Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 3/23/2015: Sneak Peek at the Week
Off to the start of another dynamic week!
Get it started or ship it early this morning. The Taurus Moon goes void at 10:24AM ET, not to enter the next sign until 9:22AM ET on Tuesday. Initiating projects during voids are subject to a higher level of flakes and twists in your efforts to move forward in a straight line. This does not mean that sitting around doing nothing is advised; you can still make excellent use of the Taurus Moon’s need to organize resources for the sake of building and maintaining comfort and material security. Routine matters are favored during voids. Take time to chill — especially this evening — and let the rose-colored sweetness of an aspect between Venus (affection, art, values, money) and Neptune inspire an indulgence in wine, women and song. The Venus-Neptune aspect is exact at 2:26AM ET.
Exact planetary patterns are relatively light this week — and much less volatile than those of the past few weeks. You can apply the proactive, inspired energy of Friday’s New Moon quite constructively, suggested by an easy alignment between the Aries Sun and taskmaster Saturn, exact on Wednesday at 3:25PM ET. On Friday we’ll have the First Quarter Moon at 3:43AM ET, suggesting a challenge or push forward on your New Moon agenda. A potentially luscious, expansive contact between Venus and Jupiter Friday at 10:11PM ET suggests good cheer and maximum use of corporate expensive accounts everywhere.
Moon voids this week — other than Monday afternoon: Thursday 8:35AM – 3:45PM ET; Saturday 9:58PM – Sunday 1:48AM ET. If you are new to the forecast and not familiar with Moon voids, here’s the 411.
Awareness of Moon voids is helpful. Just ask my ballet teacher. I told her about voids a few months ago. Now, on days when she notices a higher than usual student no-shows or other wiggy happenings, she asks me, “Is the Moon void?” Inevitably, it is. Her new awareness has resulted in less stress about the flakes and twists. Astrology is a good thing to know about. You can save yourself a lot of grief by understanding planetary cycles.
And now, the news.
Last Friday’s New Moon/Eclipse at the very end of Pisces, followed by the start of the astrological New Year at 0 Aries suggested endings and beginnings; the ending of beginnings; the beginning of the ends. How super cool to see NBC News, a mainstream media outlet, air a story about a ten-year old boy in Oklahoma who distinctly remembered having a prior life as a Hollywood agent. That agent’s name was Marty Martyn, and he died in 1964. A non-mainstream media account of the story was published last summer. Check it out. Elsewhere, the NYT published another kind of “reincarnation” story about people launching successful fresh starts relatively late in life.
In other news, add the idealistic/healing/mindset potential of last Wednesday’s meet-up between Mercury and Neptune to the breakthrough potential of Uranus and Pluto. Then thank Kristine, the avid reader who sent me this bit from Down Under about a new ultrasound technology that may restore memory loss for people with Alzheimer’s. That would be a dream come true for millions.
Meanwhile, gratitude to avid reader Helen, who forwarded me this bit about the ongoing investigation of Swiss bank HSBC and efforts to hold it — or some actual human person — accountable for multiple incidents of alleged wrongdoing. As noted before, Pluto’s transit through Capricorn suggests exposure of corruption in our hallowed institutions, including banks, governments and infrastructure in general. The “shock to the system” challenge to Pluto from Uranus serves to intensity the process, as does the fact that both planets are about to enter the second half of their respective signs.
Elsewhere, this Sunday’s NYT included a special book review section entitled The Secret Life of Money — all about books about — money.
Here’s a fun one. Several weeks after the first Uranus-Pluto square happened in June of 2012, King Richard III’s bones were discovered buried under a car park. Later this week, in the aftermath of the seventh Uranus-Pluto square, the King will be re-interred, with considerable more pomp and circumstance than he received in his first burial 500 years ago.
Meanwhile, Ted Cruz announced that he will be announcing his run for president tomorrow. Avid readers may recall prior observations on the Senator’s horoscope, including the fact that his Capricorn Sun is at the Aries Point, and thus needs to attract considerable prominence. You may also recall that last Friday’s New Moon was also at the Aries Point, so it is no surprise to see the Senator moving ahead on an ambitious agenda at this time.
Last May, Monica Lewinsky made headlines, in sync with planetary patterns in her horoscope. An essay she wrote was published in Vanity Fair. The essay was nominated for an award. Quite a comeback for someone who had not been heard from much in nearly ten years. On Sunday, there she was again on the cover of the NYT Style Section, after delivering a killer TED talk called “The Price of Shame”.
Her horoscope is still on fire. After last April’s eclipse to her Taurus Moon, she experienced another eclipse in October — right on the cusp of her 7th house (relationship/the public). The seventh Uranus-Pluto square hit all four angles of her horoscope, suggesting dramatic potential for an empowered fresh start. Her horoscope is personally affected by last Friday’s New Moon and next week’s Full Moon — both of which were potent eclipses. She’s likely to continue on this roller coaster ride through 2018, as Uranus and Pluto continue to connect with the angles and other planets in her chart. Elizabeth Warren’s horoscope has a similar potential, as noted in a prior forecast.
What’s going on in your horoscope? I invite you to find out by scheduling a personal astro-logical consultation. We will have a most excellent discussion together.