Tag Archive for: mars retrograde in aries 2020 shadow period

Monday 7/27/2020: Sneak Peek at the Week; Mercury in Focus

Allll-righty then!

I’m sorry I wasn’t able to post a forecast for the weekend, as there’s so much to report.

Moon entered Scorpio at 12:12 AM ET, driving the next two days with a need for depth and substance — for the sake of power and control. It squares the Leo Sun at 8:33 AM ET, prompting action and/or a challenge released on whatever New Moon agenda was set last Monday. A surprise upset likely occurs around 6:04 PM ET, when Moon is opposed by Uranus, marching to the beat of its own drummer.

Meanwhile, we have three patterns exact today, two of which are the third in a series of three — – which means that issues that were happening on the first and second hits are likely to return for a final wrap. You’re seeing them all over the news:

  • Jupiter sextiles Neptune at 12:02 PM ET for the second of three hits in 2020.   Jupiter in Capricorn suggests expansion and reward for All Things Goat (Capricorn), including the Establishment. Neptune refers to oceans, ships, empathy, diffusion, dreams, delusion, infections, victims and water, water everywhere including over the weekend in Texas. Hawaii was spared.
  • Venus squares Neptune at 1:49 PM ET for the third time. Prior hits were on May 3 and May 20. A Venus-Neptune square suggests a need for magical thinking involving money, women, values and art. It’s fascinating to note that the Covid-19 conspiracy theory film Plandemic appeared on the web on May 4, and was making headlines just before May 20. Over the weekend Sinclair Broadcasting planned to air an interview with the discredited researcher featured in Plandemic, in which she was apparently going to blame the entire Covid-19 pandemic on Dr. Anthony Fauci. But the third time is not always a charm in planetary cycles, and on this Venus-Neptune square, backlash was so great that Sinclair pulled the interview segment and sent it back to the edit room.
  • Mercury squares Mars at 5:46 PM ET for the third time; the last one was July 8th. A war of words would be one manifestation.

The rest of the week goes like this:

  • TUESDAY: A day for getting stuff done, as the Scorpio Moon groks with Mercury, Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto between 5 AM ET and 4 PM ET. How will you organize your empire for the sake of consolidating power? Whatever it is, I bet it’s big and visionary as it is under the influence of two patterns that will be exact on Thursday. Could also be duplicitous — especially around 11 AM ET — as Attorney General William Barr is supposed to testify before Congress.
  • WEDNESDAY: Scorpio Moon goes void at 12:01 AM ET on a reality-check with Saturn — chill until 3:25 AM ET wherever you happen to be. Moon enters Sagittarius at 3:25 AM ET, lifting spirits and pushing boundaries. Consider foreign affairs, a walk in nature, an opinion that is not your own. Find a way to express your righteous opinion — we know it’s a big one because…
  • THURSDAY: …we’re going to hear about it with gusto around 10:17 AM ET, as Mercury opposes Jupiter. Watch for significant court opinions, legislative efforts, diplomatic statements and editorials. Mercury trines Neptune at 2:45 PM ET, facilitating the imagination, for better or for worse. Moon is right behind Mercury, squaring Neptune at 3:21 PM ET. That Moon-Neptune square increases the odds that what is said may not be clear. Moon goes void on an illuminating opposition to Venus at 8:08 PM ET. Chill out — roll with the twists and flakes; avoid making a mountain out of a molehill.
  • FRIDAY: Moon enters Capricorn at 7:58 AM ET, looking to make things happen. There’s a disruptive buzz in the air — and we’ll find out what it is the closer we get to Sunday. Whatever it is, investigative reporting is probably involved. So are extremes of thought and persuasion, involving the Powers That Be. Why? Because on…
  • SATURDAY: at 6:49 AM ET, Mercury opposes Pluto. This is a “news from underground” potential if ever there was one. The Capricorn Moon is cruising through the day, gathering steam like a snowball rushing down a mountain. Emotions are on the rise, as the Moon will be full on Monday. One burst of energy is released around 5:23 PM ET, as Moon squares warrior Mars, followed by a bigger release around 7:57 PM ET, as Moon meets up with Jupiter. Next stop: an effort at peace around 8:55 PM ET, as Moon sextiles (a cooperative connection) Neptune — but the mood continues to intensify, as factions fight for authority.
  • SUNDAY: At 1:57 AM ET, the Capricorn Moon makes its weekly clash with Pluto, suggesting a power play and/or a catharsis. A face-off with Mercury at 4:53 AM ET is a likely debate involving feelings of emotional security vs. “because I said so” authority. The buzz behind it all is the regal Leo Sun (leaders, willpower) challenged by rebel Uranus in stubborn Taurus, exact at 7:18 AM ET. This tense release of energy between the Sun and Uranus only happens four times a year. I wouldn’t be surprised to see a story about astrology — or seismic activity, space-age technology and aviation. Moon goes void on a meet-up with Saturn, planet of authority and necessary control at 9:59 AM ET. Chill during the void — and then focus on networking with your friends and associates when the Moon enters Aquarius at 2:11 PM ET. 


…we have two planets either entering or leaving the shadow portion of their respective retrogrades. Today (Monday), Venus is at 21 Gemini — where it was when it turned retrograde on May 13th. Even though Venus turned direct on June 25th, it still had to retrace steps it had already gone over twice before — once forward; once backward — and forward for a second time. Clear? You have now completed the re-evaluation of values — in money, art and social expression — that Venus retrograde offers. If you have a planet around 21 Gemini, Pisces, Virgo or Sagittarius, perhaps you’ll experience a recall of appreciation received around May 13th.

