Tuesday 7/13/2021: Sneak Peek at the Week; Fiery Passion; Sublime Power Plays
It’s Monday and the Leo Moon has been void-of-course since 8:37 AM ET. That’s your explanation for any sense you may have of time moving slowly, or of a lack of focus. If you are new to this Forecast (welcome!), and unfamiliar with the term “Mo0n void,” the short form is to stick to routine, roll with twists, flakes, and scheduling changes, and don’t make a mountain out of a molehill.
Void or not, in Leo, the Moon drives the day with a need for drama, play, and creativity. This is my favorite headline so far:
This week, there are only three exact planetary patterns that do not include the Moon. The first one is the conjunction between Venus and Mars in love love love Leo. Hopefully, you put that to good use over the weekend by setting aside time to enjoy yourself. Yes? The other two patterns are a trine (harmony) between the Cancer Sun and Neptune (exact on Thursday), and the Sun’s annual opposition with Pluto (exact on Saturday). The latter suggests power plays involving corporations and heads of state and news from underground. Coming on the heels of Thursday’s Sun-Neptune trine, we’ll add themes of drugs, oil, toxins, oceans, healing, mysticism, idealism, and fantasy to whatever intensity the weekend brings.
- TUESDAY: Moon enters Virgo at 4:30 AM ET, ready to organize, discern and make things right. It’s infused with a grand sense of enthusiasm and empathy, courtesy of an opposition to Jupiter at 7 AM ET — and it’s quite a different wake-up call from Monday’s. Getting the word out about how things feel and how people should be cared for is supported by a sextile between the Moon and Mercury (in Cancer). Minutes later, at 9:32 AM ET, Venus and Mars finally connect. The Sabian Symbol for their meet-up is “the Zuni worshippers,” and we last saw this symbol activated on the Full Moon in February 2020.” Zuni sun worshippers” refers to a small Native American tribe in western New Mexico. ‘Sun worship’ in an arid region is inseparable from the need for water, says Sabian Sage Blain Bovee. He also says that the Zuni believe there are “two types of men: sun-baked and un-baked,” and that the Zuni language is not related to any other Native American language. “It is as if it were created from divine communication.” In the headlines, we might see stories of “genius that finds the sacred everywhere…listening for unique language; messages of relief precipitated by intense, burning reverence.” Also: “a strong sense of community” or “intense extremes…red-necked bigotry…affinities for a host of world-religion motifs.” In your own personal world, we are advised to pay close attention to our intuition and messages that seem to come from out of the blue but may be quite profound. You are more personally affected by the Venus-Mars conjunction if you have planets around 20 degrees of Leo, Taurus, Aquarius, and Scorpio. Pay attention!
- WEDNESDAY: Moon in Virgo marches on, taking care of details and setting things in order. Reach across the aisle in the morning and afternoon, aided by the Moon’s trine with Uranus at 6:24 AM ET, as well as a cooperative sextile to the Sun at 9:46 PM ET. Evening hours are fine for a dreamy or musical escape, as Moon opposes Neptune at 10:16 PM ET. We may also be hearing some seriously surreal spin tonight.
- THURSDAY: A slow start to the morning would not be surprising. Moon goes void at 2:46 AM ET on a trine to Pluto. During the void, Sun trines Neptune at 4:48 AM ET. Note your dreams! Moon enters Libra at 10:31 AM ET, seeking fairness and balance in relationships. Moon cruises through most of the day without interference until 10:09 PM ET, when the Moon’s rational Libra approach is challenged by Mercury in Cancer’s charged emotions.
- FRIDAY: Quiet before the storm? The day begins with a trine between the Libra Moon and Saturn in Aquarius. That’s helpful for stability, structure, and control. There are no other exact aspects among the planets for the rest of the day.
- SATURDAY: Busy, busy — with depth, feeling, and empowerment. If your Friday night date lasts until Saturday morning, the Moon’s sextile to Mars and Venus at 1:04 AM ET and 5:03 AM ET facilitates smooth operators. This may be followed by friction — for better or for worse — as the Libra Moon squares the Sun at 6:10 AM ET, and then squares Pluto at 7:03 AM ET. Chill for the next seven hours, as the Moon will be void until 2:38 PM ET. No impulse shopping, if you please, as purchases made during Moon voids often do not live up to expectations.
