Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday 3/7/2013: Rand Paul’s Perfect Timing
Sobering thoughts and communication of the most constructive kind are possible today, provided you are brave enough to leave no stone unturned. This applies to projects from the past that may have landed on your desk during this Mercury retrograde, begging for a second chance. Investigate, research, focus — and if you see something, say something.
The enterprising Capricorn Moon carries East Coasters through most of the work day before going void at 4:14 ET on an impassioned and constructive connection with action-oriented Mars. The following six-hour void bodes well for a break or brainstorming possible Plans A, B and C. Don’t be afraid to reach across the aisle to win support, especially when the Moon enters Aquarius at 10:02PM ET. Aquarius likes to network with unconventional types and help out for the sake of being seen as socially significant.
The potential for finding allies in unexpected places is also suggested by the second sextile (a supportive connection) between stern Saturn and ruthless Pluto, exact on Friday at 3:03AM ET. The first sextile occurred during the Christmas holiday, and you may recall it was part of an alignment with expansive Jupiter known as a yod or “Finger of God”. It was this alignment that led me to opine that we would not be jumping off a fiscal cliff at the end of 2012 — and here is some of what I wrote then about Saturn and Pluto:
… it is rare to see such a cooperative aspect between the planet of structure and the planet of transformation. This connection is especially significant because Saturn rules the sign of Capricorn and Pluto rules the sign of Scorpio…and thus, the two planets are said to be in “mutual reception”. “Mutual reception” is an astro-logical technogeek term for “really constructive connection” — but for doing what? How about moving forward on doing what needs to be done when the writing is on the wall without whingeing about it? This is your challenge– whether it is dealing with a ginormous budget deficit, or taking your own impossible dream to the next level. Whatever you need to do, DO IT. You may find yourself surprised at the positive results!
And here is what I wrote about the addition of Jupiter to the mix, which we’ll be experiencing with greater intensity as we approach the end of March/early April.
Meanwhile, it should come as no surprise that planetary patterns in Rand Paul’s horoscope (1/7/63 in Pittsburgh PA, birth time unknown) are currently under high developmental tension. Sen. Paul (R-KY) is an enterprising Capricorn with Moon in Gemini. OMG, does this Moon need to talk talk talk, and probably still is talking, as I type this — for hours and hours on the Senate floor in a good old-fashioned filibuster. And you might talk, too if you woke up yesterday morning with that idealistic Mercury-Venus hook-up sitting right on top of your compassionate, philosophical Jupiter AND opposing ruthless Pluto. You would be more inclined than usual to fulfill a Moon in Gemini’s need to INFORM the entire Free World by drawing attention to the current Administration’s apparent stance that it is OK to use drones to kill American citizens on American soil without due process if the citizens pose “an imminent threat”, whatever that might mean.
You would also have plenty of stamina to hold court indefinitely, given supercharged and resourceful contacts between expansive Jupiter and potent Pluto. And you’d have no problem with the “holding court” part, because you’d have aggressive Mars in royal Leo and were naturally inclined to “get away with murder” (as pioneering astrologer Grant Lewi liked to say). And with transiting Saturn at 11 Scorpio squaring your natal Saturn at 10 Aquarius, we could expect an ambitious reach from you at this time. And guess what? Given current planetary patterns described earlier in the forecast, people who usually dismissed you as “nuts” might actually agree with you, like NYT columnist Gail Collins , for instance, who has an entertaining and provocative take, as usual.
Speaking of politics and Kentucky, there has been some talk about actress Ashley Judd running for the U.S. Senate in 2014 — against current Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. With Venus, the ruler of her MC (house of career/public status) and the 3rd house (communication) supercharged by the Uranus-Pluto square through 2014, you can see why a potential change of direction in career and an empowered social status is being suggested. Her horoscope is linked above.
Today’s Moon in Capricorn favors dark blue, black and making things happen in a personal consultation with your local astrologer.