Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday 2/14/2013: What’s Not to Like?
More of the same from yesterday — minus the morning upsets and afternoon/evening emotional turmoil you may have felt when the impulsive, impatient and fiery Aries Moon was challenged by shocking Uranus and ruthless Pluto. What does that leave us with? The ability to move forward in a straight line with dynamic intention. Energy applied that is well-supported available resources and structures — and don’t hesitate to be creative about those essential supports. Advance your agenda. Trust your intuition. Pretty cool, huh — or maybe even simmering or steamy. After all, it is Valentines’ Day…and isn’t it wonderful that the Aquarius Sun and Aries Moon are in a happy, balanced state of bliss this evening?
Moon goes void-of-course at 10:35PM ET…entering sensual, snuggly Taurus at 5:08AM ET. Enjoy the 8-hour rest the void suggests, and expect a perfectly pleasant morning on Friday…with or without a Valentine. Unless you insist on being grumpy, in which case the New York band The Orion Experience has written a song just for you.