Tuesday 7/27/2021: Late Sneak Peek at the Week; Signs of Change (sponsored by Mercury, Mars & Jupiter)
Greetings from an undisclosed vacation location. Yesterday was a travel day, so writing a forecast was not an option. I intended to post on Friday, during the eight-hour Moon void, but the void had other plans. I was unable to access my website for most of the day, though it was clearly visible to anyone not using my IP address! As the Moon was void, I was confident the tech snafu would be resolved — and it was –though its cause — other than the void — remains a mystery.
Patterns are light this week, and we may indeed be able to rest on our laurels a bit, as Beth Owl’s Daughter’s always-in-sync Tarot Card of the Week suggests. Check it out — along with her newly-revamped website, where you will also be able to find the super-groovy cookbook you never realized you needed — until now! Tearing down an old website and rebuilding it from the ground up is an apt activity for someone whose horoscope is being activated by transiting Pluto (as Beth has shared with her readers). The upside potential of a Plutonian gut renovation is to emerge from a potentially destructive and chaotic process, empowered. Resistance to Pluto is futile — and ill-advised. If you’ve got an appointment with Pluto in your cosmic calendar, go with the transformational flow — and reach out to your local astrologer for a constructive perspective.
OK. So. This week. Mercury, Jupiter, and Mars change signs on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, respectively. On Thursday, a dramatic surge of physical energy comes to head, as Mars — now traveling through the last degrees of regal Leo –opposes big, big Jupiter. On Sunday, the lean, mean mindset of an exact opposition between Mercury (how we need to think and communicate) and Saturn (how we need to structure, advance and control) may streamline the expansiveness we’re building to at present. Its sobering realizations may also reflect someone’s idealism — or, alternatively, the death of an outmoded form of thought. I say this because a few hours before Mercury opposes Saturn, it meets up with the Leo Sun, plunging itself into Sol’s heart, from our perspective on Spaceship Earth. The technical term for a planet exactly conjunct the Sun is cazimi — it is a bit Plutonian in its experience, as the planet is burned to a crisp by such close contact. This is what happens at every New Moon, by the way, and we all understand that a New Moon represents a new cycle, right? So this Sunday, as Mercury meets up with the Sun, it represents the beginning of a new cycle of mindset and communication. Clear?
I haven’t mentioned this in a while, but if you find these forecasts fun and informative, please consider supporting the time and effort it takes to research and write them. Here is the link to my Cosmic Tip Jar, which happily facilitates joyful random, and faithful monthly expressions of appreciation, either of which will totally make my day.
Right-o. The week.
- MONDAY: was driven by the Moon in Pisces, seeking to work with ideals, impressions, and empathy. Somehow, the emotional flow of the day would reflect the energy of the Leo Sun, which was (and still is) seeking recognition, love, and other ways to shine. A face-off between the Moon and Venus (who, what, and how we need to love) happened at 9:03 AM ET. Illumination and release involving hard-to-please values vs. soulful or despairing feelings would not have been surprising. There were no other contacts to the Moon for the rest of the day.
- TUESDAY: Moon sextiled Uranus at 1:27 AM ET, rallying friends and reaching across the aisle in a cooperative cause. There are no other aspects to the Moon until 4:47 PM ET when Moon meets up with Neptune. Double-check communications; pay attention to the intuitive and inspirational flow. Mercury leaves Cancer at 9:11 PM ET for Leo. Mercury in Cancer may have had a hard time giving voice to its emotionally-based thought patterns (when have you ever heard a crab speak?). In Leo, however, how we think and communicate needs a dramatic and regal expression, and pity the fool who fails to acknowledge the heart (and the ego) of someone now roaring to be heard! Mercury will be in Leo until August 11th. Meanwhile, Moon goes void on a cooperative connection with Pluto at 9:12 PM ET, offering an opportunity to empower whatever inspiration hit you earlier in the day. Chill overnight, and see if you notice the energetic shift at 5:57 AM ET on…
- WEDNESDAY: …when the Moon enters me-me-me first Aries. Arise, go forth and start something. A day driven by the Moon in Aries may feel like many are in a hurry, cutting others off in an effort to fulfill their own personal crusade. There’s a nice harmony between what’s in your head and how to get it started, as the Moon trines Mercury at 7:41 AM ET. The Moon’s next stop is another trine –this time to the Leo Sun, giving a greenlight to your fiery initiatives. Go for it. Meanwhile, at 8:42 AM ET, Jupiter (our need for reward, expansion and/or excess) moves backward into Aquarius, and perhaps now it will dawn on anyone who hasn’t been convinced that the next wave of Covid is definitely here, and we better damn well take it seriously. We can expect more concerted efforts on the part of public officials to get this viral spread under control.
