Tag Archive for: elizabeth warren horoscope astrology 2020

Friday 3/6/2020 & the Weekend: Super Tuesday; Saturn in Capricorn & Aquarius


Let’s review the planetary patterns driving us into the weekend:

  • FRIDAY — Moon enters Leo at 4:29 AM ET, looking for a way to shine. Let the regal pronouncements begin, as the drama queens and kings take the stage. If you happen to run into one who is howling with indignation, pay them a compliment. Whatever it takes to fulfill that Leo Moon’s need to know it is loved.  Moon squares rebel Uranus at 11:06 AM ET, suggesting a shock or other upset to the status quo — and after that there are no exact aspects to the Moon for the rest of the day. Party time!
  • SATURDAY — nothing. Not a Moon void — just no aspects to the Leo Moon — so keep on partying, inspired by two meet-ups (conjunctions) that will occur on Sunday, but are in effect all week. Plan a beautiful escape; don’t be afraid to break the usual routine.
  • SUNDAY — Moon goes void at 4:13 AM ET and enters Virgo at 6:47 AM ET. A Virgo Moon needs to sort and put things right. With Mercury at a standstill, preparing to turn direct on Monday, that need may be intensified, but challenged. The Sun (leaders; vitality; willpower) meets up with Neptune at 8:24 AM ET — and here are some stories from past meet-ups. Remember that Neptune dissolves whatever it touches. The Sun refers to willpower and ego — and it’s in Pisces, sign of All for One. Is that why so many Democratic candidates gave up the fight (against each other), rallying around a higher cause?
  • SUNDAY — The rest of the day favors unconventional attractions, gender benders and surprises in matters of women, art, money and social expression, courtesy of another meet-up: Venus conjunct Uranus at 3:37 PM ET. Venus refers to arts; Uranus refers to upsets. Add them together with the Sun’s meet-up with Neptune (film and flu) and — surprise: film & tech fest SXSW is suddenly cancelled, as tech and media companies opt to skip it. Otherwise, high energy indeed, including market volatility; keep your grounding cord down through Monday, when the Virgo SuperMoon will be Full at 1:48 PM ET.  More on that in the next forecast.

No sleeping in on Monday.

And now, the news.

We certainly are seeing market volatility (the Fed cut interest rates and it didn’t help). And we have more than one gender-bender:

But before we continue with the  news, let’s talk about an important shift that happens in just two weeks. On March 21st at 11:57 PM ET, Saturn enters Aquarius. Saturn has not changed signs since December 19, 2017 — when it left Sagittarius and entered Capricorn. Avid Readers will recall that in the language of astrology, Saturn refers to necessary controls, structure, ambition, streamlining, patriarchy and authority. It functions well in Capricorn, the sign it rules. Saturn in Capricorn is good for business and good for authority, especially patriarchy (“patriarch” just happens to be the Spelling Bee seven-letter word in this weekend’s NYT Sunday magazine!).

Saturn is even stronger in Aquarius, where its ambition may more easily serve humanitarian purposes (anyone born with Saturn in Aquarius needs to help others in their vocation, if they are to be fulfilled). How are we likely to see the energy of structure, control, authority and ambition applied while Saturn is in Aquarius? We’ll see it in areas associated with Aquarius: e.g. networks, technology, astrology, aviation, circulation, groups, freedom, unconventional expression, friendship, the masses — to name a few. Here is a lengthy list of keywords for Aquarius.  If Capricorn is the old guard, Aquarius is the avant garde. Same comparison applies to Saturn vs. Uranus.

Saturn turns retrograde on May 11th. It will backtrack through Aquarius until July 2nd, when it re-enters Capricorn. Saturn turns direct on September 29th, but won’t re-enter Aquarius until December 17th. While Saturn is at the verrrry end of Capricorn, the needs of the Capricorn “old guard” Establishment are intensified and facilitated — in a “last gasp” effort to maintain authority and control!  We can expect the needs of the “avant garde” Aquarian keywords to demand attention and support when Saturn enters Aquarius. With respect to politics in the United States, note that Super Tuesday happened with Saturn at the very end of Capricorn.  So whatever traction the “avant garde” gets between March 21st and July 1st may be challenged or stifled during Saturn in Capricorn’s last stand between July 2nd and December 17th, during which we’ll have the Democratic Convention and — presumably — an election. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss?