- SATURDAY: at 2:38 PM ET, Moon enters Scorpio, seeking depth and substance for the sake of power and control. A trine to Jupiter in soulful Pisces at 4:22 PM ET may soften the edge of the Scorpio Moon, combined with the exact opposition between Pluto and the Sun at 6:46 PM ET. Alternatively, it may be reflected by a headline about a power play of a notably large size. Jupiter represents the energy of expansion.
- SUNDAY: News of with a dose of gravitas, perhaps, as the Scorpio Moon trines Mercury at 9:12 AM ET and squares Saturn at 9:44 AM ET. Avid Readers will recall that right now, we’re in a pattern where the gravitas of Saturn is soon followed by a shake-up because the Moon’s next stop is to Uranus at 2:59 PM ET (it’s an opposition).
And now, the news.
Richard Branson clearly took the weekend’s potential for maximum playtime over to heart. The gazillionaire entrepreneur made it into space in his own plane after seventeen years of research and development. You can hitch a ride on one of his planes for $250,000, as over 600 people have reportedly signed up to do. Here is Branson’s horoscope, and obviously it is hot. His Cancer Sun is currently opposed by transiting Pluto, suggesting empowerment. His Virgo Moon is opposed by transiting Jupiter, suggesting expansion. He has a Moon-Jupiter opposition in his natal chart, reflected by a need for GREAT-ness. He was born with Pluto conjunct his regal 14 Leo Ascendant, and he certainly does project an aura of kingly power and resources. Currently, his Ascendant is being opposed by transiting Saturn and squared by transiting Uranus, suggesting 1) an ambitious public debut; and 2) a fresh start. His Venus in Gemini will be exactly squared by transiting Neptune next year, suggesting a need for a romantic and/or creative ideal. Looking at the “big bells” in his horoscope for the next several years, it seems he has nowhere to go but up.
Not everyone was impressed, and the Columbia Journalism Review had a few things to say about how the media covers “the privatization of space.” Jeff Bezos is next on the launchpad with his own toy rocketship, and Elon Musk is already out there. Astro-logically, we can see these “space barons” as another reflection of the 12/21/2020 Great Mutation of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius. Success over the next 200 years will be had by those who rule the air. For the past 200 years, success has been had by those who exploited the earth.
It was interesting, on Thursday’s New Moon in Cancer, to see Bernie Sanders interviewed by NYT columnist Maureen Dowd in her weekly missive. The column has a photo of Bernie holding up a list of talking points that pertain to his efforts to pass “the most consequential piece of legislation for working families since the 1930s.” Family, home, and nourishment are big Cancerian concerns.
In Cuba, people took to the streets in the largest protests in decades. “‘Everyone has a tipping point.’ Hunger fuels Cuba’s Protests”
On a day with Mercury (communication) at the Aries Point (demanding prominence), it was apt to see this story in Sunday’s New York Times Magazine. How do they know how to commission these articles that will be in sync with planetary patterns at the time they are published?
- “The Man Behind China’s Aggressive New Voice: How one bureaucrat, armed with just a Twitter account, remade Beijing’s diplomacy for a nationalistic era.” Prominent communication indeed!
In other news, it was good news for the publishing industry on a day with Mercury at the Aries Point trine Jupiter:
As I type, Democrats in the Texas State Legislature are holding a press conference at Dulles Airport. During today’s drama queen Moon in Leo, they “fled” their home state today in an effort to prevent their colleagues in the opposing party from passing laws that would further suppress voting rights in the Lone Star State. Will their Moon-void exodus come to naught? We shall see, but tomorrow, when the Moon is in Virgo (a sign that needs to be correct and insightful), President Biden will give a speech in Philadelphia in which he is “expected to call out the Big Lie and to talk about ‘actions to protect the sacred, constitutional right to vote,’” (as Heather Cox Richardson explains in her latest Letter about other Moon in Leo dramas that happened over the past two days).
What’s going on in your horoscope? Here’s the 411 on personal consultations. Special shout-out to Avid Reader Linda, whose Joyful Random Expression of Appreciation was received with much gratitude by my Cosmic Tip Jar. Thank you, Linda, from the bottom of my heart. May your generosity be returned to you in kind one thousandfold.
And finally, here’s Beth Owl’s Daughter’s Tarot Card of the Week.
Thank you for reading this forecast.
Happy Venus conjunct Mars in Leo.