A pause, while we review what was written about Jupiter in Aquarius in December 2020:
A pause, while we discuss Jupiter’s path in 2021. Next year Jupiter will expand issues related to Aquarian concerns: humanity, groupthink, friends, airwaves, technology, circulations and networks of all kinds. Aquarius needs to be unique — but also hang with like-minded souls. If you were born between the 10th and 17th of February, May, August or November, you’ll get three hits of Jupiter’s expansive boost to your Sun. Any other planet between 22 and 30 degrees of Aquarius, Leo, Taurus or Scorpio will have a similar encounter with Jupiter, a.k.a. the Great Benefic.
Jupiter rushes through Aquarius in less than five months! Its expansive drive will be egged on by supercharged contacts with Mars and Uranus. On May 13th, Jupiter advances into the early degrees of Pisces — which may be fortunate for Pisces, Geminis, Virgos and Sagittarians born in the first three days of their respective signs. Jupiter turns retrograde just before the Summer Solstice, returning to Aquarius on July 30th. When in Pisces, Jupiter expands issues of empathy, refugees, oceans and faith, to name a few. Jupiter was in Pisces in 2010, when the Affordable Care Act was passed.
Another pause, while we review what was written about Jupiter’s ingress into Pisces back in May:
Jupiter in Pisces coincided with the CDC’s loosening of mask requirements for people fully vaccinated against Covid. That’s great, but since Jupiter is only in Pisces for several weeks, and Mercury and Venus will square Neptune in several days, I’m erring on the side of caution. I’m not convinced that the CDC guidelines will be adhered to in the way they were intended. I just got my second dose yesterday (yes, using astrology to pick a time), and other than a sore arm and a bit of fatigue today, I’m not having major side effects. Meanwhile, I’m thrilled by the prospect of having friends over for dinner.
Jupiter will continue to be retrograde in Aquarius until October 18th, when it turns direct. It will re-enter Pisces on December 28th, and maybe at that time, we will be feeling like we are emerging from this next Covid surge. This one is likely to be quite a thing in mid-to-late October, when Mars will be in Libra and once again activating patterns in January 2020 (which “coincided” with Covid-19’s genetic sequence made public). Bottom line: unless you are immuno-comprised, it’s a really good idea to get vaccinated. If you just can’t bring yourself to do that, then wear a mask. It’s true that wearing a mask all the time can make us more vulnerable to other viruses (e.g., the common cold, which is also surging), because our immune systems — like the muscles in our body — may not be as responsive when not battling microscopic beasts on a daily basis. But it seems that the common cold is less of a health hazard than Covid, which can hospitalize its hosts — or even worse. Though I am not a medical doctor, I support medical doctors who share this particular soapbox, with sincerest wishes for the most excellent and perfect health of all Avid Readers.
- THURSDAY: The Aries Moon’s sextile to Saturn at 1:53 AM ET can be used to structure your pioneering ventures, boosted by the expansive energy of Mars in Leo as it opposes Jupiter, now in Aquarius. If you have a planet or angle at 29 Leo, Aquarius, Scorpio or Taurus, you may be feeling the urge for boundary-pushing action, expressed with regal flair — and in some cases, wretched excess or getting away with murder (this is what astrologer Grant Lewi said about the potential for people born with Mars in Leo). It is useful to point out that the former guy’s Ascendant is 29 Leo, and thus we can expect to see him in the headlines. We may also see something spectacular involving the Olympics.
- THURSDAY: after its opposition to Jupiter, Mars shifts gears and enters Virgo at 4:32 PM ET, where it seeks to channel its assertive drive into making things perfect in excruciating detail. Perfection and correctness; hypochondria and anxiety; these are apt topics for conflict and combat until September 14th, when Mars enters Libra. Mars in Virgo is an excellent time for analysis and adjustment in matters of health, diet, and work routines. I would not be surprised to hear more headlines of labor disputes (especially about work environments and comparisons to slave labor) over the next six weeks.