We could say that the old guard prevailed in the aftermath of Super Tuesday. Please refer to my last forecast for the outlook for that day.  Klobuchar, Buttigieg and Bloomberg suspended their campaigns and rallied behind  Joe Biden. This does NOT mean they have completely ended their campaigns, even though that’s how it is being stated and reported.   A suspended campaign can — and does —  collect donations (to pay off debts). A suspended campaign can be re-activated — though I can’t recall a time when that has happened — apparently it’s been decades.  Meanwhile, even Bernie Sanders had to admit that his Super Tuesday wins were not as a result of younger voters swarming to the polls.

Elizabeth Warren suspended her campaign, but she has not endorsed Biden or Bernie. If I were her astrologer, I would have suggested she stick around for the March 15th debate. From what we know about her horoscope, we see potential for strong public support next week, as transiting Jupiter (expansion) activates her North Node (associations; connections).  That North Node will become even more prominent in May, as it connects with her Sun-Uranus in Cancer, at the Aries Point. She had a similar pattern last year, which was reflected in her becoming the early front-runner. She will be on a fiery tear around then, culminating in mid-July.

Her Sun-Uranus will be eclipsed at the Summer Solstice. What does that mean? Well, Andrew Yang‘s 4 Capricorn Ascendant was eclipsed in December — and he has other placements that are supercharging his horoscope through 2020. Sure, he pulled out of the presidential race, but now he’s a TV news commentator (my dream job!), and it’s said that he is thinking about running for office again — as mayor of New York. Does any of this look bad to you?

Joe Biden‘s horoscope is hot now — with a measurement between lightning rod Uranus activating the ruler of his 19 Virgo Midheaven (career, public status) and his 3 Gemini Descendant (cusp of the 7th House — relationships/the public).  That pattern will be exact in mid-May, too. Venus has just entered Taurus and is sitting on his 0 Taurus Moon, which is lovely. But between now and then, Biden will be muddling through a couple of challenges, especially in April. Saturn will square his Taurus Moon on April 6th, which may reflect a confining or cutting experience;  nebulous Neptune will oppose his Virgo Midheaven on April 20th, which may be victimizing, sanctifying, scandalous and/or all of the above. Republicans have already said they plan to “investigate” Hunter Biden, and it doesn’t look like Mitt Romney (R-UT) will stop them. Bottom line: November 3rd — Election Day — is a loooooong way away.

It’s been easier to anticipate the outcome of Israel’s wacky elections over the past year. With transiting Uranus hot in Israel’s horoscope, we expect the unpredictable. Last week, in its third effort (in one year!) to elect a prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu (who is under indictment) claimed victory on Monday. By Wednesday it seemed he had spoken too soon. He doesn’t have a majority. The third hit of Uranus in Israel’s horoscope will be exact on March 16th. Let’s watch for a surprise upset — again!

Another thing about Saturn in Aquarius is that it is getting closer and closer to an exact square with Uranus, disruptor of the status quo. Avid Readers know that I’ve been saying since as  far back as January 2015  that bubbles seem to pop when we have a hard pattern between Saturn and Uranus. The first one will be exact in early 2021, but the building pressure is clearly being reflected in current events.

Meanwhile, Acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney knows all about the downside of a heavy Saturn transit. Born on July 21, 1967 in Alexandria, VA, he has transiting Saturn exactly opposing his 28 Cancer Sun and almost exactly square his ruthless 0 Scorpio Mars. On Friday afternoon, when no one was paying attention, Mulvaney was dumped by P45 and replaced with cheerleader/Congressman Mark Meadows (R-NC).  It’s nice that they won’t have to replace the monogrammed towels in the Chief of Staff’s Executive Washroom, thus saving taxpayers thousands of dollars.

Mark Meadows was born on July 28, 1959 in Verdun, France. What reflects his sudden change of status? Transiting Uranus — planet of change – squaring his Leo Sun-Scorpio Neptune square. These aspects aren’t quite exact yet — that will happen later in the month. We don’t have a birth time for Mark Meadows, but we can see that Saturn will oppose his Sun in January 2021 — right around Inauguration Day. That may be the best news I’ve seen all day, if Meadows — like Mulvaney — experiences this transit as a downer.

What’s going on in your horoscope? Are you scheduled for a Saturn squeeze, an Uranus fresh start or a Jupiter expansion? Astrologers are like dentists, doncha’ know. Planetary cycles are always changing, so it’s good to consult with us every six months to a year. If you haven’t, you’re due for a check-up. Here’s the 411 on personal consultations.

Other encouraging headlines reflecting the odd way information has of coming to light during a Mercury retrograde can be found in historian Heather Cox Richardson’s latest letter.

Thank you for reading this forecast — and sharing it with your friends.

This is the astrological glyph for Saturn.