Mars was at 15 Aries yesterday. It will turn retrograde on September 9th at 28 degrees of Aries. Every action and assertion that happens between now and then is subject to REVIEW between September 9th and November 14th, when Mars will turn direct at — 15 degrees of Aries. Then we will have until January 3rd to REVIEW these actions and assertions once again — and finally move forward. I have said this before and I will say it again: it is fascinating that both Mars and Saturn will end their retrograde shadow periods on January 3rd, the start of the next Congress.

Note also that between now and the end of 2020, Mars in Aries will square Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn multiple times. This will trigger the eclipse that happened on January 10th. It will trigger the Saturn-Pluto conjunction exact on January 12th, as well as the three Jupiter-Pluto conjunctions that occur this year.  Translation: a lot of action, as Aries independence clashes big-time corporate controls. Note these dates: August 4th, 13th and 24th — and stay tuned.

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And now, the news.

The ability to shine and help others shine, too is oh-so-apt for the Sun in Leo. And darned if this article didn’t show up on last week’s ingress of the Sun — and Moon  — in Leo:

UPDATE: on Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY),  whose horoscope was first discussed in 2018. Diplomatic Libra Sun; crusading Aries Moon; righteously opinionated Sagittarius Ascendant; Mercury in Libra at the Aries Point — square Uranus. Whatever she has to say is bound to get noticed. This summer she’s enjoying a rare pattern involving her Midheaven and her Venus, the planet which rules her Libra Midheaven and two other areas in her chart which refer to self-expression and cooperation. The pattern was exact on July 16th — but still in effect now — and it facilitates truckloads of popularity.

Enter Congressmen Ted Yoho (R-Obviously), who encounters AOC on the Capitol steps last Monday — and tells her she’s “disgusting” and “out of her mind” for siding with statistics and criminologists that affirm a causal link between economic marginalization and crime. She tells him he’s rude — and when she’s out of earshot (but not far enough away from a reporter), he mutters that she’s “a fuckin’ bitch.” Quelle scandale!

Two days later, Yoho gives a speech in which he refuses to apologize and denies saying what the reporter heard him say. Yoho could be a recalcitrant, eccentric blowhard, with Sun in Aries squaring rebel Uranus and grandiose Jupiter. His Neptune opposes the Sun and squares Jupiter-Uranus, adds his own special brand of faith and fantasy. These four planets are currently stressed by Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto — which is one reflection of why he’s not running for re-election. Yoho: April 13, 1955 — in Minneapolis, MN. Yoho’s angry outbursts may also be sourced to transiting Mars on his natal Mercury. We see why he would be feeling provocative.

Now AOC is not going to stand for this, given her horoscope. Right? So, with additional support from Venus, Mercury and Mars, AOC gives her own speech on the House floor, condemning the patriarchy for its persistence in using words as a weapon against women — and then refusing to take responsibility for their abuse. It’s been declared a classic — and you can watch it via the link above. Ultimately, Yoho’s “verbal attack” got him ousted from the board of a Christian charity.

UPDATE: on Dr. Fauci. I wish we had a birth time. Yes, his Capricorn Sun was eclipsed in December and June. Yes, his Saturn — and probably his Scorpio Moon — are being jackhammered by disruptive contact from transiting Uranus. But there’s more — probably involving the Ascendant — to reflect the current slings and arrows of outrageous fortune.  Last week, Randy Rainbow paid tribute in a new must-see song parody.  He’s on the cover of InStyle magazine, and he tossed out the first pitch for the Washington Nationals (to prove he’s serious about not wanting anyone to catch anything, snarked the Twittersphere). Today Dr. Fauci offered a sliver of Jupiter-Venus-Neptune hope…for a possible Covid-19 vaccine in November.

UPDATE on Michelle Obama. Told ya to keep an eye on an upcoming launch, given patterns in her horoscope. She is launching a project — a podcast –– on Wednesday.


Neptune diffuses aggression; Jupiter expands whatever it touches. Together, the two reflect hope in the most hopeless of times. Peaceful protests are growing — not just in the United States, as in “Huge anti-Kremlin protests erupt in Russia’s far east”. Even in Norway, they are protesting…the destruction of a building adorned with murals by Picasso (cue Venus-Neptune now, please). In other news, here are some statistics about the potential for violence of the so-called Antifa movement vs. other protest groups. They’re much more fizzle than sizzle.

Venus-Neptune suggests rose-colored idealism involving women:

Mars refers to athletes, and in Aries, it’s rarin’ to go. They tried hard last week in baseball — but darn that Jupiter-Neptune diffusion. First, many athletes took a knee during the national anthem (in basketball, WNBA teams walked out) — a big peaceful protest. But now other games are being postponed, due to Covid-19. — including the Republican convention that had been moved from Charlotte, NC to Jacksonville, FL — and has now been flat-out cancelled.

If only we had a strong national leader who would do what New Zealand prime minister Jacinda Ardern did and seriously shut the whole country down in a massive coordinated effort. If only our leader had her horoscope  — (written about in the current issue of Mountain Astrologer)!

Finally, if Neptune is imagination, Jupiter makes it big. Now we are finding out about a secret gathering that happened in June, under another imaginative Neptune pattern (Sun square Neptune). Their mission: imagining all possible scenarios in the aftermath of the November 3rd election, as if they were playing a Dungeons & Dragons game.

We are living in extremely interesting times.

Wear a mask. Wash your hands. Find out what opportunities these times are likely to present for you. Here’s the 411 on personal consultations.

Thank you for reading this forecast.