- FRIDAY: the Aries Moon meets up with “give me a place at the table or I will burn the whole place down” Eris and squares Pluto around 6:43 AM ET. If power plays and emotional catharses make news, that’s your astro-logic. Over the next six hours, a cooperative group or humanitarian effort helps sort things out, as Jupiter sextiles the Moon at 3:36 PM ET. More settling and sorting ensue at 4:07 PM ET when the Moon enters Taurus. Remember that a Taurus Moon seeks to preserve the status quo, and build material comfort and security. It would be a good time to have passed an infrastructure bill in Congress, ready for President Biden’s signature, just as Moon trines Mars at 5:25 PM ET. If we don’t have that story to report, it will be something similar.
- SATURDAY: oh the joys of a weekend driven by the Moon in Taurus, even if its need for sensual delight is rattled by squares to Mercury, Moon and Saturn between 6:23 AM and 12:47 PM ET. Make the adjustments required, as conditions improve around 3:40 PM ET when Moon trines Venus. A surprise, revelation, or other rebellious response to any wet blanket that hit in the morning shows up around 9:34 PM ET, as Moon meets up with lightning bolt Uranus.
- SUNDAY: the need for material comfort and security must be taken seriously or cuts will be made. Sun meets up with Mercury at 10:07 AM ET, and a new way of thinking is born. Inspiration whispers in your ear around 2:13 PM ET, as the Moon sextiles dreamy Neptune. Sobriety hits at 5:49 PM ET, as Mercury opposes Saturn. Integrating the sobering reality is made possible by the Moon’s trine to Pluto, exact at 7 PM ET. Let the chips fall where they may; let the compost be compost. There’s more heavy news overnight, reflecting the Sun’s annual opposition with Saturn at 2:14 AM ET. Leaders of state and CEOs, take note. The first week of August is busy, busy, busy — especially for those whose horoscopes were personally affected by the May 26th lunar eclipse at 6 Sagittarius-6 Gemini.
And now, the news.
Following up on my last post about the importance of understanding Eris, as well as Chiron’s recent retrograde, let the record show that the NY Times Magazine was — as always — perfectly in sync with planetary patterns:
- “The Man Who Filed More Than 180 Disability Lawsuits. Is it profiteering or justice?” Whichever it is, it’s definitely Chiron (drawing attention to a wound that can’t be healed) and Eris square Pluto (“if there’s no place for us at the table, let’s burn it to the ground”).
Last week was a potentially combative and assertive one for Nancy Pelosi, Mitch McConnell, the former guy, and anyone else with planets at the last five degrees of Leo, Taurus, Aquarius, and Scorpio. Pelosi rejected two of House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy’s picks to “serve” on the House Select Committee to Investigate the Attempted Coup on 1/6/21, as Heather Cox Richardson explains. McCarthy responded with a tantrum, and Pelosi countered with the appointment of a Congressman Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) to the Committee. Kinzinger’s Saturn is at 26 Leo, so his appointment arrives as a call to action, with authority. Here’s a video of his opening statement at the Select Committee hearing, in which his three planets in emotionally intuitive Pisces, (at least one of which is involved in a Water Grand Trine), are moved to tears. I’m too much in vacation mode to update McCarthy’s horoscope, but he is no stranger to The Forecast, as you can see from this post from 2015. Pelosi and McConnell were in my “Charts in the News” columns for The Mountain Astrologer — click those two prior links for a general overview.
Vacation brain does not permit me to update the horoscopes of two other significant newsmakers. I’m posting the new stories here and may update the horoscopes at a later date. First, an update on last week’s big Israeli spyware story — the Pegasus files (which the Guardian has covered in depth). Under the influence of Mercury trine Neptune and opposing Pluto (I told you investigative reporters would have a field daylast week), it was revealed that Princess Latifa of the UAE was one of the spyware’s targets. Here is what was written about the sheikha’s horoscope in 2018, when she “disappeared.” The UAE and the horoscope of its ruler, Sheik Mohammed (Latifa’s father) were noted here in 2017 and merit a future update, especially since former guy’s veryveryveryclose ally Thomas Barrack was just indicted for lobbying on behalf of the UAE to influence US foreign policy.
Other horoscopes I’m watching: Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI), Ken Starr, and all the Republican SCOTUS justices, especially Brett Kavanaugh.
Here’s the 411 on personal consultations. Here’s the link to the Cosmic Tip Jar, where your generous support will be applied to the 2021 Lobstah Fund, with gratitude and melted butter.
Thank you for reading this forecast.