Tag Archive for: mars neptune square in the us horoacope september 2021

Friday 9/10/2021 & the Weekend: Under the Influence of Sun-Neptune

TGIF — what’s left of it!

A recap of planetary weather for the weekend:

  • FRIDAY. The Libra Moon enters Scorpio at 2:04 AM ET, shifting our focus from airy ideas to intense emotions. The workweek ends with gravitas, reflecting the square between the Moon and Saturn at 2:52 PM ET. A sense of urgency about arriving at a compromise may be in the air all day, as Venus is at the very end of Libra. At 4:39 PM ET, Venus leaves Libra for Scorpio, intensifying social expression until October 8th. Where Venus in Libra is inclined to compromise, Venus in Scorpio is fixed in its ways and is more likely to extract payback for a perceived slight. On the other hand, loyalty to a fault is one of Scorpio’s best qualities. I seem to recall stories of couples who’d been together for decades making headlines during one particular Venus in Scorpio passage.
  • SATURDAY: the heaviness of Friday’s Moon-Saturn square is replaced by a jolt around 2:36 AM ET, as Moon opposes rebel Uranus. Balance is restored in the morning, as the Moon sextiles the Sun at 10:07 AM ET. No Moon void today means you can shop with confidence. The afternoon and evening reflect vision, resources, expansion, and assertion in matters of knowledge acquired for the sake of power and control.
  • SUNDAY: Moon goes void at 1:32 AM ET and enters Sagittarius at 4:34 AM ET. Time for a gamble or a gambol in nature. Take in a foreign film or some other perspective that is not native. Yes, you can have a righteous opinion about it — gawd knows, everyone else will. By now we’ll be feeling the opposition between the Sun and Neptune, exact on Tuesday morning. That explains a desire to escape, to heal, to forgive — or the boundary-pushing rabbit hole that’s hot in the headlines.

No sleeping in on Monday. The Sag Moon will not be void and will have plenty to say in the morning as it sextiles Mercury at 10:30 AM ET. The First Quarter Moon happens at 4:39 PM ET, activating the horoscopes of anyone with planets around 21 degrees of Gemini, Virgo, Pisces, and especially Sagittarius. This includes the former guy, Robert E. Lee, the United States, and a truckload of famous Americans — especially politicians –who are idealized (for better or worse) by the general public. How so? Because anyone with a planet around those degrees is connected to the Mars-Neptune square in the U.S. horoscope, with its need for hero-worship of perceived cowboys and cowgirls.

And now, the news.

It was the U.S. Mars-Neptune square that was triggered on September 1st by transiting Mars in Virgo, having been eclipsed on June 10th. We expected a deluge of surreal initiatives that could not be put back in the bottle, especially with a Mars-Neptune opposition exact the next day:


…plenty of hot TV shows also embody Mars-Neptune themes. Have you seen:

In other news…

In the last forecast it was anticipated that we would see relatively speedy recoveries from the previous week’s chaos, likely with themes of power grids and aviation:

In the last forecast, it was also anticipated that “Those in certain positions of power may decide they have all the resources they need to launch their clean-up plan, without support from any other, thank you very much.” (cue John Lennon and Yoko Ono now, please)


Tomorrow is September 11th — a solemn day in the United States.  Last year I re-posted something  I wrote nine years ago —  about finding silver linings in the tragic and cathartic experience of 2001 — a day that Changed Everything. Here it is again, hopefully, none the worse for wear:

Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday 9/12/2012: Let It Shine

So yesterday was September 11th, and it was the 11th anniversary of an act of violence that stunned the world and resulted in the loss of thousands of lives. I couldn’t bring myself to acknowledge this in yesterday’s forecast because, frankly, I was living in New York on That Day. Then I noted someone on Facebook opining that on every September 11th since, all of America gets very patriotic, while New Yorkers just get somber and quiet. So I thought, “OK, I’ll post something.”  After all, the Moon was in Cancer (needing to focus on homeland/emotional security; America is a Cancer nation, etc.), and it was slowly approaching a square to serious Saturn, suggesting a need for gravitas.

Here’s what I wrote:

What I remember about That Day was how quiet the city became in the aftermath. We gathered at night in public places, needing the support of community. We gave up our defensive edges. We slowed down. Drivers did not honk their horns. With whomever we met in the course of the day, we would take the time to look into each others’ eyes and ask, with heartfelt sincerity, “how are you”?

We approached each other with such loving kindness — back then — perhaps because we were all so conscious of our collective shock and grief. Everyone seemed to know someone who knew someone who had died…or was at Ground Zero and escaped, covered in ash…or was supposed to be there, but Fate intervened, and they missed their train or their appointment in the city was canceled or whatever. Point is, we all had a story to tell…and a connection to this experience that connected us to each other. We were able to see ourselves in each other.

Time passes…it heals wounds…and we forget. And often, we forget the connection. Separation — which is an illusion — creeps back in. It’s us against them. We are racing to get here, there, everywhere. We get impatient with each other and start honking our horns again…or worse. And yes, I do have a thing against people who honk their horns and I have a byline to prove it. Point is, we are still sharing the same human experience — in a Big Picture, yet profoundly simple way. Even though we may forget.

These thoughts led me to decide as my tribute to 9/11,  I would pretend to be an exalted human being — and try to act accordingly — during the course of my errands in the city. That meant taking the time to consciously assess whomever I  engaged and imagining myself in their position before promoting my own agenda.

The employee behind the counter at Pret A Manger, for example, was a 20-something man with a wonderfully grounded, friendly intelligence. I thought about where he was at in his life — working behind a counter for probably not much more than minimum wage — and I wondered what his dreams might be at this nascent stage of his career. And as we were discussing the comparative merits of the caffeinated beverages offered at this fine establishment, I found myself telling him what a great job he was doing, and that I was certain his attitude and attentive presence would take him very far in life. I put my two dollars on the counter to pay for my coffee (decided not to spring for the cappuccino), and darned if he didn’t say, “It’s on the house”.

What a delightful surprise. What a lovely connection.

I wrote all that on a day with Moon in Leo — a time to be playful and shine. Thus it was apt to add this rallying cry in the rest of my 9/11 musings:

And what, pray tell, does this have to do with anything astro-logical?  How about this: with today’s Moon in playful, regal, sunny Leo, you are encouraged to let your light shine! Practice senseless acts of beauty and acts of random kindness. Show the world the results of your intention. Shine!

Today, however — 20 years after That Day — the Moon is in Scorpio, seeking depth and substance, with added empathy, expansion, and regenerative powers as it makes contact with Neptune, Jupiter, and Pluto…with Tuesday’s Sun-Neptune opposition humming in the background. This year, the song that pops into my mind to share is “Try a Little Tenderness,” as sung by Otis Redding, a.k.a. “The King of Soul.” Redding died in a plane crash at age 26 on December 10, 1967. So sad.

“Try a Little Tenderness” has an intriguing story, as reported in The Atlantic in 2017. It is a “song of resistance,” apparently.

Astrology being astrology, I knew there must be something going on in Otis Redding’s horoscope for his voice to suddenly pop into my head. Apparently, yesterday was his birthday. He would have turned 80 just like Bernie Sanders did last week. In Redding’s home state of Georgia, it was officially declared Otis Redding Day.

And yes, there are patterns in Redding’s horoscope that make strong connections with patterns in mine. You would find similar connections between your horoscope and the horoscope of any person you might be drawn to, dead or alive.

Astrology is amazing.

Here’s the 411 on personal consultations.

Thank you for reading this forecast.