transiting Jupiter squaring his natal Jupiter (and Moon), Giuliani went on the TV to dramatically announce that of course P45 knew about the payment to Stormy Daniels, blah blah blah…and of course he reimbursed his fixer, Michael Cohen. And true to Giuliani’s Ascendant and Micheaven at the Aries Point, this story dominated the headlines. No way can Giuliani not attract attention. Just put a lampshade on his head, already. He’s always going to be the life of the party. It is interesting to note that Giuliani and Mike Pence both have Mars at 3 degrees of Leo. I expect to see them both in the headlines in May of 2019. Fun Fact: astrologer Grant Lewi observed that people born with Mars in Leo have an uncanny ability to “get away with murder.” P45 has that, too.
In other news, Monica Lewinsky startled the Twitternet, scolding Senator Marco Rubio for blaming an intern for something something something about Rubio now criticizing the Republican tax cut bill (which he voted for), because working families aren’t seeing any tax cuts. Are you following this? In any event, Ms. Lewinsky cut through the static, tweeting “Blaming the intern is so ’90s,” — and she would know. But why did her remark attract attention now? Something is obviously going on in her horoscope. Take a look and immediately notice that transiting Uranus is about to square her 0 Leo Sun. Transiting Pluto is squaring her natal Mars-Uranus opposition. I have no idea what’s she is planning this year, but she has the potential to turn a few worlds upside down with persuasive, break-through action. If you were born on the first few days of Leo, Aquarius, Taurus or Scorpio you are likely ready to break out, too. Consult your local astrologer for details.
Finally, for your enjoyment: Mark Hamill is due for some serious upsets and fresh starts. His horoscope — with its Capricorn Ascendant — is about to receive its second hit from transiting Saturn. while his 29 Libra Midheaven is opposed by transiting Uranus. One fresh start he’s had this year is a Twitter presence that attracts serious attention. How delightful it is to see him interviewed in a podcast in today’s Washington Post. File it under “artsy ideals and ruthless perspective” and may the Force be with you. Or rather, May the 4th.
Thank you for reading this forecast.