Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday 9/14/2010
Moon in Sagittarius is a perfect time to express your opinion — so stand up and be counted — get out and vote if there’s an election happening in your state. There is no void-of-course Moon to blame things on if the results don’t go your way — underdogs and surprise upsets are not especially favored. My concern is that much of the campaign leading up to this election happened during Mercury retrograde, suggesting a certain amount of confusion about what each candidate actually stands for. Do your own research and cast your ballot.
This concludes the public service portion of today’s forecast.
Two shifts today: first, Mars moves into sexy Scorpio, adding further intensity to relationships — in the form of depth (on the plus side) and/or control (on the down side). Over the next several weeks, resist the urge to indulge in vengeance, especially over petty grievances. Endeavor to take the high road with honor and integrity (even among thieves). Scorpio can build all the way up to Heaven and all the way down to Hell. The choice is yours.
Second, Pluto turns direct at 2 degrees of Capricorn. If you are a Capricorn, Cancer, Aries or Libra born around December 24-26, March 23-25, June 24-26 or September 25-27, prepare yourself for third and final round of whatever forces have resulted in a major change in perspective over the past year, not unlike a phoenix rising from the ashes. If you weren’t born on those days and you’ve been experiencing some kind of intense transformation — or the pressure to have one — your Moon or other acutely sensitive point (such as your Rising Sign) might be affected. Consult your local astrologer for details.
Pluto’s transit through Capricorn has been exposing corruption and weakness in our infrastructure since 2008, especially in things hidden or underground. It occurs to me that the San Bruno gasline explosion happened as Pluto was grinding to a halt, about to change direction. Coincidence or conspiracy? Hmmm….