Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday 3/24/2011: Uranus in Aries
Courage. Initiative. Self-reliance. All of it inspiring. As I’ve written before, these are some of the positive keywords for the shift suggested by disruptive Uranus entering Aries on March 11th (coinciding with the 9.0 quake in Japan). A sense of how that can play out can be found in this piece about how people in a remote fishing village survived in the days following the quake and tsunami: Severed From the World, Villagers Survive on Tight Bonds and To-Do Lists No one waited for the cavalry. They relied upon each other. How well do you know your neighbors?
Today Moon continues its sojourn through opinionated Sagittarius, buoyed by a connection from expansive Jupiter, and tempered by a connection from controlling Saturn. Optimistic and efficient? Sold! In other news, saddened to read of Dame Elizabeth Taylor’s passing yesterday morning. Miss Taylor was born February 27, 1932 in London, UK, probably around 2 AM: Sun in Pisces, Moon in Scorpio, Sagittarius rising. There are certain astrological techniques for divining a fulfilling vocation for an individual, and in Miss Taylor’s case it is abundantly clear that she could shine in a career involving the performing arts AND service to a humanitarian cause or causes, if she used her free will and chose those paths. Fortunately for the world, she did…and may she rest in